

Nashville Warbler, Vermivora ruficapilla

Family Parulidae (Wood-Warblers)

Size: 4.5"

Season: Summer

Habitat: Deciduous and mixed woodlands, brushy areas, riparian zones, typically in drier areas

The Nashville warbler is a stocky, big-headed, bright warbler with a relatively short, rounded tail. Sexes are similar, with olive-green and gray upperparts, bright-yellow underparts and chin, and a bold, white eye ring. Even juveniles are similar, albeit paler. The adult male has a subtle, often-concealed reddish crown patch. Nashville warblers feed on insects and caterpillars, often high in vegetation, and may been seen pumping their tails up and down. Their voice includes repetitive, high-pitched dual notes, likened to see-it, followed by a rapid trill. The adult is illustrated.