Chapter 5

Discover Your Word: Look Up



Once you’ve prepared your heart, you are ready to receive your word. That’s right; receive it. Contrary to what you might have thought, you don’t have to chase after your word or feel stressed at the thought of trying to choose it. After you have prepared your heart, you’re ready to simply look up to the Creator.

There is a word that’s meant for each one of us—a word based on where we are in our lives and where God wants to guide us. That’s why, in a room with hundreds of people, almost everyone will have a different word. There are different words for people with different circumstances and destinies.

The process of looking up is meant to be peaceful, not stressful. Filled with hope, not despair. Fueled by faith, not by fear. You don’t have to force it or add it as another checkmark on your to-do list.

After preparing your heart, all you have to do is plug in and listen up. Then God will reveal your word to you.

Plug In

Plugging in requires that you make time for prayer. Whether you pray while taking a morning walk, going to bed, showering, gardening, or driving to work, prayer is simply having a conversation with God. When you express your needs and wants, struggles and failures, and hopes and dreams, you reveal your heart to God and allow God to share unconditional love for you.

During your prayers, ask God to take control. This takes courage, because it pushes you out of your comfort zone. We prefer to be the driver of the car. We like to take control, roll up our sleeves, and get it done. But prayer takes some of the pressure off of us and places it in capable hands. You don’t have to create your own word. God has a word for you.

Prayer should be our first response—not our last resort.

While you are praying, ask God to reveal the word that is meant for you. Ask, “What do you want to do in me and through me?” After all, it’s not about you picking a word that might be good for you. It’s about receiving the word that is meant for you to live and share with others.

The One Word process is a journey to discover a God word, not just a good word. A good word is one that makes sense, because it is an area of your life that needs work or development. But a God word is more personal, and it’s revealed to you specifically for this moment in time.

In the early years, the words we chose were 99 percent of our own choosing and only 1 percent God speaking. Even so, God still used the process! As we’ve become more experienced, we’ve learned to really listen and watch for God’s lead in selecting the word. Now we can truly say, “It’s not about us, but about God.” We don’t pick; God shows us.

Get a God word, not just a good word.

When we look up, we recognize that God knows what is best for us. A God word is best. Don’t settle for anything less. Boldly ask God for the word; be open and willing to listen for that still, small voice and wait for God to reveal your word to you.

Listen Up

The second part of looking up is listening up. Most people talk to God, but few listen to God. After asking God to reveal your word, it’s important to listen and be open to the word that God shares. God uses all means to communicate with us, and you never know when, where, and how your word will be revealed to you.

God may reveal your word while you are reading an inspirational book, a devotional, or the Bible. Some will hear their word while listening to a song. Others will hear a small voice that whispers their word to them. Some folks even receive their word in a dream. Many children have told us their words came to them while lying in bed or praying before bedtime. Others have said their word came while cooking or showering.

Jon received his word last year while hurting his knee jumping in the ocean. He heard the word Surrender and knew it was the word meant for him.

Jimmy hears most clearly from God when he’s cycling or training. When working out, he listens to teaching podcasts and worship music. He writes down several words over time and asks God to confirm his word through scripture and by staying plugged in to the source.

Dan waits for his word with a Bible in one hand and his journal in the other. During this time, he reads, reflects, and writes down the thoughts and nuggets revealed to him. This allows him to look into God’s Word for his One Word.

We can’t tell you in what way your word will be revealed to you. But if you prepare your heart, ask God for the word that is meant for you, and listen for God to speak into your life, God will find the best way to share your word with you. When you look up, God gives you the eyes to see and the ears to hear the word you are meant to live this year.
