(Note that magazines that are reliably monthly and have a large number of entries, like Asimov's, are not listed here)
A Barnstormer of Oz ref#1
A Canticle for Leibowitz ref#1 ref#2
A Decade of Science Fiction ref#1
A Flight to the Future ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
[A Ghost Samba] ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
A Night at the Museum ref#1
A Very British History: The Best Science Fiction Stories of Paul McAuley ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
A Woman of the Iron People ref#1 ref#2
Abyss & Apex ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6
Academic Exercises ref#1 ref#2
Against the Fall of Night ref#1
Amadeus ref#1
Amber ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6
Apex Magazine ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8
Apocalypse Triptych ref#1 ref#2
Arc ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6
Arizonia State University ref#1 ref#2
Armored ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Astounding ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Battle: Los Angeles ref#1
Beneath Ceaseless Skies ref#1 ref#2
Best of the Year ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10 ref#11 ref#12 ref#13 ref#14 ref#15 ref#16
Beyond the Aquila Rift: The Best of Alastair Reynolds ref#1
Big Mama Stories ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Big Trouble in Little China ref#1
Bitter Seeds ref#1
Black Company ref#1
Black Static ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Bone Song ref#1
Bridging Infinity ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Bug Jack Barron ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Carbide Tipped Pens: Seventeen Tales of Hard Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2
Celebrations ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Central Station ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8
Charles Fort: Prophet of the Unexplained ref#1
Chasing Shadows: Visions of Our Coming Transparent World ref#1 ref#2
Children of a Different Sky ref#1 ref#2
Christina's World ref#1
City of Illusions ref#1
Clockwork Phoenix ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6
Cloud Permutations ref#1 ref#2
Coming Soon Enough ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Conflicts ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5
Cosmic Powers: The Saga Anthology of Far-Away Galaxies ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Cosmos ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6
Couer De Lion ref#1
Cowboys ref#1
Cugel the Clever ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5
Cyberabad Days ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Daily Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2
Dancers at the End of Time ref#1
Dangerous Visions ref#1
Dark Magic ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Death of a Starship ref#1
Destination: Future ref#1 ref#2
Diver Universe ref#1
DNA Publishing Group ref#1
The Flying Saucers Are Real ref#1
Draco's Tavern ref#1
Dreaming Again ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Dreaming Down Under ref#1
Drowned Worlds ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Eclipse ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10 ref#11 ref#12 ref#13 ref#14
Ecotones: Ecological Stories from the Border Between Fantasy ref#1 ref#2
Edge of Infinity ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6
Ekumen ref#1
Eldritch Horrors ref#1
Electric Velocipede ref#1 ref#2
Empire Star ref#1
Engineering Infinity ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5
Epic: Legends of Fantasy ref#1 ref#2
Eternal Sky ref#1
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind ref#1 ref#2
Event Horizon ref#1
Extrasolar ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Fafhrd ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Fahrenheit 451 ref#1
Fantasy Magazine ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6
Fast Forward ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Fatherbond ref#1
Field of Fantasies: Baseball Stories of the Strange ref#1 ref#2
Five Original Novellas of Fantasy and Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6
Five Ways to Forgiveness ref#1
Foundation's Friends ref#1
Four Ways to Forgiveness ref#1
Friendly Persuasion ref#1
Future India ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10
Gateway ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5
Gladiator-At-Law ref#1
Going Interstellar ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Good-bye, Robinson Crusoe ref#1 ref#2
Gorel and the Pot-Bellied God ref#1
Gorky Park ref#1
Gray Mouser ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5
Groundhog Day ref#1
Guardians of the Galaxy ref#1
Hadley Rille Books ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Heart-of-Darkness ref#1
Hidden Folk ref#1
Hieroglyph ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Amazing ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
I Think, Therefore I Am ref#1
Inception ref#1
Independence Day ref#1
Infinity Wars ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Intergalactic Medicine Show ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6
Is Anybody Out There? ref#1 ref#2
Jim Baen's Universe ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5
K-Pax ref#1
Last Plane to Heaven ref#1 ref#2
Last Son of Tomorrow ref#1
Legends of Australian Fantasy ref#1 ref#2
Life After People ref#1
Life of Brian ref#1
Lightspeed ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10 ref#11 ref#12 ref#13 ref#14 ref#15 ref#16 ref#17 ref#18 ref#19 ref#20 ref#21 ref#22 ref#23 ref#24 ref#25 ref#26 ref#27 ref#28 ref#29 ref#30 ref#31 ref#32 ref#33 ref#34
Lockstep ref#1
Lone Star Stories ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Lord of Light ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Lord Valentine's Castle ref#1
Mabinogion ref#1
Magic Highways: The Early Jack Vance ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Majipoor ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Masters of the Maze ref#1
McDougal Street ref#1
Meeting Infinity ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Megatech ref#1
Metatropolis: Cascadia ref#1
Miami Animal Police ref#1
Mister Fitz: Three Adventures ref#1 ref#2
Myth-Understandings ref#1 ref#2
NESFA Press ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6
New Amsterdam ref#1
New Dimensions ref#1
New Scientist ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
New Worlds ref#1
NewCon Press ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9
No-Waterworld ref#1
Northern Exposure ref#1
Not So Much, Said the Cat ref#1 ref#2
Number of the Beast ref#1
Odd John ref#1
Or Else My Lady Keeps the Key ref#1
Orbit ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10 ref#11
Other Illusions ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Other Seasons: The Best of Neal Barrett, Jr ref#1 ref#2
Otherworldly Maine ref#1 ref#2
Panverse ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7
Paradises Lost ref#1
Paradox, Stories Inspired by the Fermi Paradox ref#1 ref#2
Paskutinis Iliuzja (The Last Illusion) ref#1
People of the Book ref#1 ref#2
Periphery: Erotic Lesbian Futures ref#1 ref#2
Pirates of the Caribbean ref#1 ref#2
Planet of Exile ref#1
Planet of the Sealies ref#1
Planet Stories ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Postscripts ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10 ref#11
Pride and Prejudice ref#1
Prime Books ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9
Prophecies, Libels, and Dreams ref#1 ref#2
PS Publishing ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10 ref#11 ref#12 ref#13 ref#14 ref#15 ref#16 ref#17 ref#18
Pwing Tomorrow: Short Fiction from the Electronic Frontier ref#1 ref#2
Questionable Practices ref#1 ref#2
Raffalon the Thief ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Rashomon ref#1
Rayguns Over Texas ref#1 ref#2
Reach for Infinity ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5
Realms of Fantasy ref#1
Rear Window ref#1
Red Lights, and Rain ref#1
Rendezvous With Rama ref#1
Rip-Off! ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Rocannon's World ref#1
Rock On: The Greatest Hits of Science Fiction and Fantasy ref#1 ref#2
Romance on Four Worlds ref#1 ref#2
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead ref#1
Roshamon ref#1
Saturn Science Fiction ref#1
Scientific American ref#1 ref#2
Scifiction ref#1
Second Life ref#1
Sense of Wonder: A Century of Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2
Seven Sins for Seven Dwarves ref#1
Shadows & Reflections ref#1 ref#2
Shadows of the New Sun ref#1 ref#2
Shareable Futures ref#1
Sherlock Holmes in Orbit ref#1
Shine: An Anthology of Near-Future Optimistic Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2
Sideways in Crime ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6
Silver Metal Lover ref#1
Sky Captain ref#1
Skylight ref#1
Slate ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10 ref#11 ref#12 ref#13
Snodgrass and Other Illusions ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Solaris Rising ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9
Soldier in the Mist ref#1
Songs of the Dying Earth ref#1 ref#2
Space: Recent Combat ref#1 ref#2
Spider-Man ref#1
Star Trek ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Starship Troopers ref#1
Starships & Dragons ref#1 ref#2
Stories from the Stratosphere ref#1
Stories in the Stratosphere ref#1 ref#2
Strange Horizons ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10
Strangeness ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Strangers Among Us ref#1 ref#2
Super Science Stories ref#1
Super Stories of Heroes ref#1 ref#2
Swords & Dark Magic ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Talebones ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
Tales of Mystery and the Imagination Detailing the Adventures of the World's Most Famous Detective, Mr. Sherlock Holmes ref#1
Tales of the White Hart ref#1
Technology Review (MIT) ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10 ref#11 ref#12
Telling Tales: The Clarion West 30th Anniversary Anthology ref#1 ref#2
The A-Team ref#1
The Anderson Project ref#1
The Atlantic Council Art of Future Warfare Project: War Stories from the Future ref#1 ref#2
The Beast Master ref#1
The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People ref#1 ref#2
The Best New Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
The Best of Gene Wolfe ref#1
The Best of Gregory Benford ref#1 ref#2
The Best of Ian McDonald ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5
The Best of Joe Haldeman ref#1 ref#2
The Best of Kage Baker ref#1 ref#2
The Best of Kim Stanley Robinson ref#1 ref#2
The Best of Nancy Kress ref#1 ref#2
The Best of Subterranean ref#1 ref#2
The Big Book of Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2
The Book of Cthulhu ref#1 ref#2
The Book of Dreams ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
The Book of the New Sun ref#1
The Collected Kessel ref#1
The Collected Short Works of Poul Anderson ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6
The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2
The Dragon and the Stars ref#1 ref#2
The Dragon Book ref#1
The Dragons of Babel ref#1
The Dream Master ref#1
The Dying Earth ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6
The End Is Nigh ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
The End Is Now ref#1
The Engines of God ref#1
The First Men in the Moon ref#1
The Five Gold Bands ref#1
The Forever War ref#1
The Found ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7
The God Engines ref#1
The Hainish Novels ref#1 ref#2
The Houses of Izam ref#1
The Hunger Games ref#1
The Immersion Book of SF ref#1 ref#2
The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes ref#1 ref#2
The Incredibles ref#1
The Inheritors ref#1
The Innkeeper's Song ref#1
The Iron Dragon's Daughter ref#1
The Last Unicorn ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
The Left Hand of Darkness ref#1 ref#2
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe ref#1
The Little Mermaid ref#1 ref#2
The Living Dead ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
The Lost: The Collected Novellas of Ursula K. Le Guin ref#1 ref#2
The Magicians ref#1
The Mammoth Book of Apocalyptic SF ref#1 ref#2
The Mammoth Book of Mindblowing SF ref#1 ref#2
The Mammoth Book of New Sherlock Holmes Adventures ref#1
The Martian Chronicles ref#1
The Men Who Stare at Goats ref#1
The Most Complete Volume of Vampire Tales Ever Published ref#1 ref#2
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes ref#1
The New Space Opera 2 ref#1
The New Yorker ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
The Other Half of the Sky ref#1 ref#2
The People of the Book: A Decade of Jewish Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
The Phantom Menace ref#1
The Rooty-Tooty-Fresh-and-Fruity Book of SF ref#1
The Secret Garden ref#1
The Secret History of Fantasy ref#1 ref#2
The Seven Cities of Gold ref#1 ref#2
The Solaris Book of (New) Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10 ref#11
The Space Merchants ref#1 ref#2
The Stand ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10 ref#11 ref#12 ref#13 ref#14
The Starry Rift ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4
The Sword & Sorcery Anthology ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
The Thing From Another World ref#1 ref#2
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch ref#1
The Time Machine ref#1
The Time Traveler's Almanac ref#1 ref#2
The Tree Lord of Imetan ref#1 ref#2
The Unreal and the Real: Selected Stories ref#1 ref#2
The Urban Fantasy Anthology ref#1 ref#2
The Vampire Archives ref#1 ref#2
The Very Best of Fantasy & Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2
The Very Best of the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2
The Watchmen ref#1
The Way of the Wizard ref#1 ref#2
The West Pier Gazette and Other Stories ref#1 ref#2
The Wizard of Oz ref#1
The Woman Who Thought She Was a Planet ref#1 ref#2
The Year's Best Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
This Immortal ref#1
Thomas the Tank Engine ref#1
Thrilling Wonder Stories ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Through Darkest America ref#1
Tir Na Nog ref#1
To Shape the Dark ref#1
Topper ref#1
Transformers ref#1
Treasure Island: a Lucifer Jones Story ref#1
Tree Lord of Imaten ref#1 ref#2
Twelve Tomorrows ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10
Twenty-First Century Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2
Twilight Zone ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10 ref#11
Under the Moons of Mars: New Adventures on Barsoom ref#1 ref#2
Upgraded ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5
Violence in Zero-G: The Complete ref#1 ref#2
Visions, Vectors, Escape Velocities ref#1 ref#2
Waiting for Godot ref#1
Wandering Stars ref#1
War of the Worlds ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5
War Stories: New Military Science Fiction ref#1 ref#2
We See a Different Frontier ref#1 ref#2
Welcome to the Greenhouse ref#1 ref#2
West of the Sun ref#1
When It Changed, Science into Fiction ref#1 ref#2
Where the Stars Rise ref#1 ref#2
Wicked ref#1
Wired ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10
Wizards ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8
Women of Wonder ref#1
World of Warcraft ref#1 ref#2 ref#3
Worlds of If ref#1
Writers of the Future XX ref#1
Wuthering Heights ref#1
Xuya ref#1 ref#2 ref#3 ref#4 ref#5 ref#6 ref#7 ref#8 ref#9 ref#10 ref#11