Jays, Crows
Blue Jay, Cyanocitta cristata
Family Corvidae (Jays, Crows)
Size: 11"
Season: Year-round
Habitat: Woodlands, rural sites, and urban areas
The solitary blue jay is a sturdy, crested jay. It is bright blue above and white below, with a thick, tapered, black bill. There is a white patch around the eye that extends to the chin, bordered by a thin, black “necklace” extending to the nape. It has a conspicuous white wing bar and dark barring on the wings and tail. In flight the white outer edges of the tail are visible. The jay alternates shallow wing beats with glides. Omnivorous, the blue jay eats just about anything, especially acorns, nuts, fruits, insects, and small vertebrates. It is a raucous and noisy bird and quite bold. Sometimes it mimics the calls of birds of prey. The adult is illustrated.