Secondary sources of quotations and other material used in the text are listed below by author name and, if necessary, a prominent word in the title to distinguish between multiple publications by the same author. Fuller citations are available in the bibliography. Many of the primary sources used in the book have been taken from the internet. Referencing these is problematic, since website addresses change frequently. Rather than providing a full web address which might prove out of date soon after publication of this book, I have simply noted that the source in question is taken from the internet. Readers wanting to locate the complete document can use a search engine to find it. References pertaining to online journals lack page numbers, as these are seldom available in online editions.

1. Preludes

1 Terkel, 446.
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.,447.
4 Ibid., 447–48.
5 Ibid., 449.
6 Truman to Cavert, 11 August 1945; Truman Diary, 24 July 1945, Truman Library.
7 DeGroot, Bomb, 111; Truman, 87.
8 DeGroot, Bomb, 111.
9 Dylan, 29–30.
10 Chesterton Tribune, 1 December 2004, quoted in Terkel, 449.
11 Ibid.
12 Katz, 8; P. Levy, 15–16; Atlantic Monthly, August 1950.
13 Gitlin, 14; Halberstam, Fifties, 142; Sandbrook, Never, 116.
14 Halberstam, Fifties, 139; P. Levy, 34; Katz, 61–62, 122; Malvina Reynolds, “Little Boxes,” Ear to the Ground, Audio CD, 2000.
15 Katz, 122; Friedan, 11.
16 Friedan, 11–13; Miller and Nowak, 92.
17 Sandbrook, Never, 388.
18 Katz, 25–26.
19 Terkel, 581.
20 Green, 49; Maitland, 210–211.
21 Potter, 83–84; Siegfried, 731; “Port Huron Statement,” internet.
22 Hayden, Reunion, 14, 21; Maitland, 102–103, 165, 176.
23 Lucas, 255; Siegfried, 737.
24 Hayden, Reunion, 178.
25 Kerouac, 225; Siegfried, 737; Kennedy, 120.
26 Szatmary, 59; Sunday Mail, 24 May 1964; Booker, 15; Roth, 86; Kennedy, 124.
27 Cottle, 267; McAdam, 19.

2. Premonitions

1 Transistorized,
2 Holiday, June 1955.
3 Consumer Reports, April 1955.
4 Dolfsma, 424.
5 Halberstam, Fifties, 473; Daily Mail, 2 October 1963; Terkel, 582–583.
6 The Times, 2 April 1964; Booker, 236; Dolfsma, 426.
7 Katz, 92; Daily Mail, 4 and 5 September 1956; P. Levy, 26–27; Marqusee, 98.
8 Harvey, 266–267.
9 Steve Silberman, “How Beat Happened,” internet.
10 Ginsberg, “Howl,” internet.
11 Silberman.
12 Ibid.
13 Esquire, December 1958.
14 New York Times Magazine, 16 November 1952; Kerouac, 8.
15 Burns, 13.
16 Scrimshaw, 254.
17 Halberstam, Fifties, 605.
18 Greer, 48.
19 Weiner and Stillman, 100, 104; Maitland, 150–151; American Experience, segment entitled “The Pill: Shifts in Attitudes,”
20 John Henrik Clarke, “The Passing of Patrice Lumumba,” 1, internet.
21 Lumumba, Independence Day speech, 30 June 1960, internet.
22 Clarke, 1; Lumumba, Independence Day speech; Schwar and Shaloff, 495.
23 Clarke, 1; Marqusee, 116.
24 US News and World Report, 24 July 2000; Hargreaves, 181.
25 Bill Vann, “The Unquiet Death of Patrice Lumumba,” internet; Gibbs, “Let Us Forget,” 177; Schwar and Shaloff, 503.
26 Schwar and Shaloff, 617; Melvern, 152.
27 Vann.
28 Gibbs, “Misrepresenting,” 456–457; Melvern, 151.
29 Patrice Lumumba to his wife, n.d. (December 1960), internet.
30 Observer, 6 November 1960; Independent, 18 March 2006; The Times, 21 October 1960; Levin, 281.
31 Levin, 284–285.
32 Observer, 6 November 1960; Independent, 18 March 2006.
33 Levin, 287–290.
34 Observer, 6 November 1960.
35 Sandbrook, Never, xii.
36 Kennedy Inaugural Address, internet.
37 Richard Goodwin, 98.
38 Sorenson, 99–100.
39 New Statesman, 27 January 1961; Steigerwald, 10.
40 P. Levy, 23–25.
41 Kennedy Inaugural Address.
42 Ibid.
43 Carter, 36; Kennedy Inaugural Address; Gromyko to Khrushchev, 3 August 1960, Cold War International History Bulletin (Fall 1994), 66.
44 Richard Goodwin, 116.

3. Hard Rain

1 David Sibeko, “The Sharpeville Massacre,” 1976, internet.
2 Harold Macmillan, Winds of Change Speech, internet.
3 Sobukwe, quoted in Sibeko, “The Sharpeville Massacre.”
4 Sobukwe press conference, 18 March 1960, internet.
5 Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), Vol. 3, Chapter 6, para. 28, internet; Ambrose Reeves, “The Sharpeville Massacre: A Watershed in South Africa,” 1966, internet.
6 “Sharpeville Feature,” South African History Online; Sibeko, “The Sharpeville Massacre.”
7 “Sharpeville Feature.”
8 Reeves, “The Sharpeville Massacre.”
9 “Sharpeville Feature”; Reeves, “The Sharpeville Massacre.”
10 On This Day, 21 March 1960,; Reeves, “The Sharpeville Massacre.”
11 TRC report, Vol. 3, Chapter 6, internet; Reeves, “The Sharpeville Massacre.”
12 On This Day.
13 Reeves.
14 Ibid.
15 “A Program of Covert Action against the Castro Regime,” 17 March 1960, National Security Archive (NSA).
16 Rusk, 449.
17 Aguilar, 220, 243, 245, 253.
18 Hunt interview, The Cold War, Episode 18,
19 CIA Information Report, 6 April 1961, NSA.
20 Kudryavtsev Diary, 14 April 1961, NSA; Gosse, 205.
21 Hunt interview.
22 “The Inspector General’s Survey of the Cuban Operation,” NSA.
23 Kennedy Speech, 20 April 1961, internet; Time, 28 March 1961.
24 “The Inspector General’s Survey of the Cuban Operation,” NSA.
25 Lansdale memorandum, 16 March 1962.
26 BBC News, 19 October 2000; New York Times, 19 November 1997; “Possible Actions to Provoke, Harass or Disrupt Cuba,” 1 March 1962, NSA.
27 Guardian, 22 October 2005.
28 Trachtenburg, History and Strategy, 172.
29 Trachtenberg, “Berlin Crisis,” 25, 31.
30 William Burr, “US Policy and the Berlin Crisis: An Overview,” NSA, n.p.
31 Benina Gould, ed., “Living in the Question? The Berlin Nuclear Crisis Critical Oral History,” 14–15, internet; Burr, n.p.
32 Gould, 18; Khrushchev: The Man, His Manner, His Outlook, and His View of the US, State Department PMK D/11, 25 May 1961, internet.
33 Gould, 21.
34 Burr, n.p.; Thompson to Rusk, 27 May 1961, NSA.
35 Gould, 15; Khrushchev, 454.
36 McNamara, 8.
37 Department of Defense News Release, 21 October 1961, NSA.
38 R. Reeves, 174–177; Memorandum of White House conference, 20 September 1961, NSA.
39 Lemnitzer, memo to Taylor, 6 September 1961, NSA; Hitchcock, 220.
40 Gould, 13–17; Burlatsky, 166–167; Khrushchev, 460.
41 Gould, 73.
42 Gustainis, 10.
43 Capps, 46.
44 Williams, 191.
45 Duiker, 126; Herring, Pentagon Papers, 57.
46 Williams, 195–196; Ball, 366.
47 Ball, 366.
48 Duiker, 146–147.
49 Truong Chinh, 116–117; Harrison, 145.
50 Chanoff and Toai, 61.
51 Harrison, 173; Race, 112.
52 MacDonald, 82; Lewy, 272.
53 Duncanson, 325; McMahon, 185.
54 Paterson, 243.
55 Schlesinger, 770.
56 Adamsky and Smirnov, 19.
57 Adamsky and Smirnov; Department of Defense Press Release, 21 October 1961, NSA.
58 Financial Times, 13 October 2001; CNN, “The Cold War,”
59 “Address to the American People about the Cuban Missile Crisis,” internet.
60 Rhodes, Dark Sun, 574.
61 Ibid., 565, 575; Blum, 87.
62 McNamara, 10; Blum, 88.
63 “Richard Rhodes on the Arms Race,” American Experience: The Race for the Superbomb,
64 John Kennedy, “Address to the American People on the Nuclear Test Ban,” 26 July 1963, internet.
65 Blight, 104.

4. All Gone to Look for America

1 Fayer, 100.
2 C. Carson, Struggle, 14; P. Levy, 41–42.
3 Williams, 153.
4 Fayer, 141.
5 Ibid., 106.
6 Ibid., 113.
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid., 109, 112–113.
9 M. L. King, “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” 16 April 1963, internet. The “distinguished jurist” he refers to is Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.
10 Steigerwald, 53.
11 P. Levy, 82.
12 Kennedy, Civil Rights Speech, 11 June 1963, internet.
13 Ibid.
14 White, 1964, 206.
15 Schorr, 205.
16 Eisen and Steinberg, 89.
17 Mills, in New Left Review, Sept.–Oct. 1960; Savio, in Humanity, December 1964; P. Levy, 134.
18 Ross, 661; Jupp, 415; Marcuse, 1.
19 Hayden, 259.
20 Gitlin, 109.
21 Hayden, 73; Kurlansky, 86.
22 Miller, 329–330.
23 Gitlin, 102.
24 Viorst, Fire, 195; Miller, 332.
25 Gitlin, 102; Schneir, 30–31.
26 Kurlansky, 87.
27 P. Levy, 143.
28 Schneir, 29.
29 Young, Dissent, 361,
30 P. Levy, 142.
31 Lynd, 69; Marqusee, 165.
32 Marcuse, xii, 256; Lynd, 71; New Left Review, Sept.–Oct. 1960.
33 Brzezinski, in New Republic, 1 June 1968.
34 John Lewis, Speech in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the March on Washington, 24 July 2003, internet.
35 Ibid.
36 Sitkoff, 160; Fayer, 161; Lewis speech.
37 Lewis speech; New York Times, 29 August 1963.
38 I Have a Dream: The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., 192968, audio recording (New York: ABC Records), n.d.; Harding, 123; Fayer, 167.
39 King, Dream speech, internet; Gentile, 250.
40 Fayer, 170; Albert and Hoffman, 240; Gitlin, 146; Malcolm X, “Message to the Grass Roots,” internet.
41 King, Dream speech.
42 Dialogue Magazine, Spring 1964; King, Dream speech.
43 W. H. Lawson, “A Righteous Anger,” unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Florida State University, 2005.
44 Kennedy, inaugural address, internet.
45 Berman, Personal recollection.
46 O’Donnell and Powers, 16; Charlton and Moncrieff, 81; Shapley, 262.
47 Williams, 187; Paterson, 249.
48 Rusk, 442.
49 Berman, 8, 19; Davidson, 302.
50 Herring, Pentagon Papers, 73–74, 79–81.
51 Newman, 422.
52 Scotland on Sunday, 14 November 1993.
53 Lawson, 246.

5. Call Out the Instigators

1 New York Times, 15 April 1964.
2 R. Carson, 2; New York Times, 22 July 1962.
3 New York Times, 22 July 1962,15 April 1964.
4 Ibid., 15 April 1964; P. Levy, 53.
5 Patterson, 729.
6 Peter Coyote, interview with Etan Ben-Ami, 12 January 1989, Digger Archives, internet.
7 Time, 29 March 1999; Todd Gitlin, “Reassessing the Sixties,” 5, Sunrise Dancer website.
8 Steigerwald, 220.
9 Fayer, 242.
10 Malcolm X, “Message to the Grass Roots,” Nov. 1963, internet.
11 Blum, 254; Malcolm X, “Message to the Grass Roots”; Steigerwald, 221; Official website of Malcolm X, internet.
12 Malcolm X website.
13 Fayer, 244–245, 250, 254–255.
14 Marqusee, 70; Hauser, 105.
15 Malcolm X website; Fayer, 259–260; Steigerwald, 221.
16 Marqusee, 91, 138; Steigerwald, 221.
17 Malcolm X website; Marqusee, 138–139.
18 Ramparts, June 1967; Fayer, 262.
19 Fayer, 261; Ramparts, June 1967.
20 Weiner and Stillman, 43.
21 Mark Rudd, “How a Movie Changed My Life,” internet.
22 New Left Review, Nov.–Dec. 1996.
23 Moreno, 122, 127.
24 Kurlansky, 159.
25 Ibid., 168.
26 Yevgeny Yevtushenko, “The Keys of the Comandante,” NACLA Magazine (October 1971),
27 “The Greatest,” Columbia Records, 1963; Sports Illustrated, 20 November 1965; Hauser, 78.
28 Riess, 395; New York Times, 27 February 1964.
29 Hauser, 83; Marqusee, 9.
30 Hauser, 82; Ramparts, June 1967; Riess, 394–345.
31 Marqusee, 78, 171.
32 Malcolm X, 414; Hauser, 65.
33 Marqusee, 80.
34 Ibid., 88.
35 Ramparts, June 1967; Hauser, 135; Marqusee, 142.
36 Marqusee, 84.
37 Sports Illustrated, 14 October 1965.
38 Hauser, 139–140.
39 Marqusee, 142.
40 Ibid., 162, 176.
41 Ibid., 175.
42 Ibid., 176.
43 Hauser, 154–155; Ali and Durham, 206.
44 Marqusee, 214–215.
45 Riess, 376–377.
46 Maitland, 37–38; Sandbrook, White Heat, 218–219.
47 Melissa Casburn, “A Concise History of the British Mod Movement,” internet; Sandbrook, White Heat, 220.
48 Maitland, 192–193.
49 Weiner and Stillman, 18; Washington Post, 12 January 1969.
50 Booker, 275.
51 Weiner and Stillman, 104.
52 Sixties Fashion Exhibition, Victoria and Albert Museum.
53 Sandbrook, White Heat, 224.
54 Guardian, 10 October 1967; Maitland, 181–183.
55 Maitland, 39.
56 Maitland, 212; Time, 15 April 1966.

6. Universal Soldiers

1 Karnow, 411.
2 Ball, 379.
3 New York Times, 5 August 1964; Williams, 236–237.
4 Williams, 236–239; Baritz, 130; Herring, Longest War, 123.
5 Gardner, 139.
6 Duiker, 170–171.
7 Johnson, 125, 127; McMaster, 215–216.
8 Herring, Pentagon Papers, 114.
9 Jack Shulimson, “The Marine War: III MAF in Vietnam, 1965–1971,” 1996 Vietnam Symposium, Vietnam Center, Texas Tech University, n.p., internet.
10 Williams, 243, 247; Kearns, 251–252; Steigerwald, 74–75.
11 VanDeMark, 51, 93; Taylor, 340–342; Schandler, 24; Herring, Longest War, 132.
12 Herring, Pentagon Papers, 123.
13 McMahon, 233; Herring, Pentagon Papers, 123; Williams, 251.
14 Johnson, 151–152; Kearns, 252–253; Halberstam, Best and Brightest, 643.
15 Johnson, 149; Emerson, 377.
16 Williams, 253; Gardner, 258.
17 James, 24–25.
18 Bregman, 106; Oren, 117, 125.
19 James, 26.
20 Bregman, 105; James, 35; Bowen, 70.
21 James, 32.
22 Ibid., 31–32.
23 Parker, 217; Amr Yossef, “The Six-Day War Revisited,” internet.
24 Bowen, 73.
25 Ibid., 73, 92.
26 Ibid., 95.
27 Parker, 165; Bowen, 133.
28 Bowen, 324.
29 Ibid., 325.
30 Post, “Biafra,” 27; Onwubu, 399.
31 Onwubu, 399.
32 Oguibe, 92.
33 Bamisaiye, 32; Oguibe, 86; Sunday Times, 12 May 1968.
34 Oguibe, 95.
35 Ibid.
36 Bamisaiye, 32.
37 Life, 12July 1968.
38 Ponting, 231; BBC News, 3 January 2000.
39 Oguibe, 97.
40 Song Yongyi, “The Cultural Revolution and the War against Fascism,” 2005, internet; Epoch Times, 23 December 2004.
41 Chang, 457–458.
42 Hsü, 831.
43 Hiniker, 292; Hsü, 833; van Ginneken, 62.
44 Schram, 616.
45 “Decision concerning the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution,” CCP, 8 August 1966, internet; Chang, 537539; Epoch Times, 23 December 2004.
46 “Decision.”
47 Wang Youqin, “The Past Is Not Another Country,” internet.
48 Hoffman, 6, 14; Epoch Times, 23 December 2004.
49 Liang and Shapiro, 54.
50 “Decision”; Song Yongyi speech; Pye, 603.
51 “Decision”; Song Yongyi speech; Pye, 603.
52 Dittmer, 332.
53 ABC Online, 16 May 2006; Zhai Zhenhua, 150.
54 Song Yongyi speech.
55 Rossman, 25–26.
56 Sun-Childers, 245–246; Pu Ning, 255; Hiniker, 296.

7. And in the Streets . . .

1 Alan Fletcher, “Quadrophenia: The Story,” internet.
2 Barnes, 8.
3 Melissa Casburn, “A Concise History of the British Mod Movement,” internet.
4 “The Mods of 1960,” 15 May 2002,
5 Jamie Rave, “The Sawdust Caesars of 1964,” 15 May 1997, internet.
6 Casburn.
7 Barnes, 15.
8 Rave, “The Sawdust Caesars.”
9 Independent, 4 April 2004.
10 Times, 20 April 1992.
11 Cohen, 37; Barnes, 127.
12 Times, 19 May 1964; Cohen, 109.
13 Times, 20 April 1992; Rave; Cohen, 140; Independent, 04 April 2004.
14 Parliamentary Debates, 23 June 1964.
15 Times, 5 August 1964; Independent, 4 April 2004.
16 Argus, 24–25 September 2005; Times, 5 August 1964; Pearson, 75.
17 Argus, 24–25 September 2005.
18 Los Angeles Times, 11 August 2005.
19 McCone Commission Report, internet.
20 Los Angeles Times, 11 August 2005.
21 Ibid.
22 Newsweek, 30 August 1965.
23 Boskin, 3.
24 Lydon, 56.
25 McCone Report.
26 Ibid.
27 Ibid.
28 Ibid.; Brown, Manchild, vii–viii.
29 Los Angeles Times, 11 August 2005; Steigerwald, 211; Marqusee, 186.
30 McCone Report; Washington Post, 14 August 2005; Newsweek, 30 August 1965; Blum, 253.
31 Newsweek, 21 August 1967.
32 Telephone conversation, 18 August 1965, Johnson Presidential Library.
33 McCone Report.
34 Kerner Commission Report, internet.
35 Steigerwald, 199; Elaine Brown, “Until We’re Free,” Motown Records, 1973.
36 Steigerwald, 214; Kerner Commission Report.
37 Katope and Zolbrod, 32.
38 P. Levy, 131.
39 Humanity, December 1964; Katope and Zolbrod, 29.
40 Savio, Free Speech Movement address, 2 December 1964, internet; Kurlansky, 92.
41 Kurlansky, 180.
42 Stephen Smale, “Autobiographical Notes,” Bancroft Library, Berkeley, 18; Rubin, Growing, 77.
43 Smale, 18; Morris Hirsch, interview with Gerard DeGroot, 6 September 1991.
44 San Francisco Chronicle, 23 May 1965.
45 Lucas, 218; Stephen Smale, interview with Gerard DeGroot, 1991.
46 Hirsch interview; Life, 10 December 1965.
47 Daily Californian, 17 November 1965; Vietnam Day Committee press release, 13 September 1965, Bancroft Library, Berkeley; Smale, 27; Rubin, Dolt!, 38.
48 J. F. Coakley to Edmund G. Brown (copy), 1 Oct. 1965, Berkeley Chancellor Files.
49 San Francisco Chronicle, 15, 16, October 1965; Oakland Tribune, 16 October 1965, Rubin, Do It!, 40–41; Life, 10 December 1965.
50 Sunday Examiner and Chronicle, 3 April 1966; San Francisco Examiner, 26 October 1966.
51 Halstead, 59–60.
52 Vietnam Day Committee, We Accuse, 26.
53 Pas, “Bielievers,” 8–11.
54 Teun Voeten, “Dutch Provos,” High Times, January 1990.
55 Ibid.
56 Ibid.
57 Kennedy, 133.
58 Voeten.
59 Ibid.
60 Ibid.
61 Kennedy, 134.
62 Ibid., 135.
63 Ibid., 143.
64 Pas, “Bielievers,” 8–11.
65 Jim Hougan, “Havamarawanna: A Floating Alternative Nursery,” internet.
66 “Ordinary People Living Extraordinary Lives: The Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi,” internet.
67 Johnson, Voting-rights speech, 15 March 1965, internet.
68 King, “Our God Is Marching On,” internet.
69 Johnson, Civil Rights Address to Congress, 1968, internet.
70 Marqusee, 181.
71 Kurlansky, 7; Garrow, 557.

8. Sex, Drugs, and Rockn' Roll

1 Leary, 334.
2 Ibid., 324–327, 342–344.
3 Green, 177; Marwick, 311; Weiner and Stillman, 62; Katz, 221–222.
4 Lucas, 220.
5 Unger and Unger, 179.
6 Katz, 226; MacDonald, 15.
7 Green, 55; Lee and Shlain, 129.
8 Sunday Times, 20 August 2006; Stine, 131; Pollock, 28.
9 Village Voice, 15 June 1967; P. Levy, 45; Lee and Shlain, 229.
10 Green, 29–30, 434.
11 Neville, Playpower, 118.
12 Israelstam, 161; Neville, Playpower, 103; Weiner and Stillman, 61.
13 Partridge, 60; Lucas, 221; Lee and Shlain, 102.
14 Farrell, 208.
15 Neville, Playpower, 60.
16 Ibid., 62, 74; Guardian, 18 March 1993.
17 Collier and Horowitz, 86.
18 Green, 419.
19 Green, 423–424; Weiner and Stillman, 105.
20 Robin Morgan, “Goodbye to All That,” internet.
21 Gershon Legman, The Fake Revolt (1967), 18–19, internet.
22 Maitland, 116; Green, 418; Crow, 62.
23 Green, 419–424; Allyn, 100; Weiner and Stillman, 97; Guardian, 18 March 1993.
24 Sunday Times, 20 August 2006; Pollock, 182.
25 Green, 424.
26 Ward Elliott, “Sexual Revolutions, Great and Small,” Summer 1997, internet.
27 Katz, 423; Maitland, 214.
28 Maitland, 20.
29 Lydon, 9–10; Salisbury, 102.
30 A Hard Days Night (DVD).
31 Beatles Anthology, 75; Sandbrook, Never, 465, 467.
32 Sandbrook, Never, 477; Quotable Sixties website; Evening Standard, 17 October 1963.
33 Daily Mirror, 7 February 1964.
34 Katz, 180; Sandbrook, Never, 676–677.
35 The Times, 27 December 1963; Sunday Times, 29 December 1963; Ingham, 20.
36 Free Press (Los Angeles), 3 September 1965; G. Marcus, 6.
37 Lydon, 15.
38 Beatles Anthology (cover); Lydon, 12; Ingham, 47.
39 Lydon, 19.
40 Ibid., 18; Salisbury, 101, 109.
41 Quotable Sixties website; MacDonald, 23.
42 Green, 81; No Direction Home (DVD).
43 Shelton, 301–302.
44 G. Marcus, 159, 161.
45 Dylan, 292–293.
46 Ibid., 34–35; Marqusee, 206.
47 G. Marcus, 18–19.
48 Ibid., 154; Lydon, 217.
49 Dylan, 82–83; “Bob Dylan and the White Picket Fence,” Catallaxy, internet; G. Marcus, 54; Marqusee, 159.
50 Dylan, 115–116.
51 Marqusee, 147.
52 Dylan, 109, 114–116, 118, 120.
53 Shelton, 304; 60 Minutes, 12 February 2004, CBS.
54 Mojo, July 1994.
55 Ibid.
56 Ibid.
57 New York Times, 19 August 1969.
58 Mojo, July 1994.
59 R. Jacobs, 22; A. Bennett, 66; P. Levy, 279–280; Katz, 284.
60 Michael Wadleigh (dir.), Woodstock, DVD.
61 Woodstock Festival Mailbag, internet.
62 Pollock, 202.

9. Everybody Get Together

1 Andrew, 76, 86, 149; Time, 10 February 1961.
2 Buckley, i; The Nation, 27 May 1961.
3 YAF, “The Sharon Statement,” 11 September 1960, internet.
4 Ibid.
5 Hijiya, 206; Klatch, 85.
6 Andrew, 109.
7 Goldwater convention speech, 1964, internet.
8 Silverman, 273; Deleon, 524.
9 Newsweek, 30 September 1968; Troy and Greenburg, 5.
10 Braungart and Braungart, 307, 309; Andrew, 76, 86, 149.
11 Oz, July 1969.
12 Green, 12, 129.
13 London Review of Books, 6 July 2000; Green, 126, 257.
14 Neville, Playpower, 211–212; Green, 129, 258.
15 Green, 355.
16 Ibid., 187–189.
17 Neville, Playpower, 227; Green, 211–212.
18 Green, 111, 265.
19 Ibid., 130, 257–258.
20 Ibid., 434.
21 Neville, Hippie, 164; Maitland, 34; Guardian, 18 March 1993.
22 Farber, 192; Peter Coyote, interview with Etan Ben-Ami, 12 January 1989, Digger Archives, internet.
23 Davis, 150; Doyle, “Staging the Revolution,” Digger Archives; Coyote interview.
24 Cavallo, 99; Coyote interview.
25 Cavallo, 120; Coyote interview; Coyote, 70.
26 Coyote interview.
27 Peter Berg, interview, Digger Archives, internet.
28 Digger Archives.
29 Digger Archives; Coyote, 90; Cavallo, 122.
30 Grogan, 278; Cavallo, 124.
31 Coyote interview.
32 Cavallo, 124.
33 Katz, 257; Pollock, 122; Coyote interview.
34 Cavallo, 98; Howard, 47; Anonymous, “The San Francisco Diggers Have Split,” 18 April 1967, Digger Archives.
35 Coyote, “The Free Fall Chronicles,” Digger Archives.
36 Coyote interview.
37 Lucas, 223; Weiner and Stillman, 23.
38 Schneir, 11; Lucas, 222–223.
39 Gitlin, 236.
40 Coyote interview.
41 Hoffman, 61–62; Neville, Playpower, 116.
42 Gitlin, 236–237; Doyle.
43 Neville, Playpower, 57; Gitlin, 234, 237, 322; Lee and Shlain, 206; Lucas, 224.
44 Doyle; Village Voice, 16 November 1967; Lucas, 224.
45 Seed (n.d., ca. March 1968), 8–9; Rubin, Do It!, 168.
46 Steigerwald, 145; Rubin, Do It!, 168; Lucas, 224.
47 Gitlin, 237.
48 Patterson, 660.
49 The Movement, August 1968; Blum, 265.
50 “Black Panther Party Platform,” internet.
51 Kurlansky, 96.
52 Ibid., 113–114.
53 Steigerwald, 63; New York Times, 15 January 1970.
54 Newton and Blake, 148; New York Times, 3 May and 6 August 1967.
55 Jones, 257.
56 Kurlansky, 319.
57 Berkeley Tribe, 7 November 1969.
58 Black Panther, 7 June 1969; Staub, 57.
59 Salisbury, 253–254.
60 McCone Report, internet.
61 Steigerwald, 227; Ganz, n.p.
62 Ganz, n.p.; Drake, 87; Jensen, 167; Chavez, “Letter from Delano,” internet.
63 Ganz, n.p.
64 Ibid.
65 Bagby, 77.
66 Chavez, “Letter from Delano.”
67 Ibid.
68 UFW website, internet.
69 Steigerwald, 228.
70 New York Times, 24 April 1993.
71 “The Fight in the Fields,”; Steigerwald, 227.

10. Turn, Turn, Turn

1 Krepinevich, 191.
2 Karnow, 482.
3 Braestrup, 49–52.
4 Trewhitt, 235; Shapley, 444.
5 Gilbert and Head, 82; Werner and Huynh, 85.
6 Ford, 81.
7 Oberdorfer, 75; Gustainis, 43.
8 Oberdorfer, 231.
9 Duiker, 216.
10 Herring, Longest, 193; Gilbert and Head, 247.
11 Gilbert and Head, 43.
12 Oberdorfer, 241; Barrett, 113; P. Levy, 65; Kurlansky, 61.
13 Clifford, 613.
14 Werner and Huynh, 60; Capps, 133–134; Gilbert and Head, 84.
15 Gilbert and Head, 84.
16 Clio archives, internet.
17 Morgan, 62–63; Washington Post, 9 September 1968.
18 Neville, Hippie, 245.
19 Green, 412.
20 Friedan, 11, 27.
21 Green, 401, 408–409; Oz, Winter 1973; Robin Morgan, “Goodbye to All That,” internet.
22 Herzog, 425; Green, 402; Maitland, 181–183.
23 Gitlin, 372; MacPherson, 467; Green, 407–408.
24 Kurlansky, 314; Green, 119, 369, 408.
25 MacPherson, 552; Allyn, 102; Gitlin, 372; Herzog, 419–420.
26 P. Levy, 204; Breines, “What’s Love,” 1119–1120; Small and Hoover, 179–180.
27 Taylor, 244; Brown, 362; New York Times, 17 November 1970.
28 New Left Notes, 30 June 1969; Sayres, 94.
29 Evans, 190–191.
30 Zolov, 77; MacPherson, 543.
31 Maitland, 181–183, 215; Herzog, 421.
32 Breines, “Review Essay,” 504–505; Maitland, 126.
33 Maitland, 4.
34 E. Marcus, 199–200; Duberman, 161.
35 Duberman, 161.
36 Rutledge, 3.
37 DailyNews, 28 June 1969; Village Voice, 3 July 1969.
38 Village Voice, 3 July 1969.
39 Salisbury, 83; E. Marcus, 201–202; Village Voice, 3 July 1969; Rutledge, 3.
40 P. Levy, 213; Salisbury, 83.
41 Free Press (Los Angeles), 8 September 1967; P. Levy, 215–216.
42 Green, 379; P. Levy, 213, 215.
43 Allyn, 156; Salisbury, 85–86.
44 Katz, 232–233; Perry, 171; Pollock, 120; Neville, Playpower, 29.
45 Pollock, 120–121; Wolf, 153, 157, 171.
46 Peter Coyote, interview with Etan Ben-Ami, 12 January 1989, Digger Archives, internet; Pollock, 120.
47 Gitlin, 219.
48 Salisbury, 228; Neville, Playpower, 30–31; Katz, 246.
49 Wolf, 172.
50 Katz, 246; Salisbury, 229.

11. Gone to Graveyards

1 Raines, 54.
2 Garrow, 612.
3 King, “Mountaintop Sermon,” internet; Isserman and Kazin, 227; Boskin, 14.
4 Garrow, 375.
5 Katz, 259.
6 Resolution of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Central Committee Plenum, 5 January 1968, internet; Harvey, 265.
7 Hitchcock, 289; Ulc, 423; Harvey, 264.
8 Harvey, 266.
9 Stenographic Account of the Dresden Meeting between Dubc.jpgek and Brezhnev, 23 March 1968, internet; Kurlansky, 125.
10 Weiner and Stillman, 49–50.
11 Blum, 290; Schneir, 25.
12 RFK speech, 22 October 1966, Robert Kennedy Papers, John F. Kennedy Library; Blum, 295.
13 Newfield, 186; Berman, 187.
14 Blum, 300; Gardner, 447; Williams, 272.
15 Williams, 275.
16 George, March 1998.
17 Johnson, 436.
18 Schneir, 77; McQuaid, 34.
19 Stein and Plimpton, 266.
20 Los Angeles Times, 4 June 1968.
21 Kurlansky, 262.
22 Schneir, 111.
23 Neville, Hippie, 110; Ching, 335.
24 Neville, Hippie, 116–117.
25 Schneir, 68–69; Kurlansky, 284.
26 Schneir, 114–115,120–121,149.
27 Blum, 310–311; Nixon, Acceptance Speech at the Republican National Convention, 8 August 1968, internet.
28 Gardner, 516.
29 Blum, 309; White, 441.
30 Zolov, 80.
31 Stevens, 220; Poniatowska, 128.
32 New York Times, 19 April 1968; Stevens, 203.
33 Ibid., 41. See also Gilbert, 217–219.
34 Stevens, 204, 214–215.
35 Kurlansky, 338.
36 Fink, 312.
37 Zolov, 28; Poniatowska, 82.

12. You Say You Want a Revolution?

1 Cornils, 108.
2 Mewes, 31.
3 Siegfried, 728, 742; Herzog, 442.
4 Mewes, 26.
5 Cornils, 103; Herzog, 425.
6 Schmidtke, 84.
7 Shell, 672.
8 Cornils, 105.
9 Neville, Playpower, 36–37; Shell, 674.
10 Siegfried, 742; Cornils, 107.
11 Merritt, 531.
12 Kurlansky, 154,156.
13 Globe and Mail, 27 January 1971.
14 Columbia ’68, internet.
15 Ibid.
16 The Nation, 13 April 1970; Garfinkle, 163.
17 Columbia ’68, internet.
18 Kurlansky, 198.
19 Hayden, Rebel, 253.
20 R. Jacobs, 7; Collier and Horowitz, 72; Katz, 256; New York Times Magazine, 9 March 1969; Kurlansky, 208.
21 Ramparts, 15 June 1968; Witcover, 149; Schneir, 123.
22 Maitland, 111.
23 Delmas, 240.
24 Katsiaficas, 62.
25 Bourges, 28.
26 Neville, Playpower, 15.
27 Kurlansky, 218–219.
28 Maitland, 106–107.
29 Kurlansky, 221.
30 Fraser, 74; Kurlansky, 226; Maitland, 107–108.
31 Reader, 125.
32 Kurlansky, 225–226; Gordon, 45.
33 Gordon, 42; Wilson, 542; Quotable Sixties website.
34 Gordon, 45.
35 Ross, 665; Neville, Hippie, 111–112.
36 Maitland, 108–109; Gordon, 47–48; Bennett, Catastrophist, 103.
37 Katsiaficas, 66; Gordon, 48.
38 Kurlansky, 233.
39 Marwick, 618; Bourges, 78, 81; Gordon, 52; Kurlansky, 209.
40 New Left Review, May–June 1979.
41 Ross, 673.
42 Ibid., 674.
43 Green, 241.
44 Thomas, 282.
45 Siegfried, 727; Green, 255.
46 Crouch, 72–73.
47 Green, 26; Hobsbawm, 211.
48 Green, 56–57, 247–249.
49 Ali, 169; Maitland, 212.
50 Thomas, 288; Observer, 21 April 1968; Green, 241.
51 Ellis 63.
52 Green, 246.
53 Jupp, 416; Green, 244.
54 Green, 240.
55 The Sun, 19 March 1968; Green, 243–244; Sandbrook, White Heat, 505–506.
56 The Times, 24 October 1968; Ellis, 66.
57 MacDonald, 237.
58 Ibid., 227.
59 Manchester Guardian, 18 March 1968; The Times, 24 and 28 October 1968.
60 Pink Floyd, “Time,” Dark Side of the Moon (Audio CD, 1994).

13. Wilted Flowers

1 Algisi, 269; Pope John XXIII, Opening Speech to Second Vatican Council, 11 October 1962, internet.
2 Baker, 149.
3 Alting von Geusau, 9–10; New Yorker, 25 December 1965.
4 Hasler, 170, 283.
5 Humanae Vitae, internet.
6 Ibid.
7 Alting von Geusau, 8,10; Viel, 47.
8 Punch, 14 August 1968; New Scientist, 1 August 1968; Alting von Geusau, 9–10; Baker, 145.
9 Westoff and Ryder, 6; John M. Swomley, “The Pope and the Pill,” Christian Social Action (February 1998), internet.
10 Daily Mirror, 11 January 1969.
11 The Dick Cavett Show, 7 July 1969, internet.
12 Sunday Times, 9 September 2006.
13 Neville, Hippie, 222.
14 Green, 282, 310; Daily Mirror, 11 January 1969.
15 The Who, “My Generation,” on the album My Generation (audio recording, 1965); Lydon, 81–82.
16 Maitland, 169; Miles, 297.
17 Entertainment Weekly, 21 July 2006; Green, 164; Katz, 367.
18 Peter Coyote, interview with Etan Ben-Ami, 12 January 1989, Digger Archives, internet.
19 Green, 434.
20 Scheer, 43.
21 Neville, Playpower, 51.
22 H. Jacobs, 242.
23 Scheer, 42.
24 Transcript of Reagan meeting with professors from the University of California, Berkeley, 21 May 1969, Hoover Institution Library.
25 H. Jacobs, 242; Berkeley Barb, 3–9 October 1969; Hirsch and Smale, interview with Gerard DeGroot, July 1991.
26 SDS press release, October 1965; Sevy, 196; Gustainis, 62.
27 Rubin, 38; Nisbet, 11; Kurlansky, 193; MacPherson, 457.
28 Kahn, 208–209.
29 MacPherson, 126; Gitlin, 262.
30 Steigerwald, 110; Garfinkle, 144; Lucas, 223.
31 Schreiber, 229.
32 Nisbet, 16.
33 Richard Nixon, “Silent Majority” speech, 24 November 1969; San Francisco Chronicle, 26 November 1969.
34 Brown, 41, 43; Schuman, 516.
35 Washington Post, 6 May 1970.
36 Salisbury, 199–200.
37 Ibid., 199, 202.
38 Wells, 425.
39 Michener, 413; Salisbury, 28–29.
40 Salisbury, 209–210.
41 Berkeley Gazette, 5 November 1965.
42 Maitland, 212.

14. Meet the New Boss

1 Central Intelligence Agency, “Research Study: Indonesia–The Coup that Backfired” (1968), 71, internet.
2 Scott, 253.
3 Pilger, 38.
4 Scott, 245; The Times, 8 August 1986.
5 Bunnell, 32, 44.
6 The Nation, 11 April 1981.
7 Sundhausen, 141.
8 Pilger, 26–27.
9 Brands, 803; Independent, 5 October 2005; Pilger, 33.
10 Pilger, 32–33.
11 Ibid., 34–35.
12 Time, 15 July 1966. Pilger, 28–29, 35.
13 Brands, 804; New York Times, 19 June 1966; Pilger, 35, 40–42.
14 Colby, 227; Brands, 806; The Nation, 11 April 1981; Szulc, 16; Pilger, 39.
15 Pilger, 26.
16 Dylan, 13–14.
17 Ibid., 5–6, 279.
18 Ibid., 27.
19 Whitburn, 461.
20 Anderson, 52; Lydon, 144; Rolling Stone, 23 August 1990.
21 Oz, October 1969; Terkel, 582–583.
22 Green, 223.
23 Bindas and Houston, 9, 14.
24 Denisoff and Levine, 117–122.
25 Green, 277; Sandbrook, White Heat, 207.
26 Radio Times, 16–22 September 2006.
27 Pollock, 140; Radio Times, 16–22 September 2006.
28 Vernon J. Christina, oral-interview transcript, Bancroft Library, 20–21.
29 P. Levy, 118.
30 Christina transcript, 20–21.
31 San Francisco Chronicle, 9 January 1966; Bakersfield Californian, 22 January 1966; Richard Kline, oral-interview transcript, Bancroft Library, 29.
32 Reagan speech, 4 January 1966, Reagan manuscripts, Hoover Institution Library; Stuart Spencer, oral-interview transcript, Bancroft Library, 30; News Release, 9 September 1966, Kline transcript, 29.
33 Sacramento Bee, 6 February and 6 November 1966.
34 San Diego Union, 17 June 1966.
35 Spencer transcript, 32; Sacramento Bee, 25 October 1966.
36 Spencer transcript, 31; Los Angeles Times, 7 January 1973.
37 Cow Palace Speech, 12 May 1966, Reagan manuscripts.
38 Sacramento Bee, 22 July, 23 August 1966.
39 Sacramento Bee, 9 August 1966; Reagan Speech, 2 April 1966; San Diego Union, 5 July 1966.
40 Donald Bradley, oral-interview transcript, 191; Caspar Weinberger, oral-interview transcript, 87–88, Bancroft Library.
41 CBS Reports:What about Ronald Reagan?” 12 December 1967; Reagan press conferences, 17 December 1968, 8 January 1969, Reagan manuscripts; Berkeley Daily Gazette, 21 February 1969.
42 Christian Science Monitor, 9 July 1969.
43 Lyn Nofziger, oral-interview transcript, Bancroft Library, p. 18; Sacramento Bee, 16 June and 9 August 1966.
44 Newsweek, 22 June 1966.
45 Vecsey, 3.
46 Abrams, 65.
47 Flood entry, Baseball Reliquary website.

15. No Direction Home

1 Green, 318, 336; Neville, Hippie, 162–164.
2 Lydon, 173–174.
3 Ibid., 175.
4 Katz, 290; Lydon, 177; Gitlin, 406.
5 Salisbury, 229.
6 Lydon, 173.
7 Rolling Stone, 7 February 1970; Entertainment Weekly, 1 December 1995.
9 Salisbury, 230.
10 Police accident report, internet.
11 Edward Kennedy statement, 19 July 1969.
12 Damore, 80.
13 Ibid., viii.
14 Edward Kennedy, transcript of television speech, 25 July 1969, internet.
15 Swanson, 214.
16 Kennedy press statement, JFK Library, internet.
17 McDougall, 359.
18 Newsweek, 7 July 1969.
19 McCone Commission Report.
20 Migliore, 445.
21 TV Guide, 19 July 1969; Mailer, 70; Washington Post, 26 July 1969.
22 Walsh, 95.
23 Houston Chronicle, 19 July 1970.
24 Swanson, xii.
25 Statement by President Nixon on the Space Program, 7 March 1970, NASA History Office; Heppenheimer, “The Space Shuttle Decision,” n.p, internet.
26 Heppenheimer, n.p.
27 See NASA History Office, Folder 6716, “Public Opinion 1967–69.”
28 Cronkite interview, WAMU, Washington, D.C.; New York Times, 22 July 1974.
29 Saturday Evening Post, 11 April 1964, 18.
30 New York Times, 10 May 2002.
31 “How Does It Feel To Be Inside an Explosion?” by Sundance, quoted in H. Jacobs, 292.
32 R. Jacobs, 5; The Weather Underground, documentary.
33 R. Jacobs, 8.
34 “You Don’t Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows,” internet.
35 Collier and Horowitz, 81.
36 Lader, 279.
37 Hard Times, 30 June 1969.
38 Collier and Horowitz, 81.
39 H. Jacobs, 254; Shin’ya Ono, “A Weatherman: You Do Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows,” Leviathan (December 1969), internet, n.p.; I. F. Stones Bi-Weekly, 23 March 1970.
40 R. Jacobs, 43.
41 Ibid., 23.
42 “Everyone Talks about the Weather,” internet.
43 Powers, Diana, 126; H. Jacobs, 202.
44 “Tales from the Underground,” Online Newshour, 22 August 1996; Ono; R. Jacobs, 25.
45 Fire, 30 January 1970; H.Jacobs, 251–252.
46 New Left Notes, 23 August, 12 September 1969.
47 H. Jacobs, 85.
48 Ibid., 118.
49 Ono, “A Weatherman”; H. Jacobs, 128.
50 H. Jacobs, 125; The Weather Underground; Hard Times, 20 October 1969; Ono.
51 H. Jacobs, 174, 234–237.
52 R. Jacobs, 41; Sale, 628; Collier and Horowitz, 96.
53 The Militant, 16 January 1970; Collier and Horowitz, 96.
54 Collier and Horowitz, 75, 77, 87–88, 90.
55 Ibid., 47.
56 “Tales from the Underground,” Online Newshour, 22 August 1996; Collier and Horowitz, 102.
57 Weatherman Underground, “Communiqué No. 1,” internet.
58 Hard Times, 23 March 1970.
59 I. F. Stones Bi-Weekly, 23 March 1970; The Nation, 13 April 1970; Collier and Horowitz, 108.
60 Transcript of Oz trial, 1971, internet; Neville, Hippie, 62.
61 Maitland, 13; Green, 383.
62 Green, 386; Oz, February 1970.
63 The Guardian, 2 August 2001.
64 Green, 392; transcript of Oz trial.
65 Transcript of Oz trial.
66 Ibid.; Green, 396–397.
67 Transcript of Oz trial; Neville, Hippie, 320.
68 Neville, Hippie, 343.
69 Transcript of Oz trial; Daily Mirror, 6 August 1971.
70 The Guardian, 13 November 1999, 2 August 2001.
71 Maitland, 163.
72 “The Rupert Bear Controversy,” internet; Marsha Rowe, introduction to Spare Rib Reader, internet.
73 Green, 391, 397–398.
74 Neville, Hippie, 235–236; Green, 397–398.
75 Germaine Greer, “Oz Trial Post-Mortem,” internet; Neville, Hippie, 196–197.


1 DeGroot, Student Protest, 3.
2 Kirstin Miller, “Chemystry Set,” internet.
3 McGill, 225.
4 Ibid., 216–217.
5 Todd Gitlin, “Reassessing the Sixties,” internet.