American Goldfinch, Spinus tristis
Family Fringillidae (Finches)
Size: 5"
Season: Year-round
Habitat: Open fields, marshes, urban feeders
The American goldfinch is a small, cheerful, social finch with a short, notched tail and a small, conical bill. In winter it is brownish gray, lighter underneath, with black wings and tail. There are two white wing bars, and bright yellow on the shoulders, around the eyes, and along the chin. In breeding plumage the male becomes light yellow across the back, underside, and head and develops a black forehead and loreal area, and the bill becomes orange. Females look similar to the winter males. American goldfinches forage by actively searching for insects and seeds of all kinds, particularly thistle seeds. Their voice is a meandering, musical warble that includes high cheep notes. The breeding female (top) and breeding male (bottom) are illustrated.