Herons, Egrets
Least Bittern, Ixobrychus exilis
Family Ardeidae (Herons, Egrets)
Size: 13"
Season: Summer
Habitat: Fresh or brackish marshes
The least bittern, the smallest heron, is secretive and more often heard than seen. It creeps and clambers through densely vegetated marshes searching for frogs, invertebrates, and other aquatic creatures, emitting a soft cooing call or kaw when disturbed. It is rarely seen in flight. Its back is a dark blue gray and its midwing and body a buffy brown with white streaking. The crown is dark gray, and the bill is yellow and pointed. Legs and feet are yellow with long, thin toes for grasping clumps of vegetation. The female is paler along the back and crown. When alarmed, it will stand motionless with its head straight up, imitating a stalk of reeds. The adult male is illustrated.