My thanks, as ever, to my editor, Trish Todd, who graciously helps every book tell the story it is meant to tell. To my agent, Meg Ruley, fairy godmother of all agents, who offers support, encouragement, and pixie dust, as needed. To my forever sisters of Kirkland House at Harvard (you know who you are!), thanks for always stepping up whenever one of us is in need of love or laughter. Thank you to the many other forever sisters I’ve been fortunate to have in my life—I’m continually amazed by the powerful bonds of friendship and the ways in which they sustain us.
We live in troubling times, but for anyone looking to be inspired by our world, look no further than Mary Oliver’s poetry, especially her poem “Good Morning” (from Blue Horses). Her poetry reminds me to be grateful every day.
And to my family, Mike, Katherine, Michael, and Nicholas—thanks for telling me to keep writing, even when the meat loaf is burning in the oven.