Tyrant Flycatchers


Eastern Wood-pewee, Contopus virens

Family Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers)

Size: 6.25"

Season: Summer

Habitat: Woodland edges, canyons, creek sides

The eastern wood-pewee is a large-headed, thick-necked flycatcher with drab plumage overall. It is brownish gray or olive gray, with pale whitish or dusky underparts and gray sides that meet at the breast. A very slight eye ring surrounds the dark eye, and the bill is thin, pointed, and has a pale lower mandible. There are thin wing bars along the coverts and edges of the tertials. It is nearly identical to the western wood-pewee, but the ranges do not normally overlap. Eastern wood-pewees fly-catch for insects, starting from a high perch and then returning to the same spot. Its voice is composed of shrill, high-pitched pee-wee notes. The adult is illustrated.