1 [An address delivered in the house in which Paracelsus was born, at Einsiedeln (Canton Schwyz), June, 1929, under the auspices of the Literary Club of Zurich, and published in Der Lesezirkel (Zurich), XVI: 10 (Sept., 1929). Reprinted in Wirklichkeit der Seele (Zurich, 1934) and as a pamphlet (St. Gallen, 1952).—EDITORS.]
2 See the excellent edition of Paracelsus’s writings prepared by Bernhard Aschner.
3 [Paracelsus died Sept. 24, 1541, at Salzburg, where he was buried in the cemetery of St. Sebastian, “among the poor of the almshouse” (Jacobi, in her edn. of Paracelsus’ selected writings, p. lxi).—EDITORS.]
4 “Let him not be another’s who can be his own.”
5 “Agrippa spares no man; he contemns, knows, knows not, weeps, laughs, waxes wroth, reviles, carps at all things; being himself philosopher, demon, hero, god, and all things.”