Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Tanagers, Buntings


Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Pheucticus ludovicianus

Family Cardinalidae (Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Tanagers, Buntings)

Size: 8.25"

Season: Summer

Habitat: Deciduous or mixed woodlands, especially near dense shrub and water

The rose-breasted grosbeak is a chunky but lovely finch-like songbird with a relatively large head and a huge, conical bill. The breeding male is black on the head, wings, back, and tail, with contrasting white on the rump, outer retricies, and wing coverts. The underside is white with a brilliant, rose-colored breast. Females are quite different: dark brown above, white below with extensive streaking, and a boldly patterned white and brown face. Rose-breasted grosbeaks usually remain high in the canopy, feeding on a variety of insects, seeds, and fruits, and sing a cheery, musical, meandering song. The adult male (bottom) and a female (top) are illusrated.