Blackbirds, Grackles, Orioles


Baltimore Oriole, Icterus galbula

Family Icteridae (Blackbirds, Grackles, Orioles)

Size: 8.5"

Season: Summer

Habitat: Deciduous woodlands, suburban gardens, parks

The Baltimore oriole is a somewhat stocky icterid with a short, squared tail and a straight, tapered bill. The male is bright yellow orange with a black hood. Wings are black with white edging to the flight feathers and coverts and a yellow-orange shoulder patch. The tail is orange with black along the base and down the middle. The female is paler along the sides with a white shoulder patch and a mottled, yellow-and-brown head and plain tail. It forages for insects, fruit, and nectar from the leafy canopy. It is sometimes considered, with Bullock’s oriole, as one species, the northern oriole. The adult male (bottom) and adult female (top) are illustrated.