Psalm 17:8


Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings.

A world-renowned authority on child development once said that every child deserves to have someone in his or her life who is absolutely crazy about them. Unfortunately, in mortal living and temporal existence, that is not always the good fortune of every child. But it is true that, in a wonderful way known only to Him, God can see every child, every individual born on the earth, as “the apple of [His] eye.” We do not know how that divine compassion can be so broad and still be so individualistic, but it is. Somehow God can focus on every one of us personally, know the concerns and fears of each one of us uniquely. In those times of our need, it is as if no other voice distracts Him, no other need in the universe diverts Him. In those moments when we especially need Him, in times of trouble or otherwise, we are seemingly the sole object of His affection and attention. We are the “apple of [His] eye” and, like the protective, vigilant parent that He is, He hides us “under the shadow of [His] wings.” Every child—of whatever age—can take great comfort from that, especially in times of trouble.

PSALM 17:8
Returning Home. Private Collection.
William Manners/The Bridgeman Art Library/Getty Images.