Psalm 69:3
I am weary of my crying . . .
This brief line needs no real commentary. It speaks eloquently enough in its six-word poignancy. Surely every one of us has had some sorrow, some intensely personal grief so great that we became weary simply shedding so many tears. When these times come, it may help to remember three things:
First, a good cry is therapeutic. No one wants this kind of therapy too often, but it is true that the release of such powerful, pent-up emotion can be good for us. In deeply personal circumstances it is both natural and appropriate to weep, to let some equilibrium come back and restore our emotional balance.
Second, one of the greatest of all scenes recorded in latter-day scripture is the description of Enoch’s encounter with God wherein our Father in Heaven is seen weeping over His children on earth.
“And it came to pass that the God of heaven looked upon the residue of the people, and he wept, . . . And Enoch said unto the Lord: How is it that thou canst weep, seeing thou art holy, and from all eternity to all eternity? . . . The Lord said unto Enoch: Behold these thy brethren; they are the workmanship of mine own hands, . . . the whole heavens shall weep over them . . . wherefore should not the heavens weep, seeing these shall suffer?”143 Christ also wept for the sorrows and troubles of His people.144 If divine beings can weep over the ills and sorrows to be faced in mortality,145 so can we.
Third, what comfort we take from the promise of another psalm, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.”146 Sometimes (we hope not too often) the only way to reap joy is to sow tears. There may be pain, effort, hard work, and sorrow in bearing, planting, and sowing precious seed, but the promises of the Lord are sure: “Whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap.”147 And every one of us can trust that someday, somehow, somewhere every good seed we have sown and every honest deed we have done, every faithful effort we have made and every virtuous thought we have had will bring its own reward and will be counted for our good in the great days of divine harvest.
When you are weary from crying, hold on. Those tears will soon be dried from your eyes.