Pine Siskin, Carduelis pinus
Family Fringillidae (Finches)
Size: 5"
Season: Year-round
Habitat: Coniferous woodlands, rural gardens
The pine siskin is a small, cryptically colored finch with a short tail and a narrow, pointed bill. The head and back are light brown overall and heavily streaked with darker brown. The underside is whitish and streaked darker. There is a prominent yellow wing bar on the greater coverts, and yellow also appears on the flight-feather edges and base of the primaries. Females are marked similarly, with a darker underside and white—not yellow—wing bar. Individuals can be quite variable as to the amount of streaking and prominence of yellow coloring. Pine siskins forage energetically in small groups for seeds and insects, sometime clinging upside down to reach food. Their voice consists of high-pitched, erratic, raspy chips and trills. The adult male is illustrated.