
We’re not exactly from the circus, per say, but an around-the-world fair. Our fair has similar acts a circus does. Acrobatic shows, clowns, rides, tents with games, and food concessions. Our acrobats are talented, quite amazing, if I must say so myself. We travel around the world setting up our fair in hopes of entertaining many audiences.” The person closest to her, a pretty girl, said this. They had removed their masks to reveal that they were all about thirteen years of age. The girl had short crimson hair and freckles splashed across her nose. Her brilliant azure eyes seemed to notice everything.

“We were asked to help you find something of great interest to you and Mr. Peacock. We’re willing to do that—for a price.” Mia turned towards Percival and stared at him in amazement, thinking he would have already made some type of deal prior to this moment.

“I made an agreement with your family already, Riley. You can’t change the deal on a whim,” chastised Percival.

“I have the authority of my parents to do so. We have had a case of our own arise, a problem that needs your attention and expertise.”

“And what suddenly came up that affects our deal?” asked Mia in frustration.

“A theft in our tent. Our fair will be ready to move on in a few days. We have an opportunity come up that would take us to North America, but we can’t leave until what was stolen is returned. My parents and I visited the Wolchow River region right here near Saint Petersburg. We found a Trilobite fossil. I’m not exactly sure of the species, though I do have a picture of it.” She quickly pulled out the picture for Mia and Percival to glance at. She then placed it back into her pocket.


“It is over ten inches long and nine inches wide. It’s valued at several thousand dollars. My parents want it back, plain and simple. In return we will provide you with information about the items you’re looking for.”

“Just some information?” sassed Mia, who began shaking her head.

Riley leaned forward, causing Mia to refocus her attention. “This information will save your parents lives, I assure you,” Riley said. “It’s most valuable. You’ll want to know it.” Riley leaned back slightly away from Mia. “But I’ll only divulge it if you help us with our cause first.”

Mia glanced at Percival, who began to shake his head at the unexpected turn of events.

“We’re going to need your team sooner than I thought,” remarked Percival as he exhaled a long breath. “There’s no way around it.” Percival stared at Mia’s shoulder. “You can take the bandage off your shoulder now.” Mia raised her hand and reached inside the neck of her shirt, pulling off the bandage Percival had placed there. When she first noticed it, she was on the airplane. At the time, Percival had told her not to take it off unless she wanted something bad to happen to her team. She thought he could have been bluffing, but, not wanting to underestimate him, she left it alone. She first thought she had somehow injured herself, but then Mia realized there was another reason why he didn’t want her to remove it.

Mia winced as the bandage tugged on her skin. It was no ordinary thin bandage but one that Percival had used to block Mia’s computer chip in her shoulder so Morris couldn’t track her.

Mia analyzed the clear outer layer of the bandage, then turned it around to glance at the thick silver adhesive side before placing it into Percival’s outstretched hand in disgust. He had wanted her team to know where they were. They needed to be easier to find. Mia couldn’t help but smirk, knowing at that very moment, Morris would be informing their team of her exact location.

“We’ll all go into hiding until Mia’s team arrives to help, which will be sooner than we think. Anyone hungry? I know a good place that serves chicken kiev.”