The biggest thank-you goes to my clients, including those who will recognize their stories in this book, those who encouraged me to write the book, and all those who’ve proven to me, through their own results, that this scientific self-helpery really works.
Tender gratitude to Ann and Lou Cabral—dearer friends don’t exist—who helped create my marvelous downtown-San Francisco office space, from painting walls to hanging pictures to inventing ingenious ways to soundproof (sort of) the tenth-floor window overlooking Market Street.
Speaking of irreplaceable friends, David Dobbin, thank you for not falling asleep when over the phone I’ve gone on and on about the science of brain plasticity and how we ordinary folks can put it to practical use. Okay, let’s say both ordinary and odd. Thank you for being my fellow big-hearted brainiac weirdo bent on saving the world.
Hugs, thanks, and hats off to my brother Farley, whom I’m lucky to count as family and friend, and who comes to my rescue with remarkable patience, including helping me relearn to drive after my move to Durham, North Carolina.
Humble indebtedness to scientists whose research helps people lead better lives. I’m in awe of you.
Grateful praise for my agent Giles Anderson, who gently convinced me to restructure the book so that it would sing for its supper, by which I mean we found a publisher. Thank you Erika Heilman for taking Self-Intelligence and its author under your wing during your tenure at Quarto.
Hey, has everyone noticed that this book is drop-dead gorgeous? Happy applause for the Quarto team, including senior editorial project manager Renae Haines, art director Anne Re who designed the interior, and Rick Landers, who designed the cover.
Love and appreciation to members of the Canfield community, my companions on this never-ending journey of self-betterment. Special thanks to the unflappable Marilyn Suttle and to the brilliant strategist Patty Aubery, co-founder of The Canfield Training Group.
Infinite gratitude to Jack Canfield, for continuing to expand my understanding of what’s possible.