The next half hour whizzed by in a blur. Cara gathered her belongings and packed her suitcase while Gage took care of packing a few of his own things. When she descended the stairs, she found him in his bedroom, papers strewn across his desk.
Maps, showing various markings and coordinates in and around Cartagena, covered the majority of the desktop. Gage pointed at a particular location. “This is where Mercado’s estate is. It’s just on the outskirts of the city. Close enough for him to call in reinforcements if needed, yet far enough out to be secluded.”
“That’s not good is it?” Cara’s mouth dried. Talking about flying in to rescue Jonas was one thing, actually preparing to do it was another matter entirely. “I don’t know what I’m getting myself into, do I?”
Gage lifted his gaze to hers. “Not in the least, but I know.” He shifted his stance, putting more pressure on his cane.
Cara wished she could soothe away his pain. “Mercado has to be stopped.”
“I’m going to make sure he is.”
Cara remembered Gage’s desire for revenge, and fear struck. “Are you able to keep your emotions out of all this?” If something happened to Gage because she insisted on going, she’d never forgive herself. “What about your injury?”
Gage straightened. “I’ll make do. I’ve been waiting a long time for this opportunity.”
“What do we do when we get there? Waltz up to the security gate, assuming he has one, and ask Mercado to release Jonas?” The more time she had to think, the less confident she became. “Will there be other DEA agents to help?”
“Considering Jonas returned to the compound to extract Mercado’s wife and child without our superior’s consent, that’s not likely to happen.”
Cara’s shoulders slumped. “This is all so complicated.”
Papers rustled as Gage gathered the maps. “It doesn’t have to be. All you need to do is trust me.”
“I do trust you.”
Gage stuffed the maps into a satchel, and slung it over his shoulder. “Then you won’t argue when I stash you away in Cartagena while I go to the compound.”
Her defenses rose. “Wait. You said we were in this together.”
“That’s right. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to allow you anywhere near Mercado.” His gaze skimmed over her. “The things he’d do to you.” He shuttered. “I won’t allow him to touch you.”
“But, Mercado said I had to be there.”
“We’ll work it out.” Gage guided her from the room. With a flick of the light switch and one last glance behind him, he ushered her outside. “Where is your passport?”
Cara stumbled to a halt. “I left it at home. It’s in the drawer with my credit cards.”
“We’ll have to drive to your place and then catch a flight to Bogotá.”
“It’ll take so long to get to Jonas. What if we’re too late?”
Gage led her toward the pier. “Mercado has Jonas but he wants you, too. That’ll buy us the time we need.”
He made a good point, but Cara couldn’t help but worry. “How do we even know Jonas is still alive?”
“I suppose it all comes down to faith, doesn’t it?”
Gage’s words made her pause. “You speak of faith as if you have it. Does that mean you believe again that God cares?”
“I suppose it means I’ve always known He does. I just didn’t want to admit it.” He continued to the pier and eased into the boat, bringing his cane and satchel with him. Cara tossed her suitcase, and he caught it and set it in the stern. “I suppose it hurt my pride to think God would allow something so awful happen to me when I was trying so hard to be a decent person. It just took me some time to figure out that I can’t understand all that God does. But, I’ve realized He does care.”
Cara accepted his help into the boat and settled into the seat next to him. “What made you realize that?”
Gage flashed a quick smile. “He sent you to me.” He leaned in for another kiss, brushing his lips against hers in a feathery caress.
The trip from Cedar Island to Baltimore took longer than Gage had hoped. He’d made a few calls on the way, arranging for a red-eye flight from Philadelphia International Airport to Bogotá, with a two hour layover in Atlanta.
As they neared Baltimore, Cara gave specific directions to her apartment. She pointed out the small library where she worked, nestled between blocks of other brick and mortar buildings, and Gage understood her desire to see and experience places outside of her normal realm.
“How long have you wanted to travel?” Gage took a left turn onto a residential side street as Cara directed.
“For as long as I can remember. But, I never wanted to go alone. That’s why I followed Jonas.”
“How did you know where he was going?”
“He came home for a couple days and stopped by my apartment to see me before he left. I kinda sorta looked through his travel papers.”
“Kinda sorta?”
“OK. I snooped. He was always evasive about telling me exactly where he was going, and I knew if I asked he’d skirt around it.”
“Did it ever occur to you there was a reason for that?”
She made a non-committal noise.
“Anyway, why does Mercado think you witnessed him murdering that agent?” Gage glanced into the rearview mirror, checking for any cars that may be following. “Where were you when it happened?”
“I was close enough to hear gunshots. I’d just arrived at the village around dusk, and some residents pointed me in the direction Jonas had gone. I followed the narrow trail leading through the jungle. By the time I heard men’s voices, I’d encountered enough bugs, snakes, and creepy crawlies to freak me out, and when gunshots rang out, I screamed. Or at least that’s what Jonas told me later. I don’t remember making any noises.” She pointed left. “Turn here.”
Gage flipped on the blinker and cut a sharp turn. “So, you screamed and that alerted Mercado you were there?”
“I suppose. Next thing I know Jonas is crashing through the jungle, grabbing me, and yanking me into the foliage. It was all a blur until I got on the airplane.”
“You’re lucky he managed to get you out.” Gage couldn’t imagine dragging a terrified woman through the jungle to safety, with a murderer and his thugs giving chase.
“I am lucky, or blessed. Or both. I didn’t realize what kind of man was chasing me until I saw what he’d done to you.”
Gage slowed his four wheel drive truck. “This your place?”
“Number 412.” Cara pointed to a non-descript apartment, with only a pot of yellow flowers out front to distinguish it from the others.
He drove past it.
“It was back there.” She pointed behind them.
“I know.” He checked out the cars in the area, making sure nothing looked out of place. “No one’s been following us. But, that doesn’t mean no one’s watching your place.” He made a loop around the apartments and circled back around. “Looks OK, but I don’t want to stick around here long. Do you know exactly where the passport is?”
“I think so, but Jonas was rushing me.”
“For good reason.” Gage parked the truck and gave one last look around before exiting the vehicle. He walked around front and opened the door for Cara as he checked his watch. “You’ve got two minutes.”
“You’re as bad as Jonas.” She complained as she dug out keys from her purse and opened the door. “I’d like to at least check my phone messages.” She stepped inside and flipped on the lights.
Gage moved in behind her, and ran into her as she stopped dead in her tracks.