Blackbirds, Grackles, Orioles


Red-winged Blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus

Family Icteridae (Blackbirds, Grackles, Orioles)

Size: 8.5"

Season: Summer

Habitat: Marshes, meadows, agricultural areas near water

The red-winged blackbird is a widespread, ubiquitous, chunky meadow dweller that forms huge flocks during the nonbreeding season. The male is deep black overall with bright-orange-red lesser coverts and pale medial coverts that form an obvious shoulder patch in flight but may be partially concealed on the perched bird. The female is barred tan and dark brown overall with a pale superciliary stripe and malar patch. Red-winged blackbirds forage marshland for insects, spiders, and seeds. Their voice is a loud, raspy, vibrating konk-a-leee given from a perch atop a tall reed or branch. The female (top) and male (bottom) are illustrated.