Sparrows, Buntings


Snow Bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis

Family Emberizidae (Sparrows, Buntings)

Size: 6.5"

Season: Winter

Habitat: Grassy fields, beaches

The aptly named snow bunting breeds in the highest, coldest latitudes of the Arctic region. Appearing plump due to its dense plumage, it is shaped like most sparrows and has a short bill. The breeding male is white with a black back, wing tips, central tail area, legs, bill, and eyes. Breeding females are similar but with grayish smudging on the face, nape, and crown, and paler, browner markings on the back. Nonbreeding adults are washed with rusty brown. Snow buntings forage on the ground for insects and seeds and voice a somewhat raspy, musical warble. The nonbreeding male (top) and breeding male (bottom) are illustrated.