Annie squeezed Marcus’s hand as they approached the North Carolina state line and continued south.
“Devasting stuff,” the news anchor said. “What’s the reaction been on Capitol Hill?
“Shock. Anger. Mounting calls for an investigation. Calls for the appointment of an independent counsel. I’m even hearing talk of impeachment.”
“Even though this CIA officer, Marcus Ryker, appears to be the one at fault, having misled the president?”
“I’ve spoken to at least a dozen Senate Democrats who say it doesn’t matter. They say it was the president who ordered the bombing. It was the president who disregarded the warnings of his own CIA director. And the result, as we’ve all seen, was a school full of dead teachers and children. So while Ryker will certainly be subpoenaed and called to testify, these Senate Democrats are aiming higher. As one told me, ‘A fish rots from the head.’”
“But, Jack, won’t the president’s stroke, or TIA or whatever, create some much-needed sympathy for him?” the anchor asked.
“For a while, sure,” Murphy replied. “But as the president recovers, the push to drive him out of office will intensify, especially as we move closer to the midterms.”
“Thanks, Jack. Now, as we continue waiting for the cabinet meeting to finish and the press conference to begin, let’s turn to Amy Rutledge at the White House. Amy, talk to us about Carlos Hernandez as he steps into the spotlight this evening.”
“Absolutely. Hernandez is the first Latino in history to serve as vice president of the United States. What’s interesting is that Clarke kept him on the ticket when they ran for reelection despite a series of heart attacks that Hernandez has suffered since taking office. He even underwent triple bypass surgery. And the irony is not being lost on anyone here at the White House that it’s the health of Clarke, not Hernandez, that the nation and world are now focused upon.”
“Ironic indeed, Amy,” Baker said. “Thanks so much. And thank you, Jack. I want you both to stay where you are. I’ll be coming to both of you immediately following the VP’s remarks. But now Vice President Carlos Hernandez is entering the East Room of the White House, sporting a dark-gray suit, white shirt, and red tie. The fifty-seven-year-old Cuban American—born and raised in Miami—suddenly finds himself in a position he could never have anticipated, holding his first prime-time press conference as he stands in for an ailing chief executive. It’s worth noting that it’s the seal of the VP—not the president—affixed to the podium tonight. And Hernandez is not alone. He is flanked by Dr. Jerome Lenkowski, the chief physician at Walter Reed, the rest of the president’s medical team, and—for reasons I assume will become clear in a moment—he is joined by Attorney General Catherine Blackburn.
“And now, ladies and gentlemen, the vice president of the United States.”