Aggarwal, D.C., 330
Ahmed, Fakhruddin Ali, 70, 150, 203, 334
Ahmedabad, Congress of 1969 in, 78
Alliance (news syndicate), 122
All India Congress Committee (AICC), 69, 77–78, 90
All-India Lawyers’ Conference, 356
All India Students’ Federation, 199
Amnesty International, 133
Anand Bhawan, 20, 35–36, 39, 44–48
Annadorai, 199
Asia Magazine (periodical), 58
atrocities, 132–33, 185, 196–98
Bachchan, Mrs Harivansh Rai (Teji), 375
Badenweiler (Germany), 36–37, 72
Bahuguna, H.N., 153–54, 195, 281
Banerjee, Sivadas, 176
Banerji, Purnima, 24
Bangladesh, 124, 126, 129–32, 197–98, 369
Banks, 69–70, 74–75, 79, 354, 371–72
in the Nagarwala affair, 123–26
Supreme Court orders and, 74, 89
Barooah, D.K., 183, 240, 243, 252, 262–63
Bengal Province, 55–56, 132, 151
Bhargava, G.S., 189
Bhushan, Shashi, 76
Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 304
Bidhan Nagar, Congress session of 1972 at, 147–49
black money, 101, 141, 191, 200, 204, 359
Bombay, rival Congress session of 1969 in, 78
Bombay state, division of, 4
Brahmins, Kashmiri, 94–95, 247
Brezhnev, Leonid, 197, 251, 289
British Broadcasting Company (BBC), Mrs Gandhi’s closure of, 92
Central Parliamentary Board, 1
Chamber of Commerce, 249
Chandrasekher, 141, 155, 211, 227
Chaudhury, M.M., 118
Chavan, Y.B., 75, 148, 281–83, 319–20
Chinese–Indian relations, 12, 44, 128, 290, 325
Chopra, Anil, 194
Citizens for Democracy, 168
civil service, 57, 87, 96, 136, 309, 312
communism and communists, 4–5, 16, 44, 55, 67, 75
constitutional amendments influenced by, 117
in Mrs Gandhi’s cabinet, 88
Mrs Gandhi’s government’s support from, 74, 85, 92
and street demonstrations in 1969, 71
Communist Party of India (CPI), 16, 45, 74, 85, 129–33, 163, 376
arson charges against, 171
attacks on Bihar Movement by, 183, 190–91
Congress alliance with, 141, 171, 197
criticism of Mrs Gandhi by members of, 139–40
Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI -M ), 1 6, 131–34, 194–96, 198, 357, 376
Congress for Democracy, 49, 274
Congress Forum for Socialist Action, 141
Congress-I party, 293, 296–97, 301, 314, 320, 344, 353–55, 368
Congress Parliamentary Board, Bangalore meeting of, 69–70, 86
Congress Parliamentary Party, 13, 142, 155, 181, 224, 282, 286
Congress party, the, 1–2, 46, 51, 65, 371
Congress Socialist Party, 66, 163–64
Congress split of 1969, 63–67, 71–72, 75–76, 81–82, 85, 371–72
Congress Working Committee, 1, 25, 75
constitutional amendments, 114–15, 117, 238, 298, 357
constitutional law, 321
cooperative cultivation concept, 67
court actions and rulings, 74, 89, 105–07, 219–21, 233, 236–38
Cripps, Sir Stafford, 40 criticism of Mrs Gandhi, 75–77, 136–40, 204–05
for currency devaluation, 15
during economic crisis of 1972, 146–48
during election of 1971, 100–02
by Nijalingappa, 75
no-confidence motion of 1970 and, 95
for official favouritism to Sanjay, 143–45
for rivalries within the government, 138–43
for street demonstrations, 74, 76–77, 113
Current (periodical), 125
Dandavate, Madhu, 343
Dange, S.A., 361
Dar, Rita, 294
Das, Durga, 122
Das, Seth Govind, 202
Decade of Achievement 1966–75, 265
decentralization (Panchayat Raj), 176
Dehradun District Jail, 30
Delhi, rival AICC sessions of
1969 in, 78
Delhi Municipal Corporation, takeover of, 177
Democratic World (periodical), 244
Desai, Hitendra, 245
Desai, Kanti, 200
Desai, Morarji, 10–12, 17, 51, 69–70, 200
as Mrs Gandhi’s opponent, 214, 217–18
as prime minister, 300, 302, 310, 312, 319–322
devaluation, 15
Dhar, P.N., 339
Dharia, Mohan, 155, 190, 211–13, 224, 269
Dhavan, S.S., in praise of Soviet legal and political system, 89
Dhawan, R.K., 339
Dhebar, U.N., 2
dictatorship, x, 197–98, 227–33
court exoneration of Mrs Gandhi during, 238
economic trends during, 266
language as tool of, 262
popular feeling towards, 269–70
resistance of state governments during, 240–41
suppression during, 242–44, 253–54, 260–61
unsubstantiated charges by Mrs Gandhi during, 229–33
Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK), 241
Drieberg, Trevor, 60, 65, 117–18, 372
Dubey, Suman, 265
Dutt, R.C., 121
Economic and Political Weekly (periodical), 325, 345
economic crisis of 1972, 146–52
economic policies of Mrs Gandhi’s government, 15, 67, 79–80, 135, 146
banking nationalization, 69–71, 74–75, 79, 371–72
insurance programmes, 79
monopolistic practices, 144–46
Ten-Point Programme, 69–70, 78
Twenty-Point Programme, 229
economic trends, 266, 271, 315–18
educational reform, 170
elections to Congress party in 1968, 59
fraudulent, 102–08, 219–20, 225
of Mrs Gandhi to Congress presidency, 2–3, 371
of Mrs Gandhi to Raebareli 15
growing voter awareness in, 268–69, 278–79
of Husain as President, 43
in Kerala 1960, 4
of 1957, 53
of 1966, 13
for presidency, 1969, 68–70, 73–75
of Shastri as prime minister, 10
for state assemblies, 118, 131–32, 135
of Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, 6, 13–14
Emergency, the, ix–x, 252, 262, 267
civil unrest prior to, 170–96, 213–15, 222–23
consolidation of power during, 238–47
political opposition prior to, 195–203, 205–19, 223–27
proclamation of, 228
Sanjay Gandhi’s role during, 247–52
statements of Mrs Gandhi on, 230–32, 264–65
Evening News (newspaper), 144
Everyman’s (newspaper), 189, 239
Faridabad Congress session, 65, 67
farm policies, 66–67, 146, 150–51
Fernandes, Alice, 254
Fernandes, George, 254–55, 271, 277, 315
Free Press Journal (newspaper), 164
Friedan, Betty, 369
funds of Mrs Gandhi’s party, 100–01
Gandhi, Feroze (husband), 15, 24, 32–36, 42, 376–78
Gandhi, Indira
arrest and trial of, 300, 304–07
authoritarian tactics of, ix, 274–77, 280–92, 296, 355–56, 363–67
childhood of, 18, 20–21, 28–30
corruption verdict against, 220
education of, 28–30, 34, 72, 376–77
insecurity of, 156–57, 188, 351, 366
lifestyle of, 374
marital difficulties of, 1, 32–36, 377–78
and mother’s illness, 21, 28, 30, 33, 36, 38, 373
motherhood role of, 6, 329–30, 376
as Nehru’s companion and hostess, 1, 9
Nehru’s death and, 1, 6, 10–11, 370
Nehru’s reaction to fiancé of, 34
Oxford schooling of, 30, 34, 72–73
Mrs Pandit and, 5–7, 13–14, 42–46, 48–50
parliamentary condemnation of, 224–25
personal courage of, 44
personality of, 6, 9, 19–21, 28, 30, 42
pretensions of, 204–06, 211, 225–26, 250–51
public unfamiliarity with, 6, 19
religious renewal of, 50, 346–49
Sanjay’s death and, 50
See also dictatorship; Mrs Gandhi’s ministry, the; political career of Mrs Gandhi
Gandhi, Mahatma, 20, 21, 34, 71, 73, 78, 99
arrest of, 165
Champaran campaign of, 159
CPI party and, 129, 166 influence on Bihar Movement by, 185–88
Gandhi, Maneka (daughter-in-law), 50, 295, 350, 360
Mrs Gandhi’s ministry, the Bihar Movement and, 175, 181–82
charges of election fraud against, 102–09
Chinese relations during, 128
civil service and, 57, 119, 136
closing of foreign information centres by, 91–92
commitment ideology of, 73, 87–88, 309
communist support to, 71, 74, 85, 92, 117, 141
confiscations by, 115
corruption in, 101, 123–26, 194–96
democratic processes and, 58–62, 64, 75, 89–91, 368
fundamental rights during, 115–16, 123
growing unity of opposition to, 192, 194, 198–203, 213–14
JP’s opposition to, 168–84, 186–87, 189
lack of direction within, 119
Maruti car project during, 143–44
midterm elections of 1971 and, 98, 111–13
moderate government elements and, 66
movement for resignation of, 224–25
old guard and, 59, 63–68, 72, 75–76, 80–82, 111, 363–64
opponents of, 60, 86–87, 95–96, 132–34, 213
organized terror by, 74–78, 132–34
party members’ dislike of, 68, 86–87, 134
personal rule during, 81–84, 135–40, 142–43
political dismissals during, 154–56
poverty programmes and, 135, 362
presidential election of 1969 and, 67–68, 73–75
press relations of, 60–61, 63–64
privy purse issue during, 89–91, 114, 376
reaction to criticism by, 59, 85
reconciliation efforts of, 211–13
revolt against, 136–43, 152–53, 168–91
Sanjay Gandhi and, 49–50, 84, 144–45 (see also Gandhi, Sanjay)
Sikkim incorporation during, 128
socialist sentiments of, 11, 51, 83, 378
state government control by, 117–19, 138–40
street demonstrations of, 71, 74–77, 81, 113, 221–24
surveillance activities of, 93–95
travels of prime minister during, 60, 127–28
Gandhi Peace Foundation, 172
Gandhi, Rajiv (son), 247, 352–53, 360–61, 375
anti-communism of, 251
business dealings of, 327, 330–31, 341–42
court cases involving, 307–09, 330–31, 343–44
defence of, by Mrs Gandhi, 250
as mother’s mentor, 297, 352–53
privileges and powers of, 247–51, 352–54
Mrs Gandhi’s role in 1977 election of, 274
Rolls Royce affiliation of, 334
youth party associations of, 294, 328, 344, 353
See also Mrs Gandhi’s ministry, the, Sanjay Gandhi and
Gandhi, Varun (grandson), 50
Ganesh, K.R., 289
Gentle Colossus, The (Mukerjee), 44
Giri, V.V., 68, 73, 75, 77, 93, 142
Glimpses of World History (Nehru), 27
Goswami, B., 203
Guha, Samar, 209
Gupta, C.B., 76
Gupta Commission, the, 331–33, 341–43
Haksar, P.N., 94, 97, 124, 126
Hindustan Times (newspaper), 46, 78, 120, 144–45, 190
Hume, A.O., 363
Hutheesing, Krishna (aunt), 26, 45, 72
Hutheesing, Raja, 46
Hyderabad, 59
India After Nehru (Nayar), 97
Indian National Congress, 363
Indian Express (newspaper), 64, 146, 188, 213, 217–18, 249
on Gandhi election defeat, 278
on Janta ministry, 317–18, 321
on political prisoners, 258
Indira Brigade, the, 174–75, 195
Indo-Pakistan War (1965), 44
Indo-Soviet Treaty of 1971, 126, 323
inquiries, governmental, 35, 133, 194, 302–04
insurance, nationalization of, 69, 79, 114
international information services, 92
international relations, 127–31
Jabalpur, 44
Jallianwala Bagh, massacre at, 21
Jamaica Commonwealth Conference (1975), 205
Janata Party, the, x, 22, 49, 199–203, 245
as chief Opposition party, 268, 274
no-confidence motion against, 319
in power, 298–301, 317–26, 362–63
‘Janata sarkars’, 177–80, 234–35
Jan Sangh party, the, xi, 16, 22, 55, 74–75, 86
Bihar support from, 198
as critic of Mrs Gandhi, 140
Jawaharlal Nehru University, 146
Jethmalani, Ram, 305
JP. See Narayan, Jayaprakash justices, 88, 105–07, 133, 233
Kala, S.C., 154
Kamaraj, 10, 12, 14–17, 59, 242–44
Kamaraj Plan, the, 16
Kanhaiyalal, Munshi, 47
Kant, Krishna, 211
Kao, R.N., 94
Kapoor, Yashpal, 219
Karaka, D.F., 125
Kashmir, Mrs Gandhi’s visit to (1965), 44
Kaul, T.N., 94
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 374
Kishore, Brij, 159
Kissa Kursi Ka case, 307
Koestler, Arthur, 162
Krishna, Professor Raj, 316
Krishnamachari, T.T., 35
Kumaramangalam, Mohan, 88, 116, 131, 197
Lakhshmibai, Rani of Jhansi, 83
Lal, Bansi, 141–42, 203, 214, 250, 262, 277
in Janata ministry, 289
Sanjay Gandhi and, 336
Lal, Lakshmi Narain, 161
land reform programmes, 80
Landy, Abram, 162
from Mrs Gandhi, 8–9, 40, 49, 78, 86
on Mrs Gandhi’s education, 72–73
on Narayan’s imprisonment, 234–38, 259–60
of Nehru to Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, 2–3, 5, 22, 26, 28–34, 37–38, 41–42, 52–53
of Mrs Pandit, 6–7, 13–14, 39–40, 294–96
Letters from a Father to His Daughter (Nehru), 27
Limaye, Madhu, 137
Lohia, R am Manohar, 14, 165–66
Lok Dal party, the, 300–01, 318, 320
Lok Sabha, the, 6, 15–16, 44, 84
Madhya Pradesh, 44, 118, 139–40, 168
Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA), 130, 132, 168, 185, 207, 255, 257, 341, 356
Malaviya, K.D., 116
Malle, Louis, 92
Mangat Rai, E.N., 149
Maruti Technical Services, 330–31, 338–39
Mathew Commission, 194
Mazumdar, Charu, 133
Mehta, Madhu, 104
Mishra, Jagganath, 248
Mishra, Lalit Narayan, 141–42, 183, 193–96, 198, 262–63
Mohan, Ravi, 202
Moraes, Frank, 60
Motherland (newspaper), 140, 239
Mukerjee, Hiren, 44, 137 Mukerjee, Shyama Prashad, 200
Murasoli (newspaper), 241
Murder of Democracy (Madhok), 102
Muslim League of Kerala, 97, 134
Muslims, Indian, 44, 55, 97, 201
Nagpur Congress, the, 66
Naidu, Sarojini, 380
Naini Central Jail, 22
Narain, Raj, 219
Narasimhan, C.V., 310
Narayan, Jayaprakash (JP), x, 158–69, 195, 198
in the election (1977), 277
evaluations of, by Ohio University, 160–62
imprisonment of, 234–38, 258–60
interview with (May, 1975), 207–09
Opposition leaders and, 213
organized violence against, 216–17
statements by, 159–60, 166–67, 171–78, 207–09
Narayan, Prabhavati, 159, 163, 172
National Herald (newspaper), 111
National Integration Council, 57
National Security Ordinance (NSO), 356
nationalization of banks, 70–72, 74–75, 77, 79, 371–72
of general insurance, 69, 79, 114
property compensation and, 114–15
Supreme Court actions on, 74, 89
in wholesale food trade, 149–53
Naxalite movement, the, 55, 95, 132–33
NBC interview of Mrs Gandhi, 232
Nehru, Arun, 298
Nehru, B.K., 95
Nehru family, the, 19–20, 27–28, 38–40, 367
Nehru, Jawaharlal (father), 72, 99,156–57,290–91,366–67
assessment of Shastri by, 52–53
as author, 27
in Badenweiler (Germany), 37, 72
contrasting views of Indira and, 28–29
dedication to wife in autobiography of, 38
democratic tolerance of Opposition by, 58–59
education of, 72
harmonious political relations of, 67
imprisonment of, 25, 27, 30, 42
Indira’s political career and, 1–6
invalid wife of, 21, 28, 31, 36–39
press relations of, 122
privy purses and, 90
public affection for, 44
public personality of, 19
stroke of, 53
Nehru, Kamala (mother), 21, 28, 31, 36, 38–39
Nehru, Krishna. See Hutheesing, Krishna
Nehru Memorial Trust, 48
Nehru, Motilal (grandfather) 19–20, 100, 116
See also Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi
Nehru Study Forum, 141
New Times (periodical), 51
New York Times, excerpts on Mrs Gandhi’s coup from, 230
Nijalingappa, 59, 74–75, 77–78, 105
Nixon, Richard M., 128
old guard, Mrs Gandhi’s conflict with the, 64
Operation Blue Star, 379
Opposition parties, growing unity of, 192, 198–203
Orissa, election disorders of 1967 in, 44
Oza, Ghanshyam, 139
Pandey, Kedar, 139
Pandey, R.D., 194
Pandit, Chandralekha (cousin), 22–25, 38
Pandit, Nayantara (cousin), 38
Pandit, Ranjit Sitaram (uncle), 23–24, 35, 38, 42
Pandit, Rita (cousin), 38
Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi (aunt), 2, 5–7, 13–15, 21, 52, 380
diplomatic posts of, 52, 90, 323
family devotion of, 45, 48–50, 294–95
resignation by, 44
visits to Indira by, 50, 294–95
Pant, Govind Ballabh, 3 paramilitary expenditures, increases in, 184, 288
Patel, Rajni, 250
Patel, Sardar, 17
Patriot (newspaper), 111, 139–40
‘Performance of the Economy’ (Krishna), 316
Political career of Mrs Gandhi beginning of, 1, 373
comments on Shastri during, 11, 53
as Congress president in 1959, 2–3, 371
controversial accusations during, 22, 86–87
election of 1957 and, 1
first electoral defeat in, 277–78
imitation of Nehru during, 54, 60–61, 370
inexperience at start of, 3, 5
as minister of information and broadcasting, 6, 11, 58, 371
Mrs Pandit and, 6, 13, 15, 44–45, 50
public image of, 6, 9, 12, 18–19
rapid advancement during, 3–4, 8–9
during Shastri government, 11, 53–54, 371
as successor to Dhebar, 2–3, 371
Political Role of the Army in Developing Countries (pamphlet), 209
Pradeep (newspaper), 171
Praja Socialist Party (PSP), 116
Prasad, Nageshwar, 160
Prasad, Dr Rajendra, 70
Pravda (newspaper), 190, 251, 288
President’s rule, 4, 56, 84, 89, 132
during food revolt (1973), 152
press controls, 91–93, 119–23, 231–32, 237–40, 355–56
Press Council, the, 239
press coverage, 16, 22, 35, 51, 54–55
of demands for Mrs Gandhi’s resignation, 189
of early years of Mrs Gandhi’s ministry, 60–61
of Mrs Gandhi’s economic policies, 78–81
and Mrs Gandhi’s interviews, 58
of Mrs Gandhi’s religious renewal, 346–49
of Sanjay Gandhi, 249–50, 342, 45
of government corruption by Hindustan Times, 190–91, 195
of interference in state governments, 176–77
of midterm elections (1971), 96, 108, 111–13
of Muslim League electoral pact, 97
of political rivalries, 140–41
of rival Congress factions, 79
of street demonstrations (1969), 74–77
Preventive Detention Act, 132
princely privileges, 69, 90–91, 114, 376
prisons and imprisonments, 21, 22–27, 30–31, 164
Profile of Courage (Drieberg), 117
Quit India campaign, 165, 281, 284
quotations, of Sahgal, 46–48, 120, 178–80, 185, 206–07
quotations, Mrs Gandhi’s, 11, 18–19, 21, 38, 205, 325–26
on democracy, 58
denying use of force, 252
from first broadcast as prime minister, 56
on Indian national pride, 58
on media control, 97
on nationalization, 91
from Roorkee University speech, 56–57
on Soviet interference in Czechoslovakia, 62
radicals and radicalism, 66, 70, 75, 80–81, 122, 251, 376
Rahman, Mujibur, 129, 131, 197
Rai, Shri Phulena, 174 Rajagopalachari, C., 66
Ram, Jagjivan, 68, 70, 73, 82, 86, 108
election of 1977 and, 274
during Janata ministry, 320–21
subservience of, 282
Ramachandran, 243
Ramanathan, 194
Rao, P.V. Narasimha, 118
Rau, S.K., 171
Ray, S.S., 331
Re-birth of the Congress (Hutheesing), 72
Reddy, Brahmananda, 118
Reddy, Chenna, 154
Reddy, Sanjiva, 68, 70, 73, 75, 86, 301, 319, 321–22
Red Fort, the, 54, 75, 83, 213
Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), 93–94, 125, 184
resignations, 44, 52–53, 62, 212
of Finance Minister Desai, 71
of state government officials, 139
Revista de Occidente (periodical), 58
Rolland, Romain, 29
Roorkee, University, 56 Rotary Club, the, 249
Sahni, Balraj, 146
Samachar, 239
Samyukta Socialist Party, 14 Sankar, Sarma, 133
Sarvodaya Sammelan, 167
Sathpathy, Nandini, 120–21, 139, 215–16
Searchlight (newspaper), 170
Sen, Mohit, 196
Shah Commission, the, 302–03, 305, 307, 309, 331, 342
Shankar’s Weekly (periodical), 122
Sharma, Shankar Dayal, 141, 148
Shastri, Lal Bahadur, 6, 10–13, 51–53, 58, 63, 66, 371
Shiv Sena, governmental links with, 134
Shukla, S.C., 118
Shukla, V.C., 250, 277, 307–09
Simla Agreement (1972), 131
Singh, Charan, 89, 105, 300–01, 315, 317–20
Singh, Madho, 168
Singh, Swaran, 68
Sinha, R.V.P., 193
Sinha, S.C., 118
socialism, 11, 51, 83, 112, 116, 164–67, 378
Socialist Party, the, 66, 200–01, 254, 271
Soviet Union, the presidential proclamation from, 89
Indian alignment with, 360
Indian frienship treaty with, 126
intervention in Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan by, 61–62, 323, 325
opposition to Bihar Movement by, 190, 288–89
political comments from, 51, 54
Sanjay Gandhi’s visit to, 251
Shastri’s death in, 11 support from, 117, 129–30, 197, 288–89
Trivandrum cultural centre of, 91–92
visit by delegation from, 322–25
Stalin, Josef, 162
Statesman (newspaper), 48, 78, 112, 215, 241, 243
street demonstrations, 71, 74–77, 83, 113
Student Action Committee, 170
students’ union of Utkal University, assault on, 216
Sukhadia, Mohanlal, 118
Sundarayya, P., 198
Supreme Court, 74, 88–89, 96, 105–09, 113, 147, 305–09
Swatantra Party, the, 66, 74–75, 104, 107
Tagore, Rabindranath, 100
Ten-Point Programme (1967), 69–70
Tezpur, Indira’s visit to, 44
Times of India (newspaper), 154, 176, 202, 241, 321, 344, 359
Tribune (newspaper), 148
Tripathi, Kamalapati, 152 Trivandrum, Soviet cultural centre in, 91
Twenty-Point Programme, 229
United States Information Service, 91–92
unrest, political, 135, 138–39, 141–42, 147
Vajpayee, A.B., 102, 103, 137, 357
Vehicles Research and Development Establishment (VRDE), 337–40
Verghese, B.G., 120–22, 144–45
Vidyarthi, 103
violence, public forms of, 55, 74–77, 95, 132–34, 146, 148
Why Socialism (Narayan), 164
Yadav, Sharad, 202
Youth for Democracy, 168
Zaheer, Sajjad, 131
Zakaria, Rafiq, 250