White-winged Crossbill, Loxia leucoptera
Family Fringillidae (Finches)
Size: 6.5"
Season: Year-round
Habitat: Coniferous forests
The white-winged crossbill is a chunky finch with stubby legs and a proportionately smaller head and thinner bill than that of the red crossbill. Adult males have a rosy-red to pinkish body and head, with pale-gray lower flanks and black lores. The wings and tail are black, and there are two prominent white wing bars (giving it the common name). Females have greenish-yellow to olive-gray bodies suffused overall with brownish or gray streaking. White-winged crossbills use their unusual, curving, crossed mandibles to extract seeds from cones, typically those of fir, spruce, and hemlock. Their song consists of quick, chattering high notes and trills. The female (top) and male (bottom) are illustrated.