‘An Unearthly Child’: The Doctor doesn’t get a look in. He’s horrible. 7/10
‘10,000 BC’: Stone Age nonsense. 4/10
‘The Daleks’: They should have called the show Ian. 3/10
‘The Edge of Destruction’: It wasn’t boring. 2/10
‘Marco Polo’: It’s a shame it’s missing. 6/10
‘The Keys of Marinus’: The acting was dreadful. 4/10
‘The Aztecs’: Pretty good. 7/10
‘The Sensorites’: If that’s the worst you can throw at me we’ll be fine. 5/10
‘The Reign of Terror’: If I want to see a revolution, I can turn on the news. 4/10
‘Planet of Giants’: I like it when the story is self-contained. 7/10
‘The Dalek Invasion of Earth’: I’m really torn over this one. 7/10
‘The Rescue’: The plot was practically non-existent. 3/10
‘The Romans’: Definitely the best one so far. 8/10
‘The Web Planet’: I would have given it a 0 if it weren’t for the Spanish episode. 1/10
‘The Crusade’: It was very well made and it didn’t outstay its welcome. 7/10
‘The Space Museum’: It was too ahead of its time. 6/10
‘The Chase’: I’m getting a bit bored of the Daleks. 5/10
‘The Time Meddler’: It’s the most enjoyable story so far. 9/10
‘Galaxy 4’: Not very good. 2/10
‘Mission to the Unknown’: It reminded me of Babylon 5. 6/10
‘The Myth Makers’: The fans should spend more time looking for this one. 8/10
‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’: Some of it was rubbish and some of it was good. 5/10
‘The Massacre’: A confusing story with a really stupid twist. 2/10
‘The Ark’: The Monoids let it down; they were too silly for words. 5/10
‘The Celestial Toymaker’: Complete shite. 0/10
‘The Gunfighters’: We could watch it again! 8/10
‘The Savages’: For a recon, it was surprisingly engaging. 7/10
‘The War Machines’: It didn’t really feel like Doctor Who. 6/10
‘The Smugglers’: I’ll have forgotten it by next week. 5/10
‘The Tenth Planet’: Is that it? 3/10
‘The Power of the Daleks’: Definitely the best Dalek story so far. 8/10
‘The Highlanders’: I’ve seen a lot worse. 5/10
‘The Underwater Menace’: That was bonkers. 2/10
‘The Moonbase’: The Doctor needs to buck his ideas up. 6/10
‘The Macra Terror’: I’m not convinced it would be better if it existed. 7/10
‘The Faceless Ones’: I finally feel like I’m watching Doctor Who. 9/10
‘The Evil of the Daleks’: A game of two halves. 6/10
‘The Tomb of the Cybermen’: A bit racist. 4/10
‘The Abominable Snowmen’: I feel sorry for the Yeti. 7/10
‘The Ice Warriors’: Enjoyable. 7/10
‘The Enemy of the World’: A bit silly. 6/10
‘The Web of Fear’: Pretty scary. 8/10
‘Fury from the Deep’: Good script, good performances, and scary monsters. 8/10
‘The Wheel in Space’: Flabby, drawn-out rubbish. 2/10
‘The Dominators’: Dreadful. 1/10
‘The Mind Robber’: It’s the dog off The Thing! 7/10
‘The Invasion’: Probably the most enjoyable story so far. 9/10
‘The Krotons’: It was only four episodes and it moved. 6/10
‘The Seeds of Death’: They’ve got this ‘base under siege’ thing down pat, now. 7/10
‘The Space Pirates’: Well, that was shit. 1/10
‘The War Games’: Epic. 9/10
‘Spearhead from Space’: Wonderful. 10/10
‘Doctor Who and the Silurians’: Excellent. 9/10
‘The Ambassadors of Death’: Too long! 6/10
‘Inferno’: The alternative reality was fascinating. 8/10
‘Terror of the Autons’: Short. Colour. Nice. 8/10
‘The Mind of Evil’: The Master is rubbish. 5/10
‘The Claws of Axos’: This would definitely work today. 7/10
‘Colony in Space’: It went a bit mad towards the end. 6/10
‘The Daemons’: It didn’t know what it wanted to be. 4/10
‘Day of the Daleks’: What’s not to like? 9/10
‘The Curse of Peladon’: Peladon is a shit-hole. 4/10
‘The Sea Devils’: One of the better Pertwees. 7/10
‘The Mutants’: I enjoyed that. 7/10
‘The Time Monster’: A good end to the season. 8/10
‘The Three Doctors’: I need to watch it again. 5/10
‘Carnival of Monsters’: Very good indeed. 9/10
‘Frontier in Space’: I can’t believe it isn’t over yet. 6/10
‘Planet of the Daleks’: Average. 5/10
‘The Green Death’: Very adult in places. 9/10
‘The Time Warrior’: Just stick your finger in his vent! 7/10
‘Invasion of the Dinosaurs’: Quite edgy. 8/10
‘Death to the Daleks’: The music killed it. 5/10
‘The Monster of Peladon’: Tedious. 2/10
‘Planet of the Spiders’: I won’t be disappointed to see him go. 7/10
‘Robot’: The story was pants. 5/10
‘The Ark in Space’: Tom Baker was brilliant. 7/10
‘The Sontaran Experiment’: Too short. 5/10
‘Genesis of the Daleks’: Excellent. 9/10
‘Revenge of the Cybermen’: A load of old rubbish. 3/10
‘Terror of the Zygons’: It had a lot going for it. 7/10
‘Planet of Evil’: The guy who played the commander was hopeless. 5/10
‘Pyramids of Mars’: I’d like less gobbledegook and more drama. 7/10
‘The Android Invasion’: It fell apart at the end. 5/10
‘The Brain of Morbius’: Some of the dialogue was priceless. 8/10
‘The Seeds of Doom’: It can’t get any better than that. 10/10
‘The Masque of Mandragora’: Very accessible. 9/10
‘The Hand of Fear’: Good, very good, good, shit, really shit, then excellent. 6/10
‘The Deadly Assassin’: The first three episodes were perfect. 8/10
‘The Face of Evil’: Something was missing … 4/10
‘The Robots of Death’: It didn’t make any sense. 5/10
‘The Talons of Weng-Chiang’: I’ll knock some marks off for the casual racism. 8/10
‘Horror of Fang Rock’: I really enjoyed that. 9/10
‘The Invisible Enemy’: A terrible mess. 4/10
‘Image of the Fendahl’: I’ve forgotten it already. 2/10
‘The Sun Makers’: The script was very witty. 6/10
‘Underworld’: Am I allowed to give negative scores? 1/10
‘The Invasion of Time’: Oh dear. 0/10
‘The Ribos Operation’: It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty close. 9/10
‘The Pirate Planet’: An imaginative mess. 6/10
‘The Stones of Blood’: I really enjoyed that. 8/10
‘The Androids of Tara’: I don’t think there was a bad performance. 9/10
‘The Power of Kroll’: If K9 had been in it I might have given it an eight. 7/10
‘The Armageddon Factor’: They had months to get that right … 4/10
‘Destiny of the Daleks’: I hated that. 2/10
‘City of Death’: That was faultless. 10/10
‘The Creature from the Pit’: Killed by a giant cock and balls … 2/10
‘Nightmare of Eden’: The premise was great and it kept me guessing. 7/10
‘The Horns of Nimon’: I think they all need a good lie down. 5/10
‘The Leisure Hive’: Too much style and not enough substance. 6/10
‘Meglos’: Well, that was shit. 2/10
‘Full Circle’: I like Adric. So there. 7/10
‘State of Decay’: I loved the set design. 7/10
‘Warriors Gate’: I didn’t understand it, but I don’t care. 8/10
‘The Keeper of Traken’: Tedious. 3/10
‘Logopolis’: Disappointing. 4/10
‘Castrovalva’: Quite profound in places. 8/10
‘Four to Doomsday’: Tedious bollocks. 1/10
‘Kinda’: I liked it but I didn’t understand it. 7/10
‘The Visitation’: That was crap. 3/10
‘Black Orchid’: Rubbish. 2/10
‘Earthshock’: Excellent. 9/10
‘Time-Flight’: I’d like to give the captain one. 1/10
‘Arc of Infinity’: I can’t forgive the chicken but I’ve seen worse. 7/10
‘Snakedance’: Nothing special. 5/10
‘Mawdryn Undead’: Very, very good. 9/10
‘Terminus’: A shambles. 3/10
‘Enlightenment’: Hire more women. 9/10
‘The King’s Demons’: Rushed. 5/10
‘The Five Doctors’: That was fun. 7/10
‘Warriors of the Deep’: It pulled itself together at the end. 4/10
‘The Awakening’: The plot wasn’t good enough. 3/10
‘Frontios’: They were trying to do something different. 7/10
‘Resurrection of the Daleks’: Needlessly complex but fun. 8/10
‘Planet of Fire’: One of the better Master stories. 7/10
‘The Caves of Androzani’: Fabulous. 9/10
‘The Twin Dilemma’: What were they thinking? 1/10
‘Attack of the Cybermen’: All over the place. 6/10
‘Vengeance on Varos’: A nice change of pace. 8/10
‘Mark of the Rani’: A boring mess. 3/10
‘The Two Doctors’: Very funny. 7/10
‘Timelash’: Horrendous. 2/10
‘Revelation of the Daleks’: The Doctor did bugger all. 4/10
‘Trial of a Time Lord – The Mysterious Planet’: I’ve seen it all before. 6/10
‘Trial of a Time Lord – Mindwarp’: Shocking. 8/10
‘Trial of a Time Lord – Terror of the Vervoids’: Mel was great. 7/10
‘Trial of a Time Lord – The Ultimate Foe’: I don’t get it. 5/10
‘Time and the Rani’: Irredeemable. −1/10
‘Paradise Towers’: The concept was better than the execution. 6/10
‘Delta and the Bannermen’: It got on my tits. 2/10
‘Dragonfire’: Cheap. 3/10
‘Remembrance of the Daleks’: I’d happily watch that again. 9/10
‘The Happiness Patrol’: That was very profound. 7/10
‘Silver Nemesis’: Worse than dreadful. 0/10
‘The Greatest Show in the Galaxy’: I can see what they were trying to do. 8/10
‘Battlefield’: Shame. 4/10
‘Ghost Light’: Very clever. 8/10
‘The Curse of Fenric’: Exciting. 8/10
‘Survival’: Almost perfect. 9/10
The TV Movie: Brilliant. 9/10