Sparrows, Buntings


Dark-eyed Junco, Junco hyemalis

Family Emberizidae (Sparrows, Buntings)

Size: 6.5"

Season: Year-round

Habitat: Open coniferous and mixed woodlands, thickets, rural gardens

The dark-eyed junco is a small, plump sparrow with a short, conical pink bill and several distinct variations in plumage. The most widespread form, and the only form found in New England, is the “slate-colored.” It is slate gray to brownish gray overall with a white belly and undertail coverts, and a pinkish bill. The male is generally grayer, while the female tends to be browner. The white outer tail feathers are obvious in flight. Juncos hop about on the ground, often in groups, picking up insects and seeds. Their voice is a staccato, monotone, chirping trill. The slate-colored adult male is illustrated.