The first Rhodes scholar to sell his semen to a sperm bank with the avowed purpose of propagating his intelligence (and the unavowed purpose of making money) was William Shockley, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist. His theory was that IQ was genetically inherited, though he had already fathered three exceptionally dull children. When asked how this squared with his theory, he replied that his wife was stupid.

I have always been a believer in Dr Spock rather than Dr Shockley. It is nurture, not nature, that shapes who we are, the qualities that really matter in our character – integrity, morality, decency, compassion, consideration for others and so on. This lifelong belief has not been shaken by developments in genetics: DNA obviously shapes our physiognomy, our health and may explain our predilections for our own or another sex, or for alcohol or nicotine, but we are essentially influenced by upbringing and education, by life experiences and by what we make of ourselves. Heredity is no guide – a hereditary monarch, as Tom Paine pointed out, is as ridiculous as a hereditary mathematician or (to update) a hereditary airline pilot.

My very first political instinct was republican, when as a sun-struck schoolboy I was crammed into Sydney Cricket Ground on a sweltering summer’s day in 1954 to wave limply at Elizabeth II as she sped past in her royal jeep. The idea that she might be a distant relative (of which more later) never occurred to me. Heedless of heredity, I married into Australian royalty. My wife could boast an impeccable convict lineage: a drunken burglar from the first fleet who had married another convict – a thieving lady’s maid – who came out on the second. Kathy Lette had enough common blood – she really was la crème de la crims – to shock Dr Shockley.

I spent most of my life in a state of deliberate ignorance about my ancestry, uninterested in anyone I had not met. Knowledge of my forebears went back no further than to my dear, undistinguished grandparents, and nothing about my ancestors had piqued my curiosity until Who Do You Think You Are? made me an offer I decided not to refuse. This programme’s trick is to take well-known people back to their roots, confronting them with the carefully researched behaviour of their distant relatives, who would turn out to be heroes or criminals or slaves, or whatever could elicit a great-great-grandchild’s joy or tears, caught on camera. The show proved an absorbing way to understand history, in particular the social history of ordinary folk, and for that reason I agreed to be one of its first Australian guinea pigs. Its systemic weakness was that it concentrated on people with a degree of celebrity – actors, singers, sports heroes, newsreaders and the like, and rarely on surgeons or politicians or lawyers. The latter were in fact invited to participate, but usually declined for fear that researchers would turn up something unpleasant that would damage their self-esteem. My mother expressed a concern – ‘What if they find a dark secret in our family?’ I was aware of none, and, besides, rather wanted to bone up on any skeleton in our closet. A former girlfriend, Nigella Lawson, had done the show and been delighted to find herself descended from a minor criminal. Besides, the production company were offering all-expenses-paid travel not only to the Isle of Skye but (intriguingly) to Berlin and Potsdam. Which thread of DNA, I wondered, would trace back to Deutschland?

* * *

My last relatives in the UK were Alexander and Christine Robertson. They were poor Scottish crofters, who with others of their like came out to Australia from Skye in 1837. They had lived, and almost died from hunger, on this island of the Inner Hebrides which had been hit like the rest of the Highlands by the great potato famine of 1835. In desperate straits, they rented an acre of land from a rapacious absentee landlord, eking out their rent with a few sheep and goats, with whom they shared their hovel (literally – I was shown a small dwelling in which they would have lived, with their creatures at one end and they themselves at the other). Their annual potato harvest was stored to last them throughout the year. Except there were no potatoes in 1835, and by 1837 men, women and children were dying of starvation throughout the Highlands. The government of Britain – wealthy beyond measure as the industrial revolution churned out its profits – was well aware but entirely unconcerned until the Reverend Norman MacLeod, moderator of the Presbyterian Church, came down from Glasgow to challenge London society with a fire and brimstone sermon at London’s Mansion House. Something had to be done, he threatened, or those in government would go to hell for their inaction.

This remarkable event became historic, thanks to the presence of a young Presbyterian clergyman from Sydney, the Reverend John Dunmore Lang. As he listened to MacLeod’s speech, a profound idea came to him. He had been much exercised by the corruption that infested the exercise of power in Sydney: the officers of the ‘Rum Corps’ who had ousted Governor Bligh (of Bounty fame) were back in control, with the help of a gang of former convicts, mostly Irish. These were godless men, and Lang had already called for a ‘Protestant immigration scheme’ to counter their corruption. Now, he realised that this pool of poor, devout Presbyterians might, with government assistance, be brought to Sydney to combat the criminal Irish. These two goodly and godly men were observed in earnest conversation, and subsequently MacLeod used his influence to make Lang’s hopes a reality. The government advertised for contractors to take impoverished Scots, as assisted voluntary migrants, to Sydney town, and in due course the William Nicol anchored in the harbour at Skye and Alexander and Christine Robertson embarked, with 300 other destitute Highlanders. The greedy contractors (paid per passenger head) had massively overloaded the vessel and did not stow sufficient food, water or medicine: on the two-month journey to Cape Town, ten children died from diarrhoea and other curable ailments. There were complaints, but the contractors brushed them aside – critics ‘did not understand the habits of the peasants’.

It was with great relief that the Presbyterian pilgrims came ashore in Sydney, refugees from a country that preferred to get rid of them rather than to feed and clothe them. Dunmore Lang and MacLeod had planned for these shiploads of Bible-bashing Presbyterians to impose a measure of decency and civility on vice-ridden old Sydney town, but they reckoned without simple human psychology – the need felt by lonely émigrés, halfway across the world, to recapture at least the atmosphere of their homeland. Alexander and Christine and their shipmates were born and bred beneath mountains capped with snow, and they soon set off to find the equivalent – some 700 kilometres away from Sydney, by the Snowy River, in the shadows of Mount Kosciuszko. There they found fertile land, so much more impressive than their rack-rented acre in Skye. So Alexander and Christine built a makeshift house and raised two sons – ‘Sandy’ and ‘Red Bill’ – called after their hair colour. (‘Red Bill’, my great-grandfather, handed down his follicles: when I grew my hair fashionably long in the ’60s, my sideburns came out red. Indeed, I was sometimes called ‘Red Robbo’ – but that was because of presumed left-wing tendencies.)

Sandy and Red became wild colonial boys, daredevil horsemen of the mountain ranges, cowboys saluted in Australia’s wild west poem (and, later, movie) ‘The Man From Snowy River’. The verse was handed down to me, almost as a folk memory, by Red Bill’s son, my grandfather, and I can still flawlessly recite:

There was movement at the station,

For the word had passed around,

That the colt from Old Regret had got away,

And had joined the wild bush horses;

He was worth a thousand pounds.

So all the cracks had gathered to the fray…

And so on and on, naming the celebrated horsemen as if they were heroes on their way to Valhalla – which in a sense they were, for a small boy growing up in the Sydney suburbs. But horsemanship has to be taught rather than inherited: I was first seated on a horse when I was twelve, whereupon it bolted and my fear was such that I never wanted to sit in the saddle again. When they made Who Do You Think You Are?, they took me back to the Snowy River and dressed me as a cowboy – the viewer can marvel at my death-defying ride down the mountain, cracking a whip. In fact, I had a stunt double. Every respectable lawyer should have one – a doppelgänger who can live out the fantasies he dares only to dream.

Living was not easy in ‘the Snowy’. The Robertsons had land, and some years of plenty counterpointed by years of drought. The house burned down, and Red went back into the flames to salvage a mirror. When asked why, he’s said to have replied, ‘So I can watch meself starve.’ The house was rebuilt – I found bedsprings and perfume bottles among the ruins – but another drought convinced the Robertsons that their own children would have more luck in ‘the big smoke’. So, half a century too late for the purposes of Dunmore Lang, they came back to the industrial suburbs of Sydney.

* * *

The Robertsons came to Australia out of necessity; my father’s line began when they married into the Westons, who emigrated as a result of love. Squire Weston was a landowner in Surrey, with a large mansion outside the village of Horsley. The house was once owned by the son of Sir Walter Raleigh and remains resplendent, having reopened with much fanfare in 2017 as the site of Grange Park Opera, Britain’s latest music festival. My ancestor, William Francis Weston, was the squire’s second son, and the family’s stately pile was bound under the laws of primogeniture to go to his elder brother. William was a gambler and a gamboller, squandering his share of the family fortune on the Paris gaming tables and returning to make hay with Elizabeth, one of the serving maids, who in due course became pregnant. At this time in England the unexpected progeny of the upper-middle classes usually suffered a cruel fate: illegitimate babies were quietly given to baby farmers, a clandestine profession whose sleazy practitioners pretended to place them for adoption but often killed them, or at best left them at the door of the Foundling Hospital in Bloomsbury. But West Horsley was not Downton Abbey, thank goodness, and there a most unusual thing happened: the maid was delivered of a baby, named John, who was two years old in 1817 when his mother became Mrs Weston: William married her.

It has to be assumed that he acted out of love, but their union only inflamed the prurient prejudices of Surrey society. Once a bastard, always a bastard, in the eyes of these intolerant parishioners. William determined to take his young bride and their baby as far away from social shame as possible. They took ship to Sydney.

They were made welcome by its Governor, delighted to have a member of the English squirocracy as a free settler in what was still a colony of convicts and jailors. He asked no questions about the pedigree of Elizabeth or the birth date of John, and generously provided them with 500 acres of land. Like the Robertsons twenty years later, there was a certain pining for home, or at least for the mansion: William planned to build ‘West Horsley Place’ near Wollongong at the township of Dapto, along the Bong Bong Road (how I love these names), but died in 1826 aged only thirty-three. Elizabeth married a convict and built the house, modelled on the stately pile in which she had borne a child to ‘him upstairs’. Horsley Place is one of Australia’s earliest historic houses, its ‘Georgian-style farm complex and garden’ still visible from the Bong Bong Road on the ‘Dapto and District Heritage Trail’.

Baby John grew up to marry the daughter of the crooked commander of the Rum Corps, George Johnston, and inherited some of his corruptly acquired land. They had a lot of children – John spread his seed whenever he could: there are horrifying tales (which fortunately I could not verify) that he raped several indigenous women. But one of his daughters married ‘Red Robbo’, and my grandfather, Harold Lancelot Robertson, was, at the turn of the century, the result.

* * *

On my mother’s side of my family, there hangs a great question. Her father’s ancestry is clear: Harry Beattie was one of fourteen children of a farming family first brought to Australian by the gold rush, a common demographic. But Mum’s grandmother was Jane Dettmann, the daughter of a mysterious Prussian woman, Agnes, who had come to Sydney, first class, with her new husband, Louis Dettmann, in 1848. That was the year of European republican revolutions, especially in Berlin against the King of Prussia and the royal family. Could they be in any way connected?

The arrival in Australia of Agnes and Louis seemed at first blush to be another result of love. Agnes was the second daughter of Joseph Kroll, an impresario who ran a big establishment in Berlin – an opera house, no less, surrounded by pleasure gardens. Louis was Kroll’s chief pastry chef, and it was said that he and Agnes had eloped, marrying in London and setting sail immediately for Sydney. There they opened the colony’s first tea and sweet shop, selling delicious pastries that soon became the talk of the town. This culinary fame enabled them to branch out into a catering business that provided dinners and luncheons and sundry confections for Sydney society ‘dos’, frequently mentioned in the social pages of the newspapers. The Dettmanns provided a touch of European taste – in both senses of the word – to the boring ‘meat and two veg’ English cuisine of the colony. In 1865, this celebrated couple were offered the jobs of chief steward and deputy steward of the New South Wales Parliament. MPs, even in those days, wanted to put their snouts in the best available trough.

I am addicted to cakes and opera and must admit to being a bit chuffed when I heard of my relationship to the Kroll establishment. Pictures and early photographs show it as a magnificent palace, seating up to 5,000 in three concert halls, with fine restaurants and walks through flower-strewn gardens. The composer Johann Strauss – Joseph’s wife, Caroline Strauss, may have been a relative – came from Vienna to provide music, and the ‘Blue Danube’ – the world’s most famous waltz – had its premiere there. After Joseph’s death in 1848, the Kroll Opera continued under one of his daughters, and in the late 1920s its music was famously supervised by Otto Klemperer, the resident conductor. In those Weimar years its operatic repertoire became world-famous, with avant-garde directors, sets commissioned from modern painters and works by contemporary composers. Klemperer’s Fidelio was its last gasp of defiance against the Nazis. They took it over, alas, after the Reichstag fire in 1933, and used it as their makeshift Parliament: Göring presided and Hitler used its podium in January 1939 to give his wicked speech which first threatened ‘the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe’ and on 1 September to make his declaration of war. The last session of the Reichstag, held in my family’s opera house in April 1943, gave Hitler absolute power over the judges and the law. It deserved its obliteration by Allied bombing a few months later. But its posters and billboards, from the 1840s onwards, are preserved in German museums as a testament to the vision of Joe Kroll. I was rather pleased to learn that he was my great-great-grandfather.

Or was he? There are cracks in this story, which point to a much less likeable forebear. For a start, Joe’s eldest daughter was born, so church records (which do not lie) tell us, on 15 November 1823. Agnes, so family records (normally reliable) say, was born on 30 January 1824 – ten weeks later. Some mistake, surely? If Agnes was his daughter, she was obviously not conceived by his wife. Then there was Joe Kroll’s unbelievable good fortune. There he was in Breslau (the city was then located in Prussia, but is now Wrocław, in western Poland) with heavy debts, running a Winter Garden, which mainly consisted of swimming baths and one shabby restaurant. Suddenly, on the recommendation of Prince Wilhelm, he is vouchsafed by the King of Prussia the best piece of vacant land in Berlin and enough money to build an entertainment complex that today would cost the equivalent of many millions of pounds. He must have done a very great favour for the prince, or for the king, or for both, to become virtually overnight the city’s cultural czar and one of its wealthiest citizens.

Nor does the ‘elopement’ stack up. In March 1848 came the violent revolution – hundreds killed on the streets of Berlin – and Prince Wilhelm was sent to take refuge in England with his cousin, Queen Victoria. It turned out that Louis and Agnes travelled comfortably to London from Hamburg shortly afterwards, accompanied by a diplomatic courier. Their marriage was immediately and efficiently arranged (difficult for two newly arrived Germans to manage) and a mystery witness at the wedding bore the name of a senior adviser to Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert. They travelled to Australia as first-class passengers, at a cost not normally affordable by a pastry chef. When, some years later, a member of the Anglo-German royal family arrived in Sydney (Prince Alfred, the Duke of Edinburgh, second son of Queen Victoria), the first thing he did was to look up Louis and Agnes, as if they were part of the family. He carried a letter of introduction from Prince Wilhelm, who had by now become King (Kaiser) not only of Prussia but of a Germany united by the genius of Bismarck. The very religious Jane Dettmann, at a time when she was likely to die and hence unlikely to lie, told her son (who is still alive) that her mother was a princess, the illegitimate daughter of Kaiser Wilhelm I, the King of Germany.

This was all very discomforting. I really do not fancy having any connection with kaisers, or even the English royal family, the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas, who changed their name to ‘Windsor’ during World War I to pretend they were not related to the enemy. (This produced the only joke the Kaiser is known to have made: ‘Do they still perform at Windsor, the merry wives of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha?’)

Before I could credit Jane Dettmann’s dying declaration, I would need to know who and what Prince Wilhelm was up to back in 1823 when he allegedly fathered Agnes. There is evidence that he knew Kroll, and had visited his Wrocław establishment on hunting trips to the area. But was it likely – or even possible – that he could have produced at this time an illegitimate child who would be farmed out to the Krolls in return for a king’s ransom – the cost of the Kroll Opera?

Unfortunately, it is altogether possible. A few years after the programme, a book was published which gave more credence to the theory, and suggested that I may have a double dose of royal blood.1 It drew on the well-known fact that Prince Wilhelm – who later, under Bismarck’s tutelage, became Kaiser Wilhelm I – was in 1823 conducting a passionate affair with the love of his life, the Polish princess Elisabeth (or Elisa) Radziwill. They were writing to each other every day, and many of the letters with the tell-tale details are publicly available to historians (although there are curious gaps in the 1823 correspondence). The two had been in love from 1822, giving each other rings (‘ever true’). Elisa confessed to friends that she dreamed they were married, and that Wilhelm ‘took the liberties of a married man’. Their idyll lasted seven years, as Wilhelm fought his father and the Prussian court for his right to marry Elisa. But Hohenzollern politics were cruel and opportunistic: the Radziwills were not royal enough or important enough for Wilhelm to marry into them. He lacked the courage to disobey his father, who insisted on a union with Russian royalty, so in 1829 he married a better-qualified princess, Augusta of Saxe-Weimar. Just before his nuptials, the King published a most curiously worded decree, annulling ‘any union of marriage that Prince Wilhelm may have entered into’ – leading to conjecture that his son had married Elisa secretly. Elisa pined away, dying a few years later of a broken heart. Wilhelm kept a picture of her (which looks uncannily like a picture of Jane Dettmann at seventeen) on his desk throughout his long life, and asked on his deathbed that it be placed in his hands so that he could expire while looking at her.

I despise Kaiser Wilhelm I, and sincerely hope we are not related. As a young man he was a coward, unable to stand up to his father and the court in order to marry, at least publicly, the woman he really loved. Contrast him with William Weston, who had the courage to do the right thing no matter what society might have said about his love for the ‘lower-born’. As king of Bismarck’s Germany, Wilhelm was militaristic and imperialistic, and his son (Kaiser Wilhelm II) was a war criminal who invaded Belgium and ordered unrestricted submarine warfare. I want nothing to do with these pumped-up Prussians, however many researchers believe in my royal genes! But their work illuminated the problem of royal (and other) bastards at a time when shame over sex and class had morally calcified Europe. There is now evidence that Elisa had two illegitimate children and was most likely the wife whose secret marriage was annulled by the king just before Prince Wilhelm began his loveless (but not childless) union with the better-connected Augusta. In 1605, or thereabouts, Shakespeare in King Lear gave illegitimate Edmund the great plea ‘Now, gods, stand up for bastards!’ It took four centuries before it was heeded in the West, by laws that repealed their stigma and inability to inherit.

That was the inconclusive end of my quest to find out who – or whom – I was. Frankly, I do not much care whether I am descended from a prince or a showman. Joe Kroll did strike a chord but so far science has not discovered a genetic predisposition to musical appreciation. I do have traits associated with emperors – pomposity, and an inability to suffer fools gladly (for which reason I have never attempted a political career) – but I doubt whether this derives from the Hohenzollerns; rather from life as a judge and QC in England. My family thought it most pronounced when I came home after a long day laying down the law to grovelling barristers and attended by clerks and ushers – my court servants. It comes, in other words, by immersion in the class system, and not naturally. As for ethics, those I have are derived from my mother – because she taught me them, not because I inherited them from her down a line of dodgy royal relatives.

* * *

My real family story – of the members of my family I can actually remember – begins with my grandmother Bernice, daughter of Jane Dettmann who had become in time a rather joyless member of the very joyless Plymouth Brethren. Bernice was high-spirited and, under the pretext of spending a weekend at a bible camp, headed instead for Sydney’s Central Station, where the country troop trains were decanting the ‘boys from the bush’ who had volunteered for military service on the Somme. They were milling around the platform, talking loudly, and it was a simple trick for the girls to choose a target and bump against him. Bernice chose her man and moved towards him. ‘Did you speak to me?’ she asked. ‘No,’ replied the somewhat startled young man, a twenty-year-old teacher from the country town of Tumut, Harry Beattie. Bernice grinned. ‘Well, you can now.’

And so he did, for the rest of the day, as they wandered the foreshore before his troop ship sailed for England on the morrow. The vivacious girl made such an impression on this rather staid and studious youth that over the next four years, until his return, he wrote her a letter every week, in unusually perfect copperplate handwriting. After the war they reconnected and married, on the strength of his perfectly sloping calligraphy and her need to escape the smother-love of the Brethren. Harry was a lapsed Catholic. He had been sent to St Patrick’s College in Goulburn, where he was not sexually abused, but each night he observed from his bedroom window the line of priests visiting the maidservants’ quarters to dishonour their vows of chastity. He decided, at the age of twelve, to have nothing further to do with these hypocrites.

Bernice’s instinct at the railway station was right – bright young Harry Beattie was quite a catch. He and his brother Bob showed scholarly qualities and had been trained by the Education Department to serve at the one-teacher schools that dotted the countryside. They had heeded the imperial call and volunteered for the war: Harry with his educated voice and quick wit was selected for Australia’s first air squadron – the Australian Flying Corps – but to his regret poor eyesight precluded him from becoming a pilot. Instead he became flight sergeant to the squadron and was awarded a Mention in Despatches for dragging a pilot out of a burning Sopwith aircraft. His was a good war, unlike Bob, who was blown up with nineteen other Australians by a German tunnel bomb at Bapaume, a town on the Somme.2 On British ceremonial occasions to which I am sometimes summoned by an embossed card that says ‘Dress: Medals’, I clip on to my jacket the small golden wings that Harry bequeathed me – his medal as a founder member of the Australian Air Force.

After marrying Bernice, Harry was appointed schoolmaster at Marshall Mount near Dapto, a single-teacher school outside Wollongong, and not far from Horsley Place. The family occupied a large white house opposite the school – all seven children (my mother being the third) would be dispatched each morning to call their father ‘Sir’ rather than ‘Dad’ once they entered the school gate. They lived happily until a family tragedy. The second-born, Margaret, seemed inattentive and short-sighted aged around six. Her worried father bought her glasses, but they didn’t help. Peg, as she was known, had an inoperable tumour on the brain, from which, doctors said, she would die.

She survived, attended a school for the blind and lived happily – she was always happy – until she was seventy-eight. She often stayed with us – my mother was closest to her in age and took most responsibility for her – and knitted us socks, jumpers and tea cosies. The subdued click-clack of her knitting needles orchestrated our house, and every Easter we would queue up to enter the Pavilion at Sydney’s Royal Easter Show and radiate pleasure at all the prizes Auntie Peg had won in the ‘Blind Knitting’ section. She was an object lesson in overcoming the challenge of living with a disability, and I wore her blue-ribbon jumpers with a certain pride. Today she would be hailed as a champion, a role model and an example of why knitting should be a Paralympic sport, but in her time she was seen as a poor blind girl who was good at crocheting. Her prizes – never of money – were acts of condescension by people who did not realise that the disabled have real talent and are capable of superhuman efforts to show it.

My mother’s name, Bernice Joy Beattie, was shortened to ‘Joy’ to avoid confusion with her mother. She gained top marks at high school, but at sixteen there was no money for further education. The country was in the grasp of the Depression and most people in Wollongong were unemployed. She took a low-paid job at a dental clinic for the poor, staying with a friend in town during the week and returning to the family home at weekends with a bag of sweets for Peg. The work brought her into contact with despairing victims of the Depression – unemployed men struggling to feed their families who could not afford 2/6d for a set of dentures. It aroused a concern for the poor that never left her.3

When the war came, Joy decided to volunteer for the air force – an obvious choice given her father’s membership of the original Australian Flying Corps. So off she went, with 140 other recruits, to train for the WAAAF – the Women’s Australian Auxiliary Air Force (a third ‘A’ for ‘Auxiliary’ to emphasise, I suppose, the perceived inferiority of women). They would not be flying, of course – the war did not break down the sexism of the time quite so far – but these women would do more than pack parachutes. They would be permitted to help in the administration of the war effort, so they had to complete an intensive three-month training course. It was held in a town called Robertson. To Joy’s surprise, she came first, and was quickly made a corporal and sent north to Townsville, the key administrative centre for pilots, ground-force soldiers, ships and aeroplanes en route to fight the Japanese in New Guinea and the islands of the South Pacific.

She arrived at a crucial time for Australia: the Japanese were still in New Guinea, threatening Port Moresby, and were making bombing raids on Townsville. She was placed in the personnel section and put in charge of pilot-debriefing records: she met – through their words, and then in person – the men who were flying in combat at this terrifying time, and she had to close their files when they did not return from battle.

* * *

Meanwhile, my uncle Ron had been the first-born (in 1918) of that branch of the Robertsons who had left the snowy caps of Mount Kosciuszko to find work in the big smoke. Ron’s father, Harold, was the son of ‘Red Robbo’, the squatter who came to the city so that his boys could learn a trade. Harold had a bad chest, which kept him home from the war and limited the jobs available to him: the trade he chose, at fifteen, was that of a ‘French polisher’ – essentially, polishing the pianos of the upper classes in Sydney’s wealthy eastern suburbs. He was employed by Beale and Co., the piano specialists, and rose to become its factory foreman, supervising fifty workers and apprentices. He met his wife Fol (some arcane allusion to ‘Fol de Rol’), a farmer’s daughter, at the Methodist Church.

Then, in 1929, the Great Depression hit and Harold lost his job – piano-polishing was a luxury even the rich could no longer afford. He would tramp the streets every day, finding a job here and there, earning just enough to pay one shilling and sixpence to the local ‘rabbito’ for a pair of the rabbits which kept the Sydney poor from starvation. Fol took a tailoring course and learnt to cut down Harold’s suits to make presentable clothes for her three sons. The boys never forgot their father’s anxious negotiations with a caring bank manager over the mortgage he could not afford to pay: suspending the repayments was the salvation of the Robertson family. In admiration, Frank aspired to become a bank manager, as did his younger brother Lance (who did indeed become one).

It was Ron who led the Robertsons to war, even before Pearl Harbor. He started at university, learnt about fascism and the need to fight it, and chose to leave to join the air force – more individual, more romantic and more chance of standing up to the enemy. Soon he was selected to go to England to navigate on the heavy Lancasters that were beginning to pound Germany. In the weeks before this lethal posting (half the wartime Lancaster crews were killed), he was stationed in Queensland with a squadron flying Avro Anson bombers, on the lookout for Japanese submarines.

The threat from Japan increased, and Frank was next in line to volunteer. He chose the RAAF, for much the same reasons as Ron, and just before his twentieth birthday was accepted for pilot training. He had never flown before, but was soon doing aerobatics in a Tiger Moth. ‘My first spin – nearly scared me to death and found myself trembling when the ordeal was over – don’t think I’ll ever master the queer sensation,’ Frank recorded, frankly, in his new logbook. In no time he’d mastered the Tiger Moth, and moved on to the Wirraway (the Aboriginal word for ‘challenge’), Australia’s unique contribution to fighting aircraft, too slow and cumbersome ever to win a fight. Pilots likened it to a flying lawnmower.

It was in a Wirraway, on the night of 30 May 1943, that nineteen-year-old Frank Robertson (and, inferentially, his unconceived son) almost ceased to exist. It was his first solo night flight and he was caught in an unexpected and violent storm. He became lost in a plane without radar, and a few minutes of fuel in the tank. Bailing out was the best option, to climb to a height from which he could safely parachute, abandoning his plane to crash by itself. But the youth had seen the lights of the town below, and he was not prepared to save himself at the risk of civilian life: he would take his chances and go down with his aircraft. So he wheeled the aircraft around in a loop and descended, putting the wheels and flaps down, flying parallel to power lines. He threw a flare, which dazzled him momentarily but showed he was heading straight for a large telegraph pole. He stepped hard on the right rudder so the plane began to slew, but too late to avoid the impact, which tore away the engine and the left wing. The rest of the plane bounced high to the right, landing on the power lines. The fifty-six strands of rubber wire cushioned the craft for a second, then quite literally catapulted it into the air, from where it descended, almost sedately, onto the flat roof of a nearby house.

When Frank came round, he saw a vision – a lady with long white hair and a white nightgown. ‘Oh gosh,’ the young Methodist thought. ‘I’m in heaven.’

He was in fact in the small bush town of Chiltern, and had landed on the roof of a house belonging to the local nurse. She was woken by the crash and had climbed to the roof in her dressing gown – and then fainted at the sight of the burning plane and its pilot. His epiphany over, the trainee gingerly hoisted himself out of the cockpit and slid down to the roof to embrace the recumbent nurse, at which point both lost consciousness – my father as much from the shock of surviving as from the pain of his bruised arm and broken ribs.

He came round as an army doctor and nurse were inspecting his injuries, and heard them say, ‘We’ll have to cut it off.’

‘Be buggered,’ he interjected, but they were talking about his sleeve.

Frank was back flying in three days, and was in combat three months later. The official RAAF investigation of his crash made no criticism: he had made a moral and honourable choice. As he told his debriefers, ‘I had glimpsed a town beneath me and I was not prepared to let my aircraft go with the possibility of it causing damage and loss of civilian life.’

The story – and the photographs – were in all the newspapers and are now on display at the museum in Chiltern. I was pleased to read that the nurse had been compensated – the plane’s impact had pushed her house a metre off its alignment.4 The only effect the crash had on Dad’s career was to supply his nickname: his mates in the air force dubbed him ‘Home-wrecker’.

They marvelled at the newspaper photographs, which became the pictures I too held in my mental attic after I first discovered them at the back of my father’s dresser, rooting around, as small children do, among the impedimenta of their parents’ war experience. It is impossible to look at them without wondering how the pilot survived. On this photographic evidence, I was the by-product of providence, of what Claire Tomalin calls ‘the randomness of things’. Contemplating these pictures may have influenced me to seek with determination and accept with gratitude whatever fortune this life would put in my direction.

* * *

Ron was first to congratulate Frank on getting his wings (‘May they always bear you up and bring you home’). His letters told how the pilot of his Avro Anson would go on target runs over the Barrier Reef a few feet above the waves, so they could see schools of sharks, a whale and her calf, and a jumping marlin. He would pull back on the stick just in time. It may have been this kind of daredevil flying that caused the pilot of AX-471 to fly as low as he could over Heron Island, and then discover that he couldn’t. The wing clipped a pisonia tree, the plane crashed (on what is now the tennis court of a luxury resort) and most of the young airmen on board died instantly. Ron survived, was rescued by a US ‘subchaser’ and was brought back with critical injuries.

It was a terrible time for the family. His mother, Fol, was flown to Gladstone to take up a hopeless vigil by his bedside, and Harold joined her the next day. My father, now practising aerial combat, received two telegrams from his parents on 30 July:




Frank took compassionate leave and hitched a lift in a DC3 to arrive the day after the funeral: Ron had survived in a coma for a week, coming out of it only once to tell his distraught mother that he was in pain and could not feel his legs (both had been amputated). He was a remarkable young man, aged twenty-five, and it was my family destiny to be born to fill his legless shoes. He haunted my life, in the sense that I was middle-named (Ronald) to replace him, for my grandparents at least. Theirs was a private grief that lasted all their years – I went once with my grandmother to Ron’s war grave and will never forget the anguish on her face. I grew up with them and imbibed this sense of hopelessness at how war can so arbitrarily destroy what is good.

* * *

Providence, having preserved my father in the Wirraway crash, brought me closer to existence because of his need for a pair of long socks. These accessories – looking slightly ridiculous below the bare knees of the khaki shorts worn by fighting men in the tropics – were required of every young recruit. Fol, for all her trauma over Ron’s death, had another son to groom for the air war against Japan, and her misery could not overcome her lower-middle-class need to send him forth to battle properly dressed. It was, of course, unthinkingly cruel of officialdom to send Fol’s second son into harm’s way a few weeks after the loss of her first, but such considerations do not bother officials. Frank was ordered to board the train to Townsville then fly to New Guinea and join in combat as a member of 75 Fighter Squadron. But first, insisted Fol, a trip must be made, from the grieving home in the suburbs to a city haberdasher.

And there, in the menswear department of the Cooee Clothing Store, Bernice Beattie awaited, ever ready to be the instrument of fate. She had taken the job for three days a week to supplement her husband’s teacher’s salary and to help the war effort. On this day she met a protective mother dragging a son who, although somewhat woebegone, had an Errol Flynn moustache and a courteous bearing.

‘Long socks?’ she enquired helpfully.

‘Yes, he’s off to Townsville tomorrow. He’s to fly to New Guinea.’

Bernice leapt in: ‘Townsville! I have a daughter in Townsville. He must look her up for me…’

The young man pricked up his ears. The word in the RAAF was that Townsville was a dreadful place with a severe shortage of women. You couldn’t swim – the beaches were covered with barbed wire against the expected Japanese invasion – and for the same reason the local wives had been moved to Brisbane and the girls’ school was closed. Having an introduction to a WAAAF – a blonde no less, as her mother hastily added (‘but very reserved’) – might be just the ticket. ‘Perhaps I could give her a message from you?’ offered Frank as he scented possibility. Bernice helpfully dictated Joy’s name and telephone number.

When Frank arrived at Townsville, with an order to fly out to Port Moresby the next day, he dialled Joy’s number from the train station. Perhaps they could meet that evening? Joy had no particular desire to step out, but at nineteen she was still a dutiful daughter: if her mother had vetted this stranger, she could at least meet him. She instructed Frank to collect her at the WAAAF barracks.

Frank Robertson turned up at the hostel at the appointed hour to request the receptionist to call Joy Beattie’s room. There were other women in the badly lit foyer eyeing the evening’s male visitors, and suddenly one of them let out a heart-rending scream. She fell to the floor, pointing at Frank. ‘Robbie – Ron – Ron Robertson!’ She thought she had seen the ghost of the man whose funeral she had attended a few weeks before and who now, as if resurrected, had walked through the door. Frank knelt down to the traumatised woman. ‘No, I’m his younger brother. Tell me about him.’ She had worked in the officers’ mess and Ron had been her favourite – ‘We all loved him.’

It was, on any score, a remarkable scene that greeted my mother – although in a war which was claiming so many lives it was not all that surprising. But it gave a certain unworldliness to my parents’ first meeting, when Frank stood up to salute (really) and to introduce himself. It was not love at first sight, but you could say there was definitely emotion in the air.

Then fate took a hand, in the form of one of those bossy-booted, kind-hearted, no-nonsense alpha females who are at their best when organising and administering what would, if left to males, be chaos. She was responsible for transporting men and materials to Port Moresby and the islands, and must have had a soft spot for Joy and thought she needed a break. Her escort was gentle, well-spoken and genuine, and flying into battle the next day. Or was he? In an act of total defiance of her duty, which should have had her cashiered, she decided to remove Francis Robertson from the next day’s transport roster. And the next. And the next.

So Frank and Joy were vouchsafed a full week to get to know each other and the city of Townsville, which they toured. There was barbed wire on the beach and the town was peppered with bomb craters – the Japanese were making night-time raids. There were, however, some of the attractions that followed American servicemen around the world: an open-air cinema with the latest films (Casablanca, inevitably), late-opening bars, and something that shocked the inner-city Methodist and Brethren-raised girl: brothels. Even more shocking was the fact that the American forces had segregated brothels – one for Negro soldiers, another for the whites. Frank and Joy took themselves off on the ferry to Magnetic Island, a pleasant sanctuary half an hour from the coast, to swim and talk and take tea at the Arcadia guesthouse.

The idyll could not last. After the week in which Frank’s name had mysteriously disappeared from each day’s transport roster, the commanding officer of 75 Squadron visited the main office. Joy introduced Frank – by now almost her boyfriend – to his commanding officer, who hit the roof: ‘Frank Robertson! What the blue blazes are you doing here? You should have been with us a week ago! Get on the transport tomorrow, or there will be hell to pay!’

Pilot Officer Robertson was dispatched to war the next day.

Frank became a useful Kitty Hawk pilot, to judge from his reports, and he was soon promoted to flying officer. His squadron had an important late-war role, winkling the Japanese out of their redoubts up the northern coast of New Guinea and then from islands further to the north. The Kitty Hawk (the Curtiss P-40 Warhawk) was built for this role: its powerful cannon could rip through enemy aircraft fuselages or enemy armaments on the ground, and its missiles and underbelly bomb could rain havoc on enemy soldiers in dugouts and slit trenches. It was brutal, single-minded warfare: my father could never forget the smell of burning flesh as he came out of his cockpit onto a captured runway after an island assault. The Japanese, told by their demigod emperor to fight to the death and never surrender, had to be exterminated in their trenches.

They were – so much later – called ‘the great generation’ by their children, these fliers and fighters of the South Pacific. I have always been proud of my father for being one of them, although I suspect he was terrified much of the time, inconsolable over his brother, and simply found himself in a position where there was no alternative to courage. They had exotic women painted on their fuselages – Betty Boop was on the nose of his plane – and of course there were pleasures – the grass skirts and coconuts, swimming in clear mountain pools and coral-paved beaches, meeting the occasional infusion of nurses, and always the sunshine (which planted the melanomas that later killed many of them – sunscreen was not available). But the war in the Pacific was as cruel as war anywhere, and as wasteful. These kids were not political: they were doing their duty, and in the moments before their deaths their minds filled with images of their mothers.

My father spent his time flying over islands occupied by Japanese troops who would have cut off his head with a ceremonial sword if he once again crash-landed. Malaria was endemic, as was dengue fever and gastroenteritis: pilots had an empty gumboot in the cockpit to serve as a toilet. His logbook is full of the hazards of flying in New Guinea – the low cloud, storms and rain squalls that would suddenly put pilots in peril over Japanese-occupied islands. Much of his work was on successful bombing and strafing raids on enemy positions, keeping a wary eye on the lethal Zeros that came out of the sun and onto their tails. The war at this point was not one-sided, although the US forces were slowly getting the upper hand. My father found the Americans fascinating, if rather naïve – they were always trying to barter their new automatic weapons for old Australian revolvers which reminded the Yanks of the guns their cowboys used in the movies. He got on well with them, and as an officer of an Allied force he was always treated generously. On one occasion he brought his flight into an American base, all four pilots low on fuel after battling with turbulent weather. He was welcomed in the officers’ mess, but was surprised to find that his NCOs were sent elsewhere. Australian pilots did not pull rank and on the ground, as in the dogfight, all were equal.

Frank’s tour of active duty ended when he was made an instructor – at the grand old age of twenty-two – and sent back to Australia to teach nineteen-year-olds how to handle their war machines in the tropics. It was in this last phase of the war that he experienced the thrill of flying a Spitfire. It flew like a dream, and he flew it like a dream from the first. I note in his logbook a certain number of solo flights which he would have taken for the joy of flying, in this craft that was so light to his touch after the ponderous Kitty Hawk.

It was on these private excursions that he lived the poem he later taught me:

My father, tossed in the storm before his crash, had a vision of his mother – not of the Virgin Mary or a bearded man with a halo. These boys were fighting for their mothers and their families, not for religion or empire. Frank was a gentle youth deeply affected by the debriefing photos of all the bodies he had shot and bombed in his strafing raids on Japanese trenches – seventy years later he could still recall his recoil at the sight and the stench. But this was a war which threatened to destroy his family and had already taken the life of his beloved big brother: it had to be won. Which is why, midway through 1945, he was prepared to leave his comfortable and safe work as a Spitfire instructor to join the impending invasion of Japan. The word in the RAAF was that General MacArthur had no need of Australian squadrons to defeat the enemy: the only way to see action was to enlist as a naval pilot and fly off the British aircraft carrier that would be part of the invasion fleet. My father volunteered and was ordered to report to naval headquarters in Melbourne on 15 August 1945.

On that very day, he was saved by the bomb. Emperor Hirohito announced Japan’s surrender, telling his people the reason – ‘The enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb.’ Without Hiroshima, my father would have been part of a bloody finale to war in the Pacific certain to have cost hundreds of thousands of Allied and Japanese lives – and possibly his own.

The war was over, and there was dancing in the streets. Frank Robertson decided that he would not report for naval duty. Instead, he telephoned Joy, the WAAAF corporal he had taken out in Townsville. Since the war had ended, he said, they might as well get married. She agreed, and they did. The photos show my mother in a full and flowing white bridal dress, my father in his blue RAAF uniform replete with medals, still sporting his Errol Flynn moustache.

There was nothing to stop me now: my potential existence had survived the Wirraway crash and been saved by the bomb. In due course I was born – on 30 September 1946. Coincidentally, on that day, 12,000 miles away on a foggy morning at Nuremberg, and at much the same hour, eight judges entered the courtroom to deliver their historic judgment on the Nazi leaders who had started the war. As they came in, I came out.

That is a crude way of saying that happenstance had me born on the day of the Nuremberg judgment, and that the length of my life still provides a precise temporal measure of the extent to which the international community has failed to deliver on the momentous promise of that day, namely that crimes against humanity would henceforth be deterred by punishment of their perpetrators. The judgment upon the Nazi leaders – perpetrators of the Holocaust – created the law that I came in time to practise, to judge, to write about and generally to try to develop. My textbook a half-century later was called Crimes Against Humanity: The Struggle for Global Justice. By a ‘Crime Against Humanity’, I meant a crime so heinous that the very fact a human being could commit it demeans every other member of the human race, wherever they live and whatever their culture or creed. From its iniquity arises an ‘international jurisdiction’ – i.e. a power in any country – to try and to punish those who command or organise it or abet it, whether they are Presidents and Prime Ministers or Generals or bureaucrats or ideologues or industrialists. Since these scoundrels are generally above or beyond the law in their own state, the Nuremberg legacy depends for its fulfilment on the establishment of international institutions of justice with power to end their impunity. My affinity with the day of the Nuremberg judgment was no more than a curious coincidence, but perhaps providence was once again at work.


1 Belinda Dettmann and Jane Stevens, Agnes the Secret Princess: An Australian Story (Sydney: Newport, 2015).

2 Geoffrey Robertson, Dreaming Too Loud: ‘For a Tumut schoolteacher, blown up at Bapaume’, (Sydney: Vintage, 2013), Chapter 12.

3 After her death in 2016 we discovered – from anxious calls to the family home from charities for the poor – that she had for years been anonymously donating generously to them.

4 Barrie Cassidy, ‘The RAAF trainee who crashed landed on a roof’, The Drum, ABC News, 24 April 2015.

5 The poem, ‘High Flight’, was written by John Gillespie Magee Jr, a young Anglo-American airman serving with the Royal Canadian Air Force, a few weeks before his death in an aerial collision in Britain in 1941. I found a handwritten copy in a letter my father sent to his mother from the front line in 1943, doubtless to console her if he were to suffer the same fate.