Jays, Crows
Common Raven, Corvus corax
Family Corvidae (Jays, Crows)
Size: 24"
Season: Year-round
Habitat: Wide range of habitats including deserts, mountains, canyons, and forests
The common raven is a large, stocky, gruff corvid with a long, massive bill that slopes directly into the forehead. The wings are narrow and long, and the tail is rounded or wedge-shaped. The entire body is glossy black, sometimes bluish, and the neck is laced with pointed, shaggy feathers. Quite omnivorous, it feeds on carrion, refuse, insects, and roadkill. It has a varied voice that includes deep croaking. Ravens may soar and engage in rather acrobatic flight. Crows are similar but are smaller, with proportionately smaller bills. The adult is illustrated.