Abrams, Philip
Absolute space; connection to causality; as fixed and immovable; historical hegemony of; maps in; relational at Ground Zero; uses for concept of. See also Absolute space and time
Absolute space and time; absolute bourgeois administrative power and; constructing geographies in; individual as autonomous being in; individuation and; reification of state in; state formation and
Absolute time: connection to causality. See also Absolute space and time
“A Case of Bad Latitude: Why Geography Causes Poverty”
Accumulation by dispossession
Acemoglu, Daron
Advocacy groups
Afghanistan, al-Sadr, Muqtada
Alternative globalization movement
American Century
The American Ideology
Amin, Samir
Amnesty International
Anarchists, and place construction
Anderson, Benedict
Anemic geography
Antiglobalization movement
Appadurai, Arjun
Appiah, Anthony: on closed territorial boxes; on rooted cosmopolitanism
Arendt, Hannah
Arms trade, in Africa
Asian crisis of
Assemblage of state
Assets: appropriation of; redistribution of
Association of American Geographers
Authoritarian neofascism
Axis of evil
Bachelard, G.
Bacon, Francis
Badiou, Alain
Banality of evil
Barry, Judith
Basso, Keith
Beck, Ulrich
Beckman, A.
Bello, Walden
Benhabib, Seyla: on exclusionary nationalism of Rawls; on layered structure of citizenship rights; on local interpretations of ethical principles; on migrant rights; on right of hospitality; on sovereignty as relational concept; on universals-particulars
Benjamin, W.
Berlin, Isaiah
Bhaskar, Roy
Big bang theory
Bin Laden, Osama
Biological determinism
Biological metaphor, of body politic
Biological warfare
BJP Hinduist national party
Blair, Tony: cosmopolitanism and; on universal values; wealth inequalities under
Bloomberg, Michael
Bohm, David
Bookchin, Murray
Boundaries, fluidity of
Bounded communities
Bounded spaces
Bounded territories
Bourdieu, P.
Bourgeois cosmopolitanism
Bowman, Isaiah
Boyer, Benjamin C.
Braudel, Fernand
Braun, B.
Brennan, Tim
Brooks, David
Brown, George
Buckley, William
Burawoy, M.
Burial at Ornans (painting)
Burke, Edmund; cosmopolitanism of; cosmopolitanism of sentiments of; critique of British imperial practices in India; on entailed inheritance
Bush, George W.: on American values; human rights violations under; on moral justification for attacking Iraq; version of Kantian cosmopolitan ethic; W. Wilson influence on
Bush, George W. administration: breakdown of U.S. moral authority under; tax reform under
Cadastral survey
Calhoun, Craig
Capitalism: abstract space of; condition of possibility to function; crony; cultural conditions for; global; industrial; instabilities of; liberal, multinational; neoliberal; noncapitalism; place concept under; populist; predatory, in Africa; rise of; Roosevelt and; spatio-temporality of; wage labor within
Capitalist neocolonialism, in Latin America
Carbon trading
Cartesian/Kantian world view
Cartesian mechanical world view
Cartesian/Newtonian world view
Cartesian view of space and time
Casey, Edward
Catholic Church
Catholic cosmopolitanism
Caudwell, Christopher
Causation, environmental thesis of
Central human capabilities
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Central-place theory
Chakrabarty, Dipesh
Chandler, D.
Changes in the Land (Cronon)
Chaotic decentralization
Chatterjee, Partha
Cheah, Pheng
Cheney, Dick
Chicano studies
Child labor
Child prostitution
China: centralization of power in; citizenship in; decentralization in; dispossession of peasants in; economic advantage and culture; per capita income increase in; rising economic power of; spatial determinism in; wealth and income inequality in
Citizenship: global; layered structure of
Civil society, evolution of
Clark, T. J.
Class power
Clayton, D.
Clifford, James
Climatic determinism
Clinton, Bill
Clinton administration, nation building during
Coal and Steel Agreement
Coastline determinism
Coevolutionary circle
Cohen, G. A.
Colonialism, effect on global inequalities
Columbian exchange
Columbus, Christopher
Commodification; of cultural forms; of nature
Commons, suppression of rights to
Communist hypothesis
The Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels)
Community: achieved; bounded; condition of possibility for; ecological; imagined; money power as; place-based; sense of; spatio-temporality of
Community of practice
Competition; interterritorial; interurban
Comprador neoliberal state
Conceptual fields
Condition of possibility; capitalism and; for domestication; of experience; geography knowledge as; nature as, for human action; physical geographical condition as; space as, for knowing
Connolly, William
Consilience (Wilson)
Consumption, suppression of alternative forms of
Contra movement
Cooper, Robert
Cosmopolitan governance
Cosmopolitanism: bourgeois; counter; discrepant; education need; elitism of; emergence of; ethics of; of European Union; fake; human rights and; intensification of; layered; liberal; moral; nationalism and; need for new theory of; preconditions for cosmopolitan politics; pure; reemergence of; rhizomatic; rooted; rule of law and; of sentiments; spatial and temporal dimensions of; subaltern
Cosmopolitan law
Cosmopolitan patriotism
Courbet, Gustave
Credit system, and debt entrapment
Crisis. See Financial crisis
Critical geography
Critical regionalism
Critical sociology
Cronon, W.
Crony capitalism
Crusoe, Robinson
Culture vs. nature
D’Anglas, Boissy
Darwinian theory of evolution
The Death of Nature (Merchant)
Debt trap
De Certeau, Michael
Deep ecology
De Genova, N.
De la Blache, Vidal
Delaney, David
Deleuze, G.
DeLillo, Don
Democracy: Internet as vehicle for; paternalistic social
Deracinated liberal theory
Descartes, René
Deshpande, S.
De Soto, Hernando
De Sousa Santos, B.
Determinism: biological; climatic. See also Environmental determinism
Development economics theory
Development theory
Dialectical materialism
Dialectics of nature
Dialectics of socio-ecological transformations
Diamond, Jared
Dirlik, A.
Dispossession, accumulation by
Doomsday Survey
Droit, R.-P.
Eastern Europe, wealth and income inequality in
East/Southeast Asia, wealth inequalities in
East Timor
Ecological consequences, unintended
Ecological utopians
Ecology, deep
Economic reasoning, spatiality effects
on, Economic theory, conventional
Economy, statistical representation of
Edney, Matthew
Einstein, Albert
Ejidos, privatization of
Elster, Jon
Elyachar, J.
Eminent domain
The End of Poverty (Sachs)
Energy, stored, Engels, Frederich: on human victory over nature; on moments of struggle
Entangled landscape
Environment, meanings of
Environmental causation thesis
Environmental change, anthropogenic vs. natural
Environmental commons, global Environmental determinism, challenge and response, climatic determinism, coastline; defining; environmental limits and; human domination of nature; Kant and; possibilist; as racist; soft form of; stop and go determinism
Environmental history
Epigenesis theory
Escobar, Arturo
Ethical ideals, universal
Etzioni, Amitai
Euclidean space
Europe, multiculturalism in
European Constitution (2005), resistance to
European Union, cosmopolitan character of
Evil, banality of
Evil empire
Exceptionalism, American
Exchange value
Exclusionary nationalism
Executive compensation, increase in
Exploitation theory
Expulsion, of peasant populations
Fascism, place-based theories of
Failed states
Falk, Richard
Fanon, Frantz
Febvre, Lucien
Feminism, universal
Fetishism of commodities
Finance capital
Financial crisis: in 2008; Asian crisis of in developing world; worldwide debt crisis
Forestation projects
Foucault, Michel: governmentality theory of; heterotopia of; Kant and; on space and geography; on spatio-temporal ordering
Four Freedoms
Fourier, Joseph
Fourteen Points
Frankfurt School
Free market
Free-market fundamentalism
Free-market globalization
Free trade
French Revolution
Friedman, Milton
Friedman, Thomas: on flat world; on globalization; on neoliberalization; on neoliberal reforms; on property rights
Gendered spatio-temporality
Gender relations, historical geography of
Genetic engineering
Genius loci concept
Geographical concept-metaphors
Geographical determinism
Geographical knowledges, historical significance of
Geographical theory: uses of. See also Individuation; State theory
Geographic knowledge: as condition of possibility; historical knowledge vs.,
Geography: critical; as distinctive discipline vs. knowledge; earth sciences tradition of; essentialist definition of; man-land tradition of; spatial tradition of; studies tradition of
Geography of Nowhere (Kunstler)
George, Susan
Gibson-Graham, M.
Glacken, Clarence
Global capitalism
Global citizenship
Global corporations, regulation of
Global environmental commons
Global governance
Global inequalities, causes
Globalization: from below; free-market globalization; meaning of; three moments of U.S.
Global-local relations
Global poverty problem
Global village
Global warming
God, Newtonian/Cartesian view of
Gordon, Mary
Governance ideology
Governmentality theory
Graeber, D.
Gramsci, Antonio
Grass-roots organizations (GROs)
Gray, John
Great chain of being
Greece, ancient
Greek philosophy
Greenhouse gases
Gross, David
Grosz, E.
Grotius, Hugo
Ground-nut scheme
Ground truthing
Ground Zero, conception of absolute space of
Guantanamo Bay
Guattari, F.
Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond); centralization/decentralization in; competition between/ conquest of human groups; environmental causation thesis and; maps in absolute space; migratory movements; plant and animal domestications; spatial diffusion of innovations
Gutkind, Herbert
Habermas, Jürgen
Hannerz, Ulf
Hanseatic League
Haraway, D.
Hardt, Michael
Harley, J. B.
Hartshorne, R.
Hawken, P.
Hedge funds
Heidegger, Martin essentialist theory of place of
Held, David; cosmopolitanism of; on hermeneutical complexity
Himmelfarb, Gertrude, Hindus
Hindutva (Hindu-ness)
Historical geographical materialism
Historical geography
Historical knowledge vs. geographic knowledge
History, and memory
History of Cartography (Woodward)
Holloway, John
Hospitality, right of
Howard, Ebenezer
Hugo, Victor
Human development, state control effect on
Human labor process. See Method of moments
Human nature concept
Human rights: advocacy groups and; cosmopolitan principles and; under neoliberalism; universality-application tension
Hume, David
Huntington, Ellsworth
Hurricane Katrina
Identity: construction in India; as immaterial but objective
“I-It” objective view
Imagined space
Imperial rule, justification of
India: average per capita income increase in; BJP Hinduist national party in; constructed myth of Indian statehood; denial of legitimacy of British occupation; dispossession of peasants in; identity construction in; as imperial vs. indigenous conception; justification for denial of rights to natives; Narmada Dam project; wealth equalities in
Individual rights
Individuation theory; absolute bourgeois administrative power; absolute space and time; autonomous individual; isolated individual; positionality; relational spatio-temporalities; relative space-time; situatedness
Industrial capitalism
Infantilizing, of whole peoples
Influences of Geographical Environment (Semple)
Inner knowledge
Inner subjectivities
Intellectual property rights
Intelligent design
Internal relations, role in dialectical analysis
International Criminal Court
International Forum of Globalization
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Internet: cross-border politics and; possibility as vehicle for democracy
Iran-Contra scandal
Iraq; failure of U.S. in; free-market fundamentalism in; human rights in; U.S. efforts to democratize; war with Iran
Iraq War
“I-Thou” relational view
Joyce, James
Judgment vs. intelligence
Justice and the Politics of Difference (Young)
Kant, Immanuel: academic career; Anthropology lectures; on citizenship; on colonialism; condition of possibility argument of; on cosmology; on cosmopolitan ethic; on cosmopolitan law, definition of the Geography; dualisms of; on enlightenment; on gender and race; on geographic vs. historical knowledge; Geography lectures; on human maturity/immaturity; on judgment/ intelligence; on metaphysics; on national identity; on nationhood by common descent; notion of justice; on objective vs. subjective meanings; on outer/inner knowledge; on pacific federation vs. peace treaty; prejudicial depictions of customs and habits; problems with anthropology/geography of; on revival of science of geography; on right to hospitality; on right to refuse entry; sense of gens; “sensitivities” to people and places; on separation of time and space; on species being; on transcendent definition of freedom; on universal ethical ideals; on virtual individual
Katrina (hurricane)
Katz, Cindi
Kaviraj, S.
Kissinger, Henry
Klimt, Gustav
Knowledge: geographic vs. historical; local
Knowledge, geographical and anthropological: foundational propositions and; role in environmental politics; uses of
Kohn, Margaret
Koopmans, T.
Krugman, Paul
“K Street” lobbyists
Kunstler, R.
Labor market: increase in numbers worldwide; privatization of
Las Meniñas (painting)
Latin America, neocolonialism in
Latin American studies
The Law of the Peoples (Rawls)
Lefebvre, H.; ensemble concept of; on everyday life; on heterotopic spaces; on isotopy-heterotopy difference; on World War I
Left politics
Leibniz, Gottfried
Lenin, Vladimir
Levins, R.
Lewotin, R.
Liberal capitalism
Liberal hawks
Liberal international idealism
Liberal theory, deracinated
Liberal universalism
Liberating spaces
Living tradition
Local conditions, as justification for domination
Local justice
Local knowledge
Locke, John
Loukaki, A.
Lovejoy, Arthur
Luce, Henry
Maastricht Accord
Malthus, Thomas
“Man’s Role in Changing the Face of the Earth” (symposium)
Manufacturing Consent (Burawoy)
Maps, relative truth of
Marcuse, Herbert
Marin, L.
Market of dispossession
Markets of Dispossession (Elyachar)
Marsh, George P.
Marx, Karl; on capital value; on freedom; on liberal political economy; on materialism of natural science; on moments of struggle; on rights; on socio-ecological relations; on technology; on tension between fixity/motion; value theory of
Marxist exploitation theory
Massey, D.
May, J.
Measurement, dependence on frame of reference
Médécins sans Frontières
Mehta, Uday Singh; on fluidity of boundaries; on integrity of experience; on moral judgment; on political integrity of nonconsensual societies; on politics of exclusion
Mellon, Andrew
Merchant, Carolyn
Metaphorical usages of place
Method of moments; activity of production; asymmetries among; influence on place formation; mental conceptions of world and; nature and; relations among; second nature and; social relations; socio-ecological relations and, sustenance of daily life; technological moment
Mexican Chicago
Michaels, Walter Benn
Microcredit institution
Microenterprise economy
Mignolo, Walter
Migration: Europe and; Mexico and
Miliband, Ralph
Militant particularism
Militaristic imperialism
Military humanism
Mill, John Stuart; defense of imperial rule over India; paternalism of; on self-governance
Mills, C. Wright
Mitchell, Timothy
Modern states
Mohanty, Chandra
“Moments”. See also Method of moments
Money, relational value of
Monnet Plan
Monopoly rents
Montesquieu (Charles-Louis de Secondat)
Mont Pelerin Society
Moore, D., Morley, D.
“Mortals” concept
Mortgage foreclosures
Multiculturalism, in Europe
Multinational capitalism
Mumbai, Shiv Sena movement in
Mumford, Lewis
Mun, Thomas
Münch, Edvard
Mutations, of diseases
Myth of statehood
Naess, Arne
The Names (DeLillo)
Narmada Dam project
National character theory
Nationality, relational
National Socialism
National socialism, place-based theories of
Nation building
Nation state: antinationalism and; changing role of; rehabilitation of traditional
Native populations, legitimacy of domination of
“Natural disasters”
Natural law
Natural resources: appropriation of; defining
Nature and culture; boundary between; coevolution of
Nature concept; as condition of possibility for human action; Enlightenment science construction of nature; meanings of nature
The Nature of Geography (Hartshorne)
Negative externalities
Negri, Toni
Neocolonial violence, in Africa
Neoliberal capitalism
Neoliberalism: alternatives to; commodification under; competition under; comprador neoliberal state apparatus; criticisms of; decentralization of political power under; deregulation under; financial institution rescues under; financial manipulation under; human rights and; inappropriateness of policies of; income/wealth disparities under; inherent geographical character of; neglect of cultural conditions by; private property rights under; privatization under (see Privatization); promise vs. reality; rule of law under; shock therapy; success of
Neoliberal utopianism
Newton, Isaac
Newtonian mechanical view of world
Newtonian view of separate time and space
Non-Euclidean spherical geography
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Norberg-Schulz, C.
North Korea
Nozick, Robert
Nussbaum, Martha; on antinationalism and nation state; capabilities approach; on collapse of values; on cosmopolitanism education need; criticisms of; moral cosmopolitanism and; on preconditions for cosmopolitan politics; on rehabilitation of traditional nation state; on relational loyalties; on Stoics
Obama, Barack
OECD countries, wealth and income inequality in
“Of Other Spaces” (Foucault)
Ollman, B.
On Airs, Waters and Places (Hippocrates)
Ong, Aihwa
On the Jewish Question (Marx)
Open and closed places
Oppositional politics
Oppression, types of
Order Out of Chaos (Prigogine and Stenger)
Outer knowledge
Outline of a Theory of Practice (Bourdieu)
Paasi, A.
Pacific federation vs. peace treaty
Pagden, Anthony
Paradigm shifts, in sciences
Paris, relationality of
Pataki, George
Paternalistic social democracy
Patriot Act
Pattison, William
Peace treaty vs. pacific federation
People of the Black Mountains (Williams)
“Perpetual Peace” (Kant)
Petty, William
Place, reification of
Place-based politics
Place-bound communitarian solutions
Place construction; anarchists and; to displace nation-state; under neoliberalism; power of place and. See also Places, regions, territories
Places, regions, territories: descriptive terms for bounded space; on “dwelling”; ecological sentiments and place; genius loci concept; Heidegger and; metaphorical usages of place; “mortals” concept; nation concept; open and closed places; place-based environmentalist politics; place vs. territory; politics of place; preference of region over space; regional and provincial; region and place; relationality of place; species being concept; state concept; territory concept; on world market. See also Place construction
Poetics of Space (Bachelard)
Political theory, false universals of
Politics, role of space in; heterotopia; isotopy-heterotopy difference; processes and; resistance and; symbolic space
Politics of difference
Pollution rights
Population density/distribution
Populist capitalism
Populist nationalism
Positioning, relational
Possessive individualism
Postdevelopmental theory
Postmodern states
Poulantzas, Nicos
Poverty, effects of private property on
Preemptive war, against Iraq
Premodern states, and rule of law
Prigogine, I.
Private property: effects on poverty; under neoliberalism
Private-public partnership
Privatization: aim of global; in
Iraq; of labor market
Probabilistic theory
Process-based philosophies
Production, suppression of alternative
Productivist approach
Progress doctrine
Promethean approach
Puerto Rico
Quantum theory
Racialized spatio-temporality
Radical developmentalism
Radical environmentalism
Radical Space (Kohn)
Rancière, J.
Rational choice theory
Ratzel, Friedrich
Rawls, John
Reagan, Ronald
Reclus, Elisée
Reductionism, biological
Ree, Jonathan
Regions. See Places, regions, territories
Reitz, Edgar
Relational nationality
Relational positioning
Relative permanences
Relative space
Relph, Ted
Republicanism, of G. W. Bush
Res nullius,
Rhizomatic cosmopolitanism
Ricardo, David
Robbins, Bruce
Robbins, K.
Rockefeller, John D.
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rooted cosmopolitanism
Rossi, Aldo
Rouge states
Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Roy, Arundhati
Rule of law: as American value; cosmopolitan; international; neoliberalism and; premodern states and
Rumsfield, Donald
Russia, market reform in
Sachs, Jeffrey; environmental causation thesis and
Sale, Kirkpatrick
Sassen, Saskia
Sauer, Carl
Schaeffer, F.
Schorske, Carl
Scott, James
The Scream (painting)
Second law of thermodynamics
Security, Territory, Population (Foucault)
Sedimented banalities of dwelling
Self-help housing, in favelas,
Semple, Ellen C.
Sex industry
Shapiro, M.
Shiv Sena movement
Shock therapy neoliberalism
Simultaneity, in physical universe
Situated hermeneutic complexity
Slave trade
Slim, Carlos
Smith, Adam
Smith, Neil
Social consciousness
Social democracy, paternalistic
Socialist universalism
Social reproduction
Socio-ecological transformations
Soper, Kate
South Asia, postcolonial
South Korea
Soviet Union, former: agronomy in; as evil empire; reterritorialization in
Space: as condition of possibility for knowing. See also Absolute space; Spacetime framework; Spatio-temporal matrix
Spaces of Hope (Harvey)
Spacetime framework: heterotopia; interplay among spatio-temporal frames; isotopy-heterotopy difference; politics and; processes and; resistance and; spacetime framework, first dimension; symbolic space. See also Spacetime framework, first dimension; Spacetime framework, second dimension
Spacetime framework, first dimension; absolute space; direct measurement in; processes; relational spacetime; relative space; relative space-time frameworks
Spacetime framework, second dimension; material space; space as conceived; space as lived
Space vs. place
Spanish colonialism
Sparke, M.
Spate, Oscar
Spatial plays
Spatio-temporal chaos
Spatio-temporal matrix; class consciousness concept; dynamics of matrix of; relationality of space; value concept in; work concept in; worker aspirations in
Species being concept
Spinoza, Baruch
Spoehr, Alexander
Stalin, Joseph
State-economy divide, blurring of
Statehood, myth of
State sovereignty
State theory; absolute qualities of state; defining; denial of relevance of; geographical; immaterial qualities of; materiality of the state; metaphysical effect of practices of state; physical frontier of state; reification of state; relational idea of state/nation; in relational spacetime; relative positionality of state; state as process of place construction; state as transcendental; statistical representation of state
Stenger, I.
Stiglitz, Joseph
Stokes, Eric
Stop and go determinism
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn)
The Study of Civilization (Toynbee)
Subaltern cosmopolitanism
Symbolic capital
Symbolic learning systems
Symbolic places
Taylor, Griffith
Taylor, P.
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
Territorial imperative
Territories. See Places, regions, territories
Thatcher, Margaret
Thompson, E. P.
Time. See Absolute space and time; Spacetime framework; Spatio-temporal matrix
Time-space compression
Toynbee, Arnold
Traces on the Rhodian Shore (Glacken)
Trade barriers, reduction of
Treaty of Westphalia of 1648
TRIPS agreement
The Trouble with Diversity (Michaels)
Trouillot, R.
Truth of being
Tuan, Yi-fu
Turin Cooperative Alliance
Turner, John
United States: eminent domain in; household debt increase in
Universal feminism
Universalism, liberal/socialist
Universalism of rights
Universalizing projects, problems in
Universal solutions, as negative utopias
Universal values
U.N. Millennium project
The Urban Revolution (Lefebvre)
Use value
Utopia: ecological; neoliberal. See also Heterotopia
Values: Bush on American; capital value; collapse of; exchange value; as social relations; universal; use value; value theory of Marx
Van de Pitte, F.
Velázquez, Diego
Veneroso, F.
Von Hayek, Friedrich
Von Mises, Ludwig
Wade, R.
Walzer, Michael
Washington Consensus
Wealth and income inequality
Wealth redistribution
Wennergren symposium
Western Apache
“What Is Enlightenment?” (Foucault)
What Is Nature? (Soper)
Whitehead, Alfred N.
White man’s burden
Wilkins, Maurice
Williams, Raymond
Wilson, E. O.
Wilson, R.
Wilson, Woodrow
Wittfogel, Karl
Wolfowitz, Paul
Woodward, David
Work, and alienation
World Bank; failed projects of; individualized private property and; mega-dam projects; self-help housing and; Stiglitz forced from
World citizenship
The World Is Flat (Friedman)
World Social Forum
World Trade Organization (WTO)
World War I
World War II
Yeats, William B.
Young, Iris M.
Yugoslavia, former
Žižek, S.
Zweig, Stefan