Geese, Ducks, Mergansers
Bufflehead, Bucephala albeola
Family Anatidae (Geese, Ducks, Mergansers)
Size: 14"
Season: Winter
Habitat: Lakes, rivers, coastal bays
The bufflehead is diminutive; indeed, it is the smallest duck in North America. Also known as the bumblebee duck, this small diver forms small flocks that forage in the open water for aquatic plants and invertebrates. The puffy, rounded head seems large for its body and small gray-blue bill. The breeding male is striking, with a large white patch on the back half of its head that contrasts with the black front of the head and back. The underside is white. The female is paler overall with a dark gray-brown head and an airfoil-shaped white patch behind the eye. The bufflehead flies low to the water with rapid wing beats. The breeding female (top) and breeding male (bottom) are illustrated.