Blackbirds, Grackles, Orioles
Common Grackle, Quiscalus quiscula
Family Icteridae (Blackbirds, Grackles, Orioles)
Size: 12.5"
Season: Summer
Habitat: Pastures, open woodlands, urban parks
The common grackle is a large blackbird with an elongated body, a long, heavy bill, and long tail, which is fatter toward the tip and is often folded into a keel shape. Plumage is overall black with a metallic sheen of purple on the head and brown on the wings and underside. The eyes are a contrasting light-yellow color. Quite social, grackles form huge flocks with other blackbirds and forage on the ground for just about any kind of food, including insects, grains, refuse, and crustaceans. The voice is a high-pitched, rasping trill. The adult male is illustrated.