Geese, Ducks, Mergansers
King Eider, Somateria spectabilis
Family Anatidae (Geese, Ducks, Mergansers)
Size: 21.5"
Season: Winter
Habitat: Inshore coastal waters
The king eider is a handsome sea-duck of the far north that visits New England in the winter. It has a short neck and a long, flattened head that merges into a bright-orange frontal protuberance, and a small, reddish bill. The head is further ornamented with powder blue on the crown and nape, green on the cheeks, and a dark line through the eye and outlining the base of the bill. The body is black except for the white breast, upperwing coverts, and a lower flank patch. The nonbreeding male is mostly dark brown with a much-reduced bill lobe. Females are brownish, extensively mottled, and scalloped with dark brown. King eiders dive, often very deep, for small aquatic prey and plants. The female (top) and breeding male (bottom) are illustrated.