Sparrows, Buntings
Eastern Towhee, Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Family Emberizidae (Sparrows, Buntings)
Size: 8"
Season: Summer
Habitat: Thickets, suburban shrubs, gardens
The eastern towhee is a large, long-tailed sparrow with a thick, short bill and sturdy legs. It forages on the ground in dense cover by kicking back both feet at once to uncover insects, seeds, and worms. It is black above, including the head and upper breast, and it has rufous sides and a white belly. The base of the primaries is white, as are the corners of the tail. Eye color ranges from red to white, depending on the region. Females are like the males but brown above. Its song is a musical drink-your-teee. The eastern towhee was once conspecific with the spotted towhee as the rufous-sided towhee. The adult male is illustrated.