adultery (n)—sexual intercourse outside of marriage
ambush (n)—a surprise attack; (v) to set an ambush
ample (adj)—enough, adequate
artillery (n)—large weapons such as cannons and mounted guns
assault (n)—a sudden attack
banish (v)—to send away or dismiss
batten (v)—to fasten
bayonet (n)—the steel blade fixed on the end of a musket or rifle
bilge (n)—the area where the bottom and sides of a ship join that collects dirty water
breakers (n)—waves that break into foam
caravel (n)—a fast, small sailing ship
cask (n)—a barrel
charter (n)—a written grant of rights made by a government to a person or a group
commission (n)—an official military document which bestows rank
commoner (n)—a person who does not have a title of nobility
compassion (n)—sorrow or pity for others
covenant (n)—a special agreement made between two or more persons
decompose (v)—to rot or decay
delegate (n)—a representative acting on behalf of a colony or state
drought (n)—a long spell of dry weather, without rain
emigrate (v)—to leave one country to settle in another
enlistment (n)—the period of time for which someone signs up for something
evangelize (v)—to preach the Gospel
excommunicate (v)—to cut off from the privileges of church membership
executive (adj)—the branch of government which administers the law; (n) the President of the United States is the Chief Executive
fool’s gold (n)—pyrite, a metallic ore which looks like gold
fortification (n)—a fortified place
fortify (v)—to strengthen a place against attack
fortress (n)—a fort
friar (n)—a member of a religious order
harbor (n)—a protected section of the sea, used as a port for ships
hatch (n)—an opening in the ship’s deck
headwind (n)—a wind blowing against the course of a ship
helmsman (n)—the man who steers a ship
heresy (n)—beliefs outside accepted doctrine
horizontal (adj)—a position which is parallel to the horizon; the opposite of vertical
hull (n)—the body of a ship
humbly (adv)—to act without pride
immigrant (n)—a person who comes into a new country
inlet (n)—a narrow strip of water between two pieces of land
interpreter (n)—a person who translates a foreign language
judicial (adj)—the branch of government which interprets the law; judges and courts. The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court in the Federal judicial branch
lee (n)—the side of something that is away from the wind
legislature (n)—a body of persons with the power to make laws for a state or country
maravedis (n)—a Spanish copper coin worth about 1/3 cent
massacre (n)—the killing of a lot of people
merciful (adj)—showing mercy and compassion
militia (n)—the military organization of colonial men in every town
monastery (n)—the place in which monks live
morale (n)—the feeling of enthusiasm or courage
musket (n)—a firearm with a long barrel; used by soldiers before the rifle was invented
navigation (n)—the plotting of the course of ships
outskirts (n)—the part of a town outside of its center
palisade (n)—a fence of stakes especially for defense
pantaloons (n)—trousers
Parliament (n)—the national legislative body in Britain
patent (n)—title to land
patriot (n)—a person who loves and supports his country
peninsula (n)—land almost entirely surrounded by water
persecute (v)—to treat cruelly over a period of time
perseverance (n)—persistence
provisional (adj)—temporary
redoubt (n)—a fortification
reef (n)—sand or rock that lies near the surface of the water
reform (v)—to correct or make better
regiment (n)—a unit of soldiers, usually about a thousand
repent (v)—to be sorry for your sins
repentance (n)—the state of being sorry for your sins
reputation (n)—a person’s character in the eyes of others
resent (v)—to take offense
revelation (n)—a disclosure of something
revival (n)—a new interest in religion
revolt (v)—to rebel against the government
ritual (n)—a set form of worship
rudder (n)—a movable piece of wood used for steering a boat
Sabbath (n)—a word for Sunday used in the Bible
scholar (n)—a student
scurvy (n)—a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C; on long sea voyages, it was prevented by drinking lemon or lime juice
sentry (n)—a guard
shallop (n)—a small open boat, fitted with oars and sails
siege (n)—a military blockade used as an attempt to win in battle
starboard (n)—the right-hand side of a ship
steadfast (adj)—sturdy
tactics (n)—military training to oppose an enemy force
tether (v)—to fasten an animal with a rope or chain
tiller (n)—the handle that turns a boat’s rudder
tithingman (n)—the man who enforced the church rules in Puritan New England
trespass (v)—to cut across the rights or property of another
tyrant (n)—a cruel ruler
unanimous (adj)—united in opinion
vertical (adj)—at a right angle to the horizon; the opposite of horizontal
volley (n)—firing weapons at the same time, as a group
yoke (n)—something that binds together
zeal (n)—enthusiasm