Purple Finch, Carpodacus purpureus
Family Fringillidae (Finches)
Size: 6"
Season: Year-round
Habitat: Open coniferous and mixed woodlands, rural gardens and parks
The purple finch is a sturdy, large-headed finch with a short, notched tail and a thick, conical bill. The male is brownish red above with brown streaking, and whitish below with dusky or pink streaking. The head and breast are not purple but rosy red, and there is pale feathering at the base of the bill. Females and juveniles are brownish and heavily streaked, with noticeably darker facial markings on the crown, auricular, and malar region. Purple finches forage in small groups in trees or on the ground for seeds and insects. Their voice is a long, jumbled song of high whistles, cheeps, and trills. The adult female (top) and adult male (bottom) are illustrated.