Sparrows, Buntings


Chipping Sparrow, Spizella passerina

Family Emberizidae (Sparrows, Buntings)

Size: 5.5"

Season: Summer

Habitat: Dry fields, woodland edges, gardens

The chipping sparrow is a medium-size sparrow with a slightly notched tail and a rounded crest. The upperparts are barred black and brown with a gray rump, while the underparts are pale gray. The head has a rufous crown, white superciliary stripes, dark eye line, and white throat. The bill is short, conical, and pointed. The sexes are similar, and winter adults are duller and lack the rufous color on the crown. Chipping sparrows feed in trees or on open ground in loose flocks, searching for seeds and insects. Their voice is a rapid, staccato chipping sound. The breeding adult is illustrated.