annoying: Things that are annoying bug you so much you think you might lose it!
auditorium: A large room in our school where we have assemblies, watch plays, and other stuff for the whole school.
cursive: A kind of handwriting you don’t learn until third grade. It uses lots of loops and connects all together.
despise: If you hate something more than anything you have ever, ever, ever hated before, then you actually despise it.
dramatic: If you are dramatic, you show your feelings in big ways. If you are happy, you will be laughing and dancing. If you are mad, steam may actually come out of your ears.
enormous: Big, huge, large beyond belief.
fascinating: Things that are fascinating are so interesting you can hardly stop thinking about them!
gorgeous: Very pretty. I’m not even sure why this word needs to be in this book.
hilarious: So funny you might pee your pants.
insulted: Said or did something to make someone feel bad.
moldy: Covered in a bluish-green fur.
murmured: Said something sort of quietly. If you are murmuring, you probably don’t want everyone to hear you, because what you’re saying might be sort of rude.
participant: When you do a certain activity, you are a participant.
personality: The special traits that make you unique make up your personality.
pimples: Red sores that teenagers get on their faces. Do not talk about Alexa’s pimples in front of her, unless you want her to scream at you.
rehearsing: Practicing a play or song or dance to get ready for a big performance.
ridiculous: Very silly and just not right. Despite what my family thinks, I am rarely ridiculous.
romantic: Seriously? You want me to talk about this? It has to do with love and being boyfriend and girlfriend and kissing and other gross stuff. EW!