Sparrows, Buntings


Lapland Longspur, Calcarius lapponicus

Family Emberizidae (Sparrows, Buntings)

Size: 6.5"

Season: Winter

Habitat: Fields, shorelines

The Lapland longspur is a large, sparrow-like bird that forms enormous flocks during migration or on its wintering grounds. The breeding male is heavily streaked brown, black, and white above, and is white below with thick black streaking on the sides and flanks. The head and upper breast are black, the nape is chestnut, and a white line runs behind the eye and across the neck. Females and nonbreeding males are plainer on the head but show a distinct dark arc on the face. Longspurs are so called because of their elongated rear claws. They feed on the ground for seeds and insects. The nonbreeding male (top) and breeding male (bottom) are illustrated.