


Odonata: The Odonata is the collective term for the society that includes the Jraconi and Zyg populations.

Jracon/Jraconi: The dragonflies, made up of many subclasses: the noble Emeralds (Rangers, Rulers and Academics), Darters (scribes, medicos and researchers), Chasers (artisans, performers), Skimmers (farmers, horticulturalists, hunter-gatherers), Clubtails (grunts, soldiers), and Hawkers (the once proud paladin class, protectors of the Odonata, now tainted by the Malada Corruption).

Zygs: The damselflies, lowly cousins to the Jraconi, occupying low-level positions in society such as servants, maids, personal assistants, farm hands.

Tracheae: The tubes through which many insects breathe, taking air from outside, through their Spiracles, direct into the tissues.

Spiracles: The holes dotted across an insect's body, connected to the Tracheae, which allow air to move into the body for breathing.

Tarsus (plural - Tarsi): The outermost joint of an insect's segmented leg, and that which Jraconi and Zygs use to grip, gesticulate and cast spells.

Thorax: The middle segment of an insect's body and that which bears the legs and wings.

Abdomen: The third and last segment of an insect's body, usually containing the heart, major digestive and reproductive organs.

Mandibles: The jaws of an insect, in the case of a Jracon these are hinged to allow for a rapid forward-moving action to capture prey.

Carapace: The hard exoskeleton of an insect.

Nymph/Naiad: The aquatic larval stage of a Jracon or Zyg, sometimes used as a derogatory term.

Salix: The willow tree within and around which the Odonata society exists, their Citadel where the Council sits and many Noble families live. The Salix is augmented and maintained with Mestre Planta Thauma.

Thauma: Magic. Seven known schools of Thauma: Ar (Air magic), Agua (Water magic), Terra (Earth magic), Chama Fogo (Fire Magic), Mestre Planta (Plant magic), Mestre Bichou (Animal magic) and Malada (Corrupt magic, used only by the tainted Hawkers).

Raposa: Commonly known as the red fox.

Bovies: Commonly known as the domestic cow.

Jasper: Commonly known as the common wasp.

