Kansas, 453; Lecompton plan, 579-80, 589, 607; slavery issue in, 543, 550-2, 579-80, 591; Topeka constitution in, 550
Kansas Free State (newspaper), 551
Kansas-Nebraska act, 543-52 passim, 582, 599, 607
Kant, Immanuel, 481
Kearny, Gen. Stephen W., 461-2
Kendall, Amos, 325-6, 339, 346, 348, 375-6
Kent, James, 364
Kentucky, 94, 96, 131, 175, 208, 315, 331, 468, 495, 496, 529-30, 573, 601, 608, 620; economic problems in, 241, 374-6; politics in, 173, 267, 336, 374-6, 380, 604
Kentucky Gazette (newspaper), 131
Kentucky resolution, 131-3, 134, 139, 145, 162, 261
Kerber, Linda, 58
Key, Francis Scott, 215
King, Rufus, 19, 35, 39, 79, 203, 227, 239, 243
Kirtland, Ohio, 499
Know-Nothing (American) party, 499, 547-9, 553-4, 557, 558, 599, 603; split in, 559-62
Knox, Henry, 13, 16, 35, 71, 72, 77-8, 124
Kossuth, Lajos, 416, 467, 536-7
Kraditor, Aileen, 521
Labadists, 439
labor: child, 89, 288, 293, 439, 503; class structure in, 114, 115; craft traditions and unions, 120, 289-90, 358, 414; immigrant, 405-6, 408-9; industrial, 75, 89, 287-95, 489, 494, 503, 510, 574, 597; and politics. 358-9, 361, 373, 503; radical movements for, 360-1, 502, 535; strikes and boycotts by, 358, 398-9, 406, 589; trade unions, 358-9, 498; unemployment, 344, 406, 446, 589; working conditions, 358, 381, 395-400, 406, 535; see also women: in labor force; working class
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul, Marquis de, 40-1, 99, 251, 255, 360, 414
La Fortuna (slave ship), 384-5
Lake Erie, 212-13, 303-5, 450, 532
Lamb, Gen. John, 56
Lamb, Robert K., 307
Lane Seminary, Cincinnati, 500
Larkin, Thomas O., 455-6
Laurens, Henry, 43
law, profession of, 436
Lawrence, Mass., 295
Lawrence, U.S.S., 212
Lawrence, Abbott, 437
Lawrence Company, 399
leadership: and democracy, 357-8; and economic change, 305-11, 429-33; grass-roots, 264, 309, 310; political, 137, 311, 358, 369, 373, 376-7, 379, 380, 428, 554; and rebellion, 384; in republic, 21, 62-3, 84-5, 109, 131, 143, 144, 191, 262-3, 269, 600; and war, 216, 614; see also Framers of Constitution
Lear, Tobias, 70
Leavis, Q. D., 491
Lee, Henry, 53-4
Lee, Richard Henry, 43, 50, 53
Lee, Robert E., 463, 464, 590, 608, 614, 622, 624, 626
legislative branch, 36, 168, 226; andjudicial review, 187-9, 193; see also Congress, U.S.
L’Enfant, Pierre, 168
Lenox, Mass., 489
Leopard, H.M.S., 199
Lerner, Max, 485
Letcher, Robert P., 267
Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (Dickinson), 35
Lewis, Meriwether, 168, 178-83, 190, 458
Lewis and Clark expedition, 178-83, 190, 458
Lexington, Mass., 75-6, 199, 482, 505
Liberator (Garrison), 366, 394, 517
Liberia, 366
liberty: belief in, 7, 15, 21, 23-7, 33-4, 62, 142, 411, 416, 548, 624-5; and Bill of Rights, 89-90; culture of, 476-522; and equality, 25, 143, 226, 228-9, 258, 263, 272, 347-8, 491, 500, 520, 571-3, 575, 587, 593; and factionalism, 29-30, 45, 54, 60-1; and general welfare, 115-16; and government, 62, 263, 491; and Indian policy, 453; and individualism, 485-7, 489-92; and Jacksonian democracy, 347-8, 350; linkage with other values, 26, 33, 130-1; and “manifest destiny,” 457, 537; and national security, 253-4; negative brand of, 263, 613; and order, 16, 19, 26-7, 34, 98-9, 109, 128-9, 130, 228, 350, 494, 597; and political parties, 372, 379; and property rights, 25, 26-7, 45, 131, 226, 228-9, 263, 268; protection of, through institutions, 34, 45, 59, 60, 209, 263, 268, 437; and public education, 502; in 1770s, as issue, 117; and slavery, 25, 40, 148-51, 263, 366, 387, 510, 520, 572-3, 587; threats to, 33-4, 125-33, 141, 215
Liberty party, 467-7· 521, 545, 553
libraries, 22, 110, 115, 396, 476, 482
Lincoln, Abraham, 301, 411, 496, 555-6; on black equal rights, 584-7; debates with Douglas, 557, 581-7, 594; in election of 1860, 594-7, 600-1; Emancipation Proclamation, 625-8; habeas corpus suspended by, 615, 619; and preservation of Union, 604-5, 625; presidency of, 603-8, 612, 614-20, 622, 624-7; and Republican party, 561-2, 581-7, 605; and slavery issue, 556-9, 586-7, 590, 620, 624, 625
Lincoln, Gen. Benjamin, 71
Lincoln, Mary Todd (Mrs. Abraham), 555, 603, 608
literature, 112, 451, 517, 534, 588; of New England, 476-91
Little Turtle, Chief, 96-7
Livingston, Edward, 332
Livingston, Peter, 333
Livingston, Robert R., 56, 66, 153, 174-7, 192, 195, 277-8, 284, 286, 296-9, 301, 306-8, 310, 431
Livingston family, 81, 278, 296, 297, 370
local government, 74, 91, 439, 504, 514; and Alien and Sedition Acts, 131-3; and ratification of Constitution, 46-58
Log Cabin (campaign journal), 421
London, England, 400, 535, 536, 539
London Times, 235, 447, 539, 618
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 223, 545; Hiawatha, 588
Longstreet, James, 464
Louis XVI, King of France, 100
Louisiana, 244, 267, 282, 364, 597, 608
Louisiana Purchase, 174-8, 189, 207, 230, 242, 245, 299
Louisiana Territory, 172-5
Louis Philippe, King of France, 416, 467
Louisville, Ky., 180, 300, 302, 375, 450, 499, 515
Louisville Courier-Journal, 612
Louisville Journal, 515
Lovejoy, Elijah P., 518-19, 522
Lowell, Mass., 295, 307, 351, 395-400
Lowell, Francis Cabot, 276, 291-6, 306-7, 310-11, 437
Lowell, James Russell, 486, 521-2, 588; Bigelow Papers, The, 522
Lowell, John, 307
Lowell and Moody’s power
loom, 292
Lowell Courier, 399
Lowell Female
Labor Reform Association
Lowell Offering, 396-7
lower class, 221, 407-10; in cities, 79, 355, 405, 509-10; education of, 111, 115, 407, 504, 506, 507, 509-11; and inegalitarianism, 357, 358, 359, 383-4; and newspapers, 512, 515, 516-17; poor whites, 409-10, 507, 530, 591, 592; voting by, 382, 409-10; see also poverty
Lucretius, 170
Lundy, Benjamin, 517
Lundy’s Lane, Battle of, 213
Lutherans, 497
Luther v. Borden, 466
Lyman, Samuel, 229
Lynd, Staughton, 411
Mably, Abbé Gabriel de, 59, 62
Macauley, Catharine, 59
Macdonough, Capt. Thomas, 213, 233
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 85
machines: interchangeable parts in, 216, 289, 290-1, 534; inventors of, 307, 429-30, 484; opposition to, 308, 360; see also agriculture: machinery and tools for; industry: machinery for; technology
Mackenzie, William Lyon, 446
Maclay, William, 69-70
Maclure, William, 441
Macon, Nathaniel, 208
Madariaga, Salvador de, 252
Madison, Dolley, 168, 204, 214
Madison, James, 16, 95, 101, 102, 121, 168, 172, 231, 238, 244-5, 247, 249, 256, 303, 325, 360, 414, 440, 452, 493, 619; in Congress, 68-9, 71, 89, 104, 137; and Constitution, 27-31, 33-9, 42, 44-6, 53-5, 57, 368; and economic policy, 84-6, 87-8; in election of 1808, 203-4, 227, 378; in election of 1812, 209-10, 211-12, 227, 378; and Jefferson, 28, 91-2, 203-4, 206, 208, 212, 255; and Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, 131-2, 134, 145; presidency of, 204-6, 211-12, 215, 235-7, 240-1, 260-1, 369-70, 428; and Republican party, 99, 107, 137, 138, 145, 147, 204, 236, 258, 269; as Secretary of State, 165-6, 167, 175, 183-4, 186-9, 95· 202-7 passim, 259, 203, 264; supports strong central government, 26, 30, 34-9, 44-6, 126, 140; theories of government of, 29-30, 45-6; on tyranny, 262-3; War of 1812, 204-15, 230, 234
Madrid, 538
magazines, 517
Maine, 5, 51, 217, 220-1, 230, 242, 295, 392, 478; boundary dispute, 447-8
majority rule, 36, 63, 160, 193, 349, 383, 422, 605; and suffrage restrictions, 20-1, 364; tyranny of, 30, 34, 54, 60-1, 119-20, 192, 262-3, 329, 357, 364; see also political parties: majority rule
Malonc, Dumas, 258
man: consciousness-raising of, 396-403, 412, 415, 491, 515, 521-2; natural rights of, 142, 263, 363, 571; and nature, 481-3, 487, 489; nature of, 29-30, 45-6, 109, 117-8, 215, 224-5, 479, 483; needs of, 21, 263; in society, 482, 489, 491-2; virtue in, 60, 62-3, 109, 118-19, 225, 272; see also society
Manassas Junction, 609-10, 616, 621, 622, 624
Manchester, N.H., 295
“manifest destiny,” 457-8, 536-40
Mann, Horace, 396, 489, 505-8, 510
Manning, William, 139-40, 144, 502
Marbury v. Madison (1803), 186-9, 193, 258, 262, 575
Marcy, William, 371-2, 536, 538-9, 540
marriage, 360, 361, 394-5, 400-3, 411, 568-9
Marshall, Christopher, 116
Marshall, John, 43, 53-4, 121-3, 124, 125, 147, 154, 160-1, 210, 350, 433, 436, 607; as Chief Justice, 159, 183-9, 193, 202, 258-60, 301, 335, 381, 436, 575, 619
Marshall. Lynn L., 428
Marx, Karl, 444, 516, 553; Communist Manifesto, 416, 444, 467
Marx, Leo, 491
Maryland, 8, 52, 98, 216, 227, 267, 274, 439, 504, 562, 608, 620, 624
Mason, George, 29, 42-3, 53, 255
Mason, John, 539
Massachusetts, 40, 49-52, 58, 73-6, 94, 201, 360-1, 392-3, 399-400, 433, 448, 465, 479, 502, 505-6, 540-2; industry in, 292-5, 373, 429-30, 476; politics in, 231, 239, 373-4, 465, 553; see also Boston; New England; Shays’s Rebellion
Matamoras, Mexico, 460
materialism, 228, 358, 536, 588
Matlack, Timothy, 116
Maysville, Ky., 331
Mazzini, Giuseppe, 416
McClellan, Gen. George, 463-4, 616-17, 621-2, 624, 626
McCormick. Cyrus, 430, 527, 534, 555
McCormick. Richard, 379
M’Culloch v. Maryland (1819), 259
McDowell, Gen. Irvin, 609-10
McDuffie, George. 336
McGready, James, 495
McGuffey, William Holmes, 527
McLean, Archibald, 44-5
McLeod, Alexander, 447
Mead, Sidney, 500
Meade, George Gordon, 464
Medill, Joseph, 514
Melville, Herman, 490-1, 517, 541, 588; Moby Dick, 476, 489, 491
merchants, 14, 75, 112-16, 218-22, 224, 228, 230-1, 275-6, 291, 295-6, 339, 373, 432, 455, 534, 569, 589; see also trade and commerce
Merrimac (frigate), 622
Merryman, Lt. John, 619
Methodists, 7, 150, 257, 373, 393-4, 442, 474, 494-6, 497, 500
Metternich, Prince Klemens von, 251
Mexican War, 449, 460-4, 465, 468, 514-15, 536, 564
Mexico, 196-7, 454-5, 458-64; gains independence, 248-9, 445, 454
Mexico City, Mexico, 244, 454, 460-4
Michigan, 207, 315, 450, 508-9, 530
middle class, 79, 82, 110-11, 114, 115, 318, 355-7, 363, 383, 400, 402-3, 407, 411, 414, 497, 510-11, 512, 518
Middlesex Mills, Lowell, 400
Milan, 416, 467 military establishment, 169, 195, 210, 236, 464, 623; in a republic, 215-16
Mill, John Stuart, 414
Miller, John, 153
Mills, Caleb, 508
mining, 288-9, 408, 431, 433, 532, 534
Minnetaree Indians, 181
minorities: consciousness-raising in, 412, 415; psychological deprivation in, 411-12, 414, 416; in a republic, 20-1, 30, 54, 63, 98-9, 160, 165, 192, 262-3
Mississippi, 141, 173, 282-5, 315, 364, 392, 409-10, 452, 597
Mississippi River, 180, 206, 234, 284, 352, 532-3; trading on, 172, 174, 175, 245, 277, 296, 299-301, 310, 535
Missouri, 267, 321, 499, 515, 532, 608, 617, 620; slavery issue in, 242-3, 543, 550
Missouri Compromise (1820), 242-3, 328, 460, 543-6, 558, 575-8, 582, 598
Missouri River, 178, 179, 180-2, 296
Mitchell, Louise Pearson and Broadus, 307
Mobile, Ala., 285
Monitor, USS, 622
Monroe, James, 53, 55, 69, 120, 151, 173, 175-6, 189-90, 198, 203, 237-8, 255, 258, 378, 440, 493,consensual partyless government under, 239-42, 247, 254, 261, 370, 377, 378; in election of 1808, 203-4, 378; in election of 1816, 227, 238-9, 378; in election of 1820, 243, 264; Monroe Doctrine, 249-54, 540; presidency of, 239-5, 254-5, 261, 264, 265, 268, 269, 311; as Secretary of State and War, 206, 208, 214, 217, 235, 238, 245-7, 264; tour of 240, 241
Monterey, Calif., 455, 461, 472
Mooney, William, 82
Moore, Alfred, 185
Moore, Barrington, 411-12
Moore, Glover, 243
morality, 143-4, 225, 491, 498, and education, 502, 509-10; in foreign affairs, 195, 252-4; and the poor, 435
Morgan, Edmund S., 257
Morgan, William, 334
Morgenthau, Hans, 254
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 219
Mormons, 499-500
Morris, Gouverneur, 35, 39, 54, 56, 71, 184
Morse, Samuel Finley, 430-1
Morton, Louis, 256
Mott, Frank Luther, 514
Molt, James, 401
Mott, Lucretia, 400-2, 412, 414
Muhlenberg, Frederick, 104
Muir, John, 526
Murray, Lindley, 527
Napoleon I, Emperor, 153, 194, 203, 213, 232, 244, 271; and Louisiana Purchase, 172-7
Napoleonic wars, 172, 176, 194-5, 197-9, 204-6, 212, 216, 234, 251, 295, 445, 618
Nashville, Tenn., 299, 319, 321-2, 621
Nasson, Samuel, 51
Natchez, Miss., 197, 284-5, 300, 302
national character, see American national character
national security, 141, 203, 209, 215; and liberty, 253-4
nativism, 547-8, 553-4, 559, 560, 565, 594, 599
Naturalization Act (1798), 126, 127
natural resources, waste of, 485, 529-30
nature, 489, 491; Emerson on, 481-2, 489; and Thoreau, 485-7, 489
Navy, U.S., 124, 166, 196, 201, 215, 235; in Civil War, 615, 617-18, 621-2; in Mexican War, 461-3; in War of 1812, 210, 211, 212-14, 216, 233
Nedham, Marchamont, 118
Nelson, Adm. Horatio, 125, 195
Nevada, 464
Nevins, Allan, 526-7, 532, 560, 607
New Bedford, Mass., 220, 393, 541
Newburyport, Mass., 75, 220, 222
New England, 6, 24, 25, 71-6, 234, 240, 366, 392, 475, 485, 488, 497-8, 507, 540, 594; agriculture in, 72-3, 279-82, 410, 450, 529; commerce of, 201, 217-22, 230-1, 275, 455, 476; culture of, 476-92; industry in, 73, 75, 80, 269-70, 281, 291-5, 302; politics in, 266, 322, 323, 334, 336, 358, 380; port towns of, 218-23, 54; see also Boston; Federalist party
New Hampshire. 31, 52, 75, 220, 223, 231, 279-81, 295, 392, 399-400
New Haven, Conn., 72, 166-7, 216, 220, 275, 287-8, 351
New Haven theology, 498
New Jersey, 6, 29, 47, 98, 405, 406, 431, 504, 528; politics in. 147-8
New Jersey Plan, 36-7
New Lanark, Scotland, 360, 439
New London, Conn., 220
New Mexico, 460, 461, 464, 472
New Orleans, 141, 172, 173-4, 175, 197, 285, 299-302, 305, 310, 391, 450, 532-3, 535, 538, 621; Battle of, 231, 234, 320
newspapers: mercantile dailies, 511, 515; penny press, 512-18; see also press
New York City, 7, 28, 56-7, 76-83, 198, 234-5, 247, 273, 298, 304, 337, 339, 344, 354, 393, 403, 404-8, 415, 430, 433, 440, 469, 504, 509, 511, 512-14, 516, 534, 588; Dickens on, 351-2, 356; as federal capital, 66-7, 69, 76-7, 79, 82-3, 86, 110; as financial center, 77, 80, 86, 285-6, 506; politics in, 79, 107, 108, 309, 408, 436; as port city, 80, 275-6, 404-5, 528, 536; radical movements in, 359-60, 365, 410, 589; society and culture in, 78-83, 355, 406
New York Evening Post, 234-5, 528, 547
New York Herald, 406, 513, 515, 537
New York State, 6, 29, 53, 55-7, 72, 141, 288, 315, 364, 370, 402, 442, 465, 492, 500, 504; agriculture in, 278-9, 280, 286-7, 528-9; and Canadian rebellion, 446-7; Erie Canal, 302-4, 306, 310, 432; politics in, 79, 147-8, 210, 212, 227, 238, 266, 267, 321, 325, 334, 336, 343, 348, 358, 370-3, 380, 421-2, 437, 465, 468, 469, 553, 565, 603; steamboat monopoly in, 259, 297, 298, 301
New York Stock Exchange, 81, 588
New York Sun, 512-13
New York Tribune, 443, 516-17, 530, 539, 547, 549, 570, 581, 604, 609, 612, 625
Niagara Falls, 213, 352, 446, 532
Nicholas, Cary, 260
Niles’ Weekly Register, 234, 246
Noah, Mordecai, 371
nominating conventions, 210, 230, 265, 333-4, 342, 380, 594; of 1860, 592-6; and sectionalism, 466, 469-70, 592-3, 599
Non-Intercourse Act (1809), 205, 291
North, the, 302, 305, 459, 465, 521, 531, 564, 574, 577, 578; agriculture in, 72, 141, 269, 275-7, 279-82, 286, 528-9, 608; black Americans in, 114, 142, 356, 362, 392-4, 406, 407, 408; and Civil War, 607, 608, 612, 617, 619, 620; and trade, 217-22, 275-6, 506; see also New England; sectionalism
North, Simeon, 289-90
North American Review, 436, 478, 517
North Carolina, 86, 92, 227, 319, 409, 482, 507, 530, 608, 621
Northfield, Mass., 361
Northwest Ordinance of 1781, 96
Northwest Territory, 207, 233, 248, 454, 455, 504, 507, 526-8;agriculture in, 299, 301, 302, 526-8; Oregon boundary settlement, 457-9; transportation in, 277, 298-9, 531; see also West, the nullification, 140; and Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, 131, 134, 139, 145; Webster-Hayne debate on, 327-30; see also states’ rights: and nullification
O’Brien, Father William, 78
Ogle, Charles, 421
Ohio, 141, 299, 315, 392, 405, 442, 449, 496, 511, 527, 529; politics in, 267, 358, 380, 435, 545
Ohio River, 94, 180, 197, 206, 277, 298, 299-302, 304-5
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 564, 568
Oneida commune, 443
Onís y Gonzales, Don Luiz de, 246-8
Oregon, 182, 455; boundary settlement with Britain, 457-9, 468
Osgood, Samuel, 81
Otis, Elisha Graves, 534
Otis, Harrison Gray, 127, 218, 222, 231, 327
Otis, James. 58
Otis, Samuel. 71
Ottawa Indians, 96-7
Overton, John, 321-2
Ovid, 483
Owen, Robert, 396, 411, 414, 439-42, 444
Owen, Robert Dale, 360, 440, 503, 508
Pageot, Alphonse, 446
Paine, Robert Treat, 71
Paine, Thomas, 17, 91, 177, 226, 363; Common Sense, 117-18
painting and sculpture, 79, 112, 451, 476
Pakenham, Richard, 458
Panic: of 1819, 241-2, 374; of 1837, 343-4, 446; of 1857, 588-9
Paredes, Gen. Mariano, 460-1
Paris, 18, 22, 99-100, 416, 467, 539, 588
Parker, Capt. John, 482
Parker, Theodore, 482-3, 487, 546, 549
Parrington, Vernon, 477, 517-18
Parsons, Eli, 14
Parsons, Theophilus, 218
Panon, James, 324
Paterson, William, 36-7, 39-40, 185
patriotism, 144, 214-15, 502, 536-9
Patterson, Gen. Robert, 609
Paul, Sherman, 487
Peabody, Mary, 489
peace: in 1820s, 252-4; ideology of, 216
Peale, Charles W., 116-17
Pea Ridge, Ark., 621
Pears, Mrs. Thomas, 441-2
Pedro I, Emperor of Brazil, 249
Peel, Robert, 447
Pelham, William, 441
Peltason, J. W., 188
Pennsylvania, 6, 25, 47-9, 84, 113, 114, 120, 280, 281, 288, 293, 299, 315, 408, 431, 442, 503-4, 528-530; canal system in, 304, 305, 352; Fries rebellion in, 146; politics in, 69, 108, 147, 212, 266, 325, 335, 336, 342, 358, 421, 553, 561-2, 594, 595, 597; radicals’ constitution in, 118-20, 226, 263 Whiskey Rebellion; in, 97-8
Perote, Mexico, 463
Perry, Comm. Matthew C., 542
Perry, Capt. Oliver Hazard, 212-13, 233
Phalansteries, 443
Philadelphia, Pa., 7, 22, 41, 65, 80, 110-20, 125, 129, 162, 163, 168, 179, 273, 275, 289, 293, 299, 304, 328, 337, 339, 350, 358, 359, 393, 400, 408, 410, 469, 499, 503, 514, 536, 559, 604; Dickens on, 352; as federal capital, 86, 87, 92, 96, 107, 110-12, 120; political radicals in, 116-20; society and culture in, 110-16, 355
Philadelphia Aurora, 108, 113, 128-9
Philadelphia Negro, The (DuBois), 114
Philadelphia Public Ledger, 514
Phillips, Anne (Mrs. Wendell), 519, 521
Phillips, Wendell, 519-21, 549, 590
Phillips Academy, Andover, 75-6
Pickering, Timothy, 121, 124-5, 127-8, 146, 218, 230-1, 235, 240
Pierce, Franklin, 426-7, 475, 525, 540, 559, 563, 599· and Cuba, policy on, 537-9; and Kansas-Nebraska bill, 544, 545, 582-3
Pierce, John, 508-9
Pierce, William, 35
Pinckney, Charles, 35-7, 42, 61, 107, 152, 160-1, 328
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 30-1, 35, 107, 120-3, 124, 152, 183, 203-4, 227
Pinckney, Thomas, 107-9
Pinkney, William, 198
Pittsburgh, 180, 299, 301-2, 304, 352, 440, 450, 558, 603, 604
Pius VII, Pope, 194
Pius IX, Pope, 467
Pletcher, David, 461
Plumer, William, 264
Plummer, Franklin, 409-10
Plymouth, Mass., 220, 479, 526
Poe, Edgar Allan, 223
Poland, 438
political parties, 343, 361; constitutions and development of, 367-70, 376-82; and issues, 135-40, 362, 377, 379, 380; of labor, 358-9, 361, 373, 503; leaders of 369, 373, 376-7, 379, 380, 428; and liberty, 372, 379; linkage with state and local parties, 374, 377, 380, 381, 466, 598; and majority rule, 139, 192-3, 368, 372-3, 381-2; opposition to, 91, 99, 108, 134-5, 145, 239, 269, 272, 368, 369, 379; origins of, 91, 134-40; and patronage, 137, 166, 185, 240, 266, 169, 379, 408, 549: third parties, 358-9, 412, 547-9, 553, 560, 599; two-party system, 105, 134-9, 241, 368, 369, 371, 372, 378, 379, 380, 381, 599-600; see also nominating conventions; presidential elections
political parties, local, 120, 169, 230, 265-6, 342, 347, 381, 548, 554, 558; leadership in, 137, 155, 379; linkagewith national party, 377, 380, 381, 466; origins of, 134-6, 374-6
political parties, state, 169, 229, 265, 548, 554; charters and development of, 369-78; leadership in, 137, 155, 379, 380: linkage with national party, 374, 377, 380, 381, 466, 598; origins of, 134-6
politics, 407-8, 428-9; defined, 320; equality in, 362-3, 378, 584; factionalism in, 91, 93, 239, 241, 261; grass-roots, 62-3, 118-19, 139-40, 210, 227-8, 229-30, 266, 309, 347, 349, 358, 451, 600; see also leadership: political
Polk, James K., 320, 344, 421, 468, 538; and “manifest destiny,” 457-8, 564; Mexican War, 460-4; presidency of, 426, 457-60, 614-15
Pomper, Gerald, 342
Pond, Charles F., 433
popular sovereignty, 544, 550, 577, 579-80, 584-5, 592
population, 7, 80, 120, 141, 291, 433, 511, 527, 553, 607-8; slave, 390
Portsmouth, N.H., 75, 218, 220-1
Potomac River, 172, 214, 277, 299, 304, 323; in Civil War, 609, 621
Pottawatomie Indians, 211
Potter, David. 553
Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 56-7, 218, 269, 433, 541
poverty, 114, 361, 411-12, 414, 434-5, 498; rural, 409-10; urban. 115, 125, 355, 405-9; see also lower class
power; balance of, 109, 117-18, 135, 225-6, 572, 598; and judicial review, 189, 193; private, and liberty, 131; in republics, 118-19, 225-6, 262; see also separation of powers
Pownall, Thomas, 3-4
Prague, 467
Presbyterians, 7, 78, 257, 494-5, 497
Prescott. William H., 478
Philip II, 588
President (presidency), 38, 70, 564; election of, 38, 61, 107-8, 229-30, 362, 372; strong, 346-7, 427, 598, 614-15, 619; veto power of, 38, 171, 262, 599-600; see also executive branch
presidential elections: campaigning in, 107, 147, 265-7, 419-22; cost of, 322; issues in, 320, 322, 333, 334-6; nomination by congressional caucus, 183, 204, 210, 212, 228, 238, 265, 369, 378; and political balance, 467; slander in, 151-2, 265, 323, 342, 421; see also nominating conventions
press, 44, 47, 50, 57, 90-1, 112-13, 243, 482, 499, 546-7, 576; freedom of, 19, 24-5, 42, 90-1, 125, 127, 130, 131, 372, 392, 511, 573; and politics, 80, 90-1, 108-9, 161, 171, 188-9, 190, 217, 223-4, 231, 246, 264, 322, 332, 358, 371, 374, 377, 421, 515; prosecutions of, under Sedition Act, 128-30, 139; see also newspapers
Price, Richard, 26
Priestley, Dr. Joseph 129, 164
Princeton University, 32, 257, 337., 567
prisons, 115, 351, 354, 356, 407, 467
property, right of, 39-40, 350, 360, 401, 402, 433, 556; and liberty, 25, 26-7, 45, 226, 228-9, 263, 268; vs. people, 347, 348, 354, 466; and suffrage, 363-4, 365
Prosser, Gabriel, 149-51
Protestants, 7-8, 81, 143, 244, 373, 407, 408, 493, 498, 500, 509; evangelical, 492, 494-7, 507; see also individual denominations
Providence, R.I., 220, 292, 302, 365
Provoost, Samuel, 78
Pryor, Roger, 606
Public-Land Act (1800), 419
public lands, 344, 543; as campaign issue, 320, 333, 334; speculation in, 93-5: squatters on, 426, 451, 469, 550
public opinion, 123, 191, 253, 501; and abolitionists, 519-22
Punch, 537
Quakers (Friends), 24, 78, 111-17 passim, 50, 373, 412, 439, 482
Quids, see Republican party:
Quincy, Mass., 106, 228, 267, 430
Quincy, Josiah, 338
radical movements, 359-62, 365, 383-4, 412, 414, 502, 535, 589; see also reform movements
railroads, 304, 305, 309, 373, 408, 433, 437, 450, 484, 488, 492, 511, 517, 528, 543, 556, 589; in Civil War, 602, 608, 609-10; development of, 431-3, 436; expansion of, 531-2, 536, 553, 559, 583, 593; Thoreau on, 484-5
Raleigh Standard, 573
Randall, James, 615
Randolph, Edmund, 29, 30, 34-5, 38, 42, 53, 54-5, 71, 78, 88, 103-4
Randolph, John, 143, 186, 203, 205, 209, 236, 256, 258, 259-60, 267, 270, 324, 337, 364
Rantoul, Robert, 361
Rapine, Mary, 451
Rappites, 439-40
rebellion, 143, 248-50; assistance for, 253-4; Jefferson on 19, 162; potential, 384, 438; right to, 20-1, 252; see alsorepublic: opposition in
Red Jacket, Chief, 96-7
reform movements, 365, 372, 383-4, 394, 397-403, 436, 438-9, 467, 505-11; failure of leadership in, 412-16; lack of collaboration among, 414-16; and literature, 481-92; power in, 415-16; see also abolitionists; radical movements
Regulators, see Shays’s Rebellion
religion, 143-4, 409, 476, 492-501; and education, 497-8, 506, 507-9; freedom of, 7-8, 24, 55, 69, 89-90, 113, 130, 441, 479, 493, 500, 599; on frontier, 492-7; see also individual religions and denominations
Remington, Eliphalet, 534
Remini, Robert, 336
republic: checks and balances in, 17-18, 34, 118, 120, 134, 260-1, 262-3, 272, 372, 625; education in, 19, 109, 144, 501-2; experiments in government of, 21, 25-7, 28, 33-4, 63, 67, 133-4, 140, 164, 254, 260-1, 311, 597-8; judgment of American, 140-4, 197, 237, 261; leadership in, 21, 62-3, 84-5, 109, 131, 143, 144, 191, 262-3, 269, 600; military in, 215-16; opposition in, 20-1, 30, 98-9, 125-33, 134-5, 138-9, 145, 191-3; power in, 118-19, 225-6, 262; voting in, 20-1, 60; see also democracy; majority rule
Republican party, 557, 580-1, 599, 620; in Congress, 580, 605, 606; convention and election of 1860, 593-7, 600; election of 1856, 559-62; formation of, 549, 553; issues in, 593, 595, 605; slavery issue in, 558, 559, 560-1, 566, 591, 593-7, 602, 605, 626
Republican party (Jeffersonian), 99, 137, 173, 229-30, 322, 369, 377, 379; Alien and Sedition Acts opposed by, 127-33; in Congress, 122, 123, 136, 145, 161, 164-5, 169-72,, 183, 185-6, 202, 209, 210, 228, 235-7, 258, 322, 377, 378; in election of 1796, 107-9, 378; in election of 1800, 145-8, 151-5, 227, 230, 378; in election of 1804, 183, 227, 378; in election of 1808, 203-4, 227, 378; in election of 1812, 210, 227, 378; in election of 1816, 227, 238-9, 378; in election of 1824, 264-8, 378; in election of 1828, 322-3; in election of 1832, 331-6; factions in, 145, 154, 166, 185-6, 190-1, 202, 205, 236, 254, 258, 266, 322, 334, 377; and foreign affairs, 101-4, 121, 123, 125-6, 177, 200-1, 205-6; as majority, 164-5, 169, 183, 184, 188-9, 190-2, 229, 230, 243, 262-3; National, 323, 331, 333-6, 340-1, 347, 380, 420; Quids, 205, 208, 258, 259; state, 183, 190, 210, 265, 371, 377; view of liberty in, 109, 258; see also Jefferson, Thomas: and Republican party; Whig party
Revere, Paul, 110
Rhett, Robert Barnwell, 565, 601, 613-14
Rhode Island, 27, 31, 52, 92, 134, 216, 231, 466, 506; industry in, 288, 291-2, 293; suffrage reform in, 364-5, 392
rice, 274, 328-9, 450, 567, 568
Richmond, Va., 53, 197, 260; and Civil War, 608, 609, 621-2; slave uprising in, 148-51
Richmond Enquirer, 260, 515, 605
Ripley, Ezra, 481
Ripley, Sophia Willard Dana, 438, 443
Ritchie, Thomas, 260
Rittenhouse, David, 117
Rives, William Cabell, 345
roads, 8, 141, 220, 236, 240-1, 276-7, 286, 299, 305, 309, 315, 331, 450
Roane, Spencer, 260
Robinson, Donald, 40
Robinson, Frederick, 361
Rogin, Michael, 338
Roland, Charles, 613
Roosevelt, Isaac, 56
Roosevelt, Lydia (Mrs. Nicholas), 300
Roosevelt, Nicholas, 299-300
Ross, John, 453
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 100
Royal Navy, see Great Britain
Rubin, Julius, 309
Ruffin, Edmund, 572, 606-7, 609
Rumsey, James, 277
rural areas, 409-10, 526-7; politics in, 47, 597, 614
Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 34, 43, 116, 119, 79
Russell, Jonathan, 232-3
Russell, William, 618
Russia, 4, 194, 213, 216, 232, 249-50, 438, 557, 620
Rutledge, Edward, 43
Rutledge, John, 26, 35, 37-8, 39
Sacagawea, 181-2
St. Clair, Gen. Arthur, 96
Saint Domingue, 176; black uprising in, 49, 173-4
St. Louis, Mo., 178, 180, 182, 352, 499, 514, 518, 617; as port city, 302, 532-3, 535
St. Paul, Minn., 302
Saint-Simon, Comte de, 443
Salem, Mass., 75, 219, 221, 222, 338, 488-9
Salem, N.C., 289-90
Sanders, George, 536
San Felipe Telegraph and Texas Register,
San Francisco, Calif., 244, 471
San Martin, Jose de, 248
Santa Anna, Gen. Antonio Lopez de, 454-5, 462, 464
Santa Fe Republican, 515
Sault Ste. Marie Canal, 532
Savannah, Ga., 277, 388, 390-1
Say, Thomas, 441
Schlesinger, Arthur, 343
Schmidt, Louis, 309-10
schools, see education
Schouler, William, 399
Schuyler, Gen. Philip, 81, 433
Schuyler, Robert, 432-3
Scott, Dred, 575-8
Scott, Gen. Winfield, 213, 426, 446, 461-4, 469, 475, 525, 608
secession, 140, 201, 217, 261, 328, 598-602, 605; and election of 1860, 592-3, 596-7; and Essex Junto, 230; and Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, 131-2, 134, 139, 145; and ratification of Constitution, 56, 57; and slavery issue, 261, 329, 473, 591
sectionalism, 8; economic, 86, 270, 589, 598; and foreign affairs, 103-5, 209; leaders in, 331, 565, 570; political, 86, 104, 108, 127, 135, 320, 426, 427, 466, 468-71, 598-600; and slavery issue, 242-3, 329, 333, 346, 348-9, 459, 464-75, 540, 544-54, 570, 574-8, 591-7, 599, 602; Webster-Hayne debate on, 327-30
Sedgwick, Theodore, 20, 49, 231, 360
Sedition Act (1798), 126-33, 138, 139, 141; see also Alien and Sedition Acts
Seixas, Rabbi Gershom Mendes, 78, 81
Seminole Indians, 6, 245-6, 247, 332, 452
Senate: election to, 36-7, 61, 68, 362, 381; filibuster in, 466; Jackson censured by, 340, 346, 423; treaty ratifications in, 104, 177, 235, 248, 459; Webster-Hayne debate in, 327-30, 337; see also Congress, U.S.
Seneca Chief (canal boat), 303-4
Seneca Falls Convention, 401-2, 413-14
separation of powers, 120, 216; in Constitution, 36, 45, 61, 63, 120, 134-5, 168, 261-2, 368-9, 381, 598
Sequoyah, 453
Seward, William H., 334, 342, 433, 509, 537, 550, 554, 565, 591, 593-6; as Secretary of State, 604, 618, 625-7
Shattuck, Job, 14
Shaw, Lemuel, 436
Shays, Daniel, 14, 19-20, 51, 61, 185, 360, 365
Shays’s Rebellion, 13-15, 19-20, 25, 27, 33, 50-1, 61, 185, 360, 365; reactions to, 15-19, 97-8
Shepard, Gen. William, 19
Sherman, John, 607
Shiloh Church, Battle of, 621, 623
shipbuilding, 75
Shippen, Dr. William, Jr., 111, 113
Shreve, Henry M, 300
Sidney, Sir Philip, 100
Silliman, Benjamin, 431
Simms, William Gilmore, 572
Skidmore, Thomas, 360
Slater, Samuel, 80, 291-2, 293, 310
Slave, or The Memoirs of Archy Moore (Hildreth), 522
slavery, 7, 80, 114, 301, 362, 383, 385-92, 409, 410-2, 438, 563, 564, abolition of, 25, 114, 142, 350, 620, 625-8; and agriculture, 274, 275, 282-5, 286, 301, 302; brutalization in, 142-3, 149, 353, 384-5, 392, 574; and Compromise of 1850, 472-5, 522, 543; and Constitution, 39-40, 366, 465, 520; Dickens’s criticism of, 352, 353; extension of, 242-3, 459, 464-70, 557, 559, 578, 586; family life under, 388-91; fugitives from, 112, 245, 353, 388, 393, 394, 469-75, passim, 519, 522, 545, 549-50, 558, 605; and liberty, 25, 40, 148-51, 263, 366, 387, 510, 520, 572-3, 587; plantation life under, 10, 142-3, 149, 150, 385-92, 567-9; population growth under, 390; and religion, 149, 150, 386-7, 391-2, 494; southern defense of, 573-4; trade in, 40, 72, 141, 221, 253, 254, 352, 384-5, 388, 390-1, 448, 468, 472-3, 568, 574, 589, 601; uprisings against, 27, 148-51, 73-4, 329, 392, 394, 568, 570, 591, 626; see also abolitionists; Missouri Compromise; sectionalism: and slavery issue; South, the
Smelser, Marshall, 162-3, 166-7
Smith, Caleb B., 605
Smith, James Morton, 132
Smith, Jedediah, 455
Smith, Jeremiah, 229
Smith, Joseph, 499
Smith, Gen. Kirby, 611
Smith, Melancton, 56
Smith, Samuel, 205
Smith, William, 111-12
societies: democratic, 98-9; political, 137; scientific, 111; secret, 334
society, 347, 357, 383, 438, 439; absence of conflict in (as theory), 434-5; agrarian, 7, 258, 347, 348, 415, 420, 438, 574; class distinctions in, 79, 113-16, 143, 221-2, 228-9, 348, 349, 354-7, 362, 434-5, 451, 498, 506, 510, 511; and individualism, 482, 489, 491-2; and technology, 484-5, 489-90, 491-2; urban, 78-83, 110-15, 415, see, also American national character; lower class; man; middle class; upper class; working class
Society of the Cincinnati, 82, 98
Sons of Liberty, 23, 49, 137, 185, 222
Soulé, Pierre, 538-9
South, the, 506-7, 514, 573; agriculture in, 141, 274-5, 276, 277, 282-7, 302, 309, 450-1, 529-30, 608; black Americans in, 392, 393, 409, 567-8; congressional influence of, 544-5; economic problems in, 150, 241-2, 274, 529-30, 533, 608; limitation of civil liberties in, 392, 573; politics in, 322, 325, 380, 381, 559, 560-2, 564, 576-8, 579-80, 592-3, 599; slavery issue in, 39, 242-3, 348-9, 465; solidity in, 591-2; tariff issue in, 261, 269-70, 328-9, 333, 337, 570; see also Confederate States of America; secession; sectionalism; slavery
South America, 244, 251-2; rebellions in, 245, 248-9, 252
South Carolina, 6, 7, 52, 92, 152, 227, 241, 261, 274, 307-9, 392, 395, 409, 529, 566-75; in Confederacy, 597, 601, 605-7, 614; ideology of liberty in, 571-3, 599; nullification proposed in, 329-30, 333, 336-7, 346, 569-70, 571; power elite of, 570-5
South Carolina College, 567, 569
Southwest, the, 275, 282, 287, 302, 454; see also Mexican War; Spain: Southwest possessions of
Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N., 517
Spain, 99-100, 172-5, 179, 195, 196-7, 248, 249, 250, 254; and Cuba, 537-9; and Latin America, 244, 248-9; negotiations with Adams, 245, 247-8; possession of Floridas, 7, 173-4, 176, 207, 244-8; Southwest possessions of, 4, 5, 7, 53, 95, 107, 124, 176, 216, 244-8, 445
Sparks, Jared, 448
speech, freedom of, 24-5, 55, 90, 91, 372, 511, 519; threats to, 125, 131, 226, 392· 573
Speed, Joshua, 557
Springfield, Ill., 555, 557, 583, 587, 595-6, 603
Springfield, Mass., 19-20, 73, 216, 220, 361, 432, 512, 515
Springfield Republican, 512, 515
Squatter, 313
sovereignty, see popular sovereignty
Stagg, John, 82
Stanton, Edwin. 620
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 400-2, 412
Staples, Sam, 486-7
Stark, Gen. John, 13
States, 68, 94; and Alien and SeditionActs, 131-3; banks, 236, 344-5; and (U.S.) Constitution, 90, 260, 262; constitutions of, 28, 60, 89, 134, 226, 261, 511; debts of, assumption of, 85; and education, 503-11; governments of, 28, 34, 45, 62-3, 74, 91, 120, 148, 439; internal improvements subsidized by, 307-9, 435, 505; and judicial review, 193, 577; militias of, 74, 201, 210, 214, 215, 236, 258, 358, 392, 446, 452, 453; ratify Constitution, 42-3, 46-59, 89-90, 104, 134, 428; and suffrage, 364; see also federalism
states’ rights, 231, 258, 259, 345-6, 348, 372; in Confederacy, 612-14; vs. federal government, 34-5, 36, 40, 74, 135, 136, 259-60, 261, 262, 447, 563-4, 569-73, 599, 605; Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, 132-3, 139, 162, 261; and Nullification, 329-31, 333, 335, 336-7, 346, 544; and popular sovereignty, 544, 550, 577, 579-80, 584-5; and Supreme Court, 466, 469, 575-8
steamboats, 41, 277, 296-302, 311, 433, 450; lake, 532; on Mississippi, 277, 296-7, 299-301, 532-3; monopolies in, 259, 297, 298, 299, 301, 431
steam locomotives, 429, 431-2, 484-5, 488
steam power, 275, 277, 287, 347, 489, 512
Stephens, Alexander H., 549, 565, 601, 603
Stephenson. George, 431
Stevens, Thaddeus, 334, 503-4, 615
Stevenson, Andrew, 268
Stiles, Ezra, 72
Stockbridge, Mass., 20, 360, 413
Stone, Barton W., 495
Stone, Gen. Charles, 620
Stone, Huldah, 399
Story, Joseph. 260, 328, 339, 436
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 522, 569, 588; Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 522
Strong, Caleb, 35
Suffolk Bank of Boston, 296
suffrage: broadened, 265, 364-6, 367, 374, 378, 392-3, 409, 498, 503; and equality, 362-3; limited, 21, 59, 226, 349, 350, 362-5, 377, 392, 399, 415; and women, 148, 400, 401-2
Sumner, Charles, 545, 551-2, 554, 558,
Supreme Court, 38-9, 70, 187-8, 193, 259, 261, 453, 466, 469, 564, 575-8; Dred Scott decision, 575-8, 582, 585, 619; and judicial review, 187-9, 193, 262, 577; under Marshall, 184-9, 193, 202, 258-60, 301, 335, 381, 436, 575; and supremacy of federal government, 259, 335
Sutter, John Augustus, 456-7, 471, 475
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 481
Swell, Leonard, 595
Swift, Jonathan, 112
Talleyrand, 121-2, 123, 124, 128, 174, 76, 195
Tallmadge, James, 242
Talmadge, Nathaniel P., 345
Tammany Hall, 81-2, 108, 136, 147, 246, 303, 309, 408
Taney, Roger B., 332, 339, 466, 575-7, 582-3, 605, 619
Tappan, Lewis, 520
Tariff, 84, 426; of Abominations (1828), 269-70, 320, 329; as political issue, 320, 333, 334, 336, 375, 435, 457, 599; see also industry: tariffs for; South: tariff issue in taxation: for education, 504, 505, 508, 509; property, 146, 358; and Shays’s Rebellion, 13-14, 18; on whiskey, 93, 97-9
Taylor, Nathaniel, 497
Taylor, Zachary, 460-2, 564; election and presidency of, 426, 469-70, 472, 473-4, 540
technology, 484-5, 489-90, 491-2, 512, 513; see also machines
Tecumseh, 207, 211-13, 216, 342
temperance movement, 360, 361, 400, 414, 467, 558, 599
Tennessee, 216, 315, 360, 366-7, 496, 529-30, 602, 608, 616, 621; politics in, 173, 266, 319, 321, 341
Terry, Eli, 290
Texas, 472, 530, 597, 608; annexation of, 459-60, 464, 468; under Mexico, 454-5, 459-64; under Spain, 176, 246, 248, 249-50
textile industry, 73, 75, 80, 276, 291-6, 311, 373, 396, 408-9, 437, 489; English, 200, 275, 282, 285-6, 291-2, 293, 439; labor in, 75, 89, 281, 288, 292-5, 351, 358, 395-400, 434, 589; machinery for, 282, 291-3, 295, 396, 534; paternalism in, 294-5, 396-8
Thayer, John, 9
Thomas, Jesse B., 242
Thomas, Seth, 290
Thomson, Charles, 64
Thoreau, Henry, 484-7, 491, 517, 522, 590; and civil disobedience, 486-7; “Excursions on Concord & Merrimack Rivers,” 487; and the railroad, 484-5; Walden, 476, 487, 491, 588
Throop, Enos, 372
Ticknor, William D., 534
Tippecanoe, attack at, 207, 211
tobacco, 8, 256, 264, 274, 276, 282, 529-30, 589
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 354-8, 384, 449-50, 493
Tolstoi, Count Leo, 486; War and Peace, 194, 608
Toronto (York), 213
Toussaint L’Ouvenure, General, 173-4
trade and commerce, 125, 195, 216-22, 225, 275-6, 361, 455, 457, 506; attacks on U.S. ships, 102, 121, 123, 124, 205-6, 208, 291, 445; effect of Embargo Act on, 200-1; expansion of, 80, 141, 179, 251, 275, 534, 535, 587; foreign. 216, 276, 535-6, 542, 587-8; internal, 141, 277, 286, 299-302, 309-10, 432, 450, 536; during Napoleonic wars, 198-9, 205-7, 295; triangular, 113-14, 309-10; and War of 1812, 205-7, 208, 218, 230; see also Mississippi River: trading on; tariff
Transcendentalists, 468, 481, 482-3
transportation, 89, 296-305, 308, 533, 564; for food market, 276-7, 285, 286, 287, 299, 301, 528; for migrants, 315-17, 449-50
Travis, Col. Buck, 454-5
Travis, Joseph, 391-2
Treaty of Ghent (1814), 231-5
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848), 464
Trescot, William Henry, 574
Trist, Nicholas P., 463-4
Troup, George, 330
Troy Female Seminary, 400
True American (newspaper), 573
Truth, Sojourner, 410-13
Tucker, Ellen, 481
Tucker, George, 241
Tucker, Nathaniel Beverly, 572
Turgol, Anne Robert Jacques, 17
Turner, Benjamin, 391
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 197
Turner, Nat, 391-2
Twelfth Amendment, 229
Tyler, John, 53, 419, 422; bank proposal of, 424-5; presidency of, 422-6; states’ rights endorsed by, 423, 424-6; and Texas annexation, 459-60
Ulm, Battle of, 194-5
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 522
Underground Railroad, 393
unemployment, 344, 406, 446, 589
Union, the: dissolved, 597, 607; efforts to preserve, 327-30, 472-5, 525-6, 596-7, 600, 615; Lincoln on, 562, 582, 587, 604-5, 625
Union Army, 607, 614-17, 619-25, 628; in battle, 605-7, 609-12, 621-2, 624, 626; of the Potomac, 617, 621-2; strategy of, 608, 615-16
Unitarians, 373, 468, 477, 479, 481, 482-3, 498, 506
United States Bank, 86-8, 261, 344; First, 137, 168, 335; Second, 236-7, 240, 241-2, 259, 335, 361, 374, 445, 466; see also Jackson, Andrew: and United States Bank
United States Military Academy, West Point, 213, 215, 464, 623
United States Patent Office, 530, 533, 563
University of Virginia, 255, 273
upper class, 223-4, 255-7, 362, 400, 434, 450, 497; in cities, 78-9, 81, 110-16 passim, 222, 355-7, 406, 409; and education, 503-5; influence of, 348, 383; and politics, 370-4, 377, 378, 497-8, 435-7
urbanization, 355, 438, 511, 517-18, 599; see also cities
Ursuline Convent,
Charlestown, 497
Utah, 464, 500 Utica, NY., 303, 470
Van Buren, John, 470
Van Buren, Martin, 212, 238, 268-70, 331,, 335, 338-9, 341, 358, 375, 446; and Democratic party, formation of, 322; in election of 1836, 341-2; in election of 1840, 421-2; Independent Treasury Act, 344-6, 424, 426; and Jackson, 266, 321, 322, 324, 346, 459; and politics, 347, 349, 350, 371-2, 379-80; presidency of, 343-6, 381; as Secretary of State, 325-32 passim; and slavery issue, 469-70; as vice-president, 333, 334, 337, 338, 380
Vancouver, George, 458
Van Hagen, Peter, 79
Van Rensselaer, Rensselaer, 446
Van Rensselaer, Stephen, 267
Veracruz, Mexico, 461-3
Vermont, 92, 223, 231, 280, 392; and Canadian rebellion, 446
Vice-President (vice-presidency), 68, 107, 229-30, 334
Vicksburg, Miss., 302, 601, 621
Victoria, Queen of England, 619
Virginia, 24, 94, 98, 151, 159, 163, 173, 176, 274, 364, 390, 391-2, 409, 530, 602, 604, 606, 608, 621; and Constitution, 28-9, 31, 34-5, 36-7, 53-5, 57; “dynasty,” 162, 210, 217, 238-9, 240, 255-64; politics in, 68, 227, 257-60, 266, 321, 348; society and culture of, 255-7, 263-4, 482
Virginia resolution, 132-3, 134, 139, 145, 162, 261
Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de, 100
voting, 120, 362, 365, 377, 382, 421-2; in a republic, 20-1, 33, 60, 362
Wabash College, 508
Wade, Richard, 356 Wadsworth, Colonel, 73
Waggoner, Madeline Sadler, 316
wagon trains, 456
Walden Pond, 480, 481, 484, 485-7, 491
Walker, Robert J., 579
Walker, William, 540
Walter, Lynde and Cornelia, 512
Waltham mills, 240, 292-3, 295, 437
Walton, Isaak, 487
Ward, Artemus, 626
War Department, 460-1, 617, 620
Ware, Dr. Henry, 222
Warner, Sam Bass, Jr., 115
Warner, Susan, 517
War of 1812, 234-5, 237-8, 291, 328, 377, 452, 461, 488, 493; battles of, 210-15, 216-17, 233; events leading up to, 204-9, Napoleon’s defeat, effect of, on, 213, 214, 216: negotiations to end, 215, 217, 231-5; see also Federalist party: antiwar position in
Warren, Mercy, 56-61, passim, 71, 118, 271
Washington, DC, 86, 110, 431, 514; British raid on, 214, 233; during Civil War, 608, 609, 614; Dickens on, 352; as federal capital, 159, 168, 180, 270, 272-3, 321, 563-6
Washington, George, 15, 26, 65-7, 92-3, 112, 124, 125, 127, 133, 142-3, 147, 227, 255, 306, 334, 419, 607; and Constitution, 28-9, 31, 42, 44, 52-7 passim, 368; criticism of, 108-9, 122; and economic policy, 85, 86-8; elected to presidency, 64-7; Farewell Address of, 107, 108, 134, 143, 249, 501; and foreign affairs, 100-4, 120, 249, 254; as model for revolutionaries, 151, 249; at Mount Vernon, 64, 133-4, 423; in New York, 76-9, 81, 83; political parties, opposed to, 91, 99, 108, 134, 368; presidency of, 38, 67-76, 77-8, 83-109 passim, 135, 137, 154, 162-8 passim, 215, 260, 261, 369, 377, 428; reaction of, to Shays’s Rebellion, 15-16, 97-8; tours of, 71-6, 92, 93; and Whiskey Rebellion, 97-9
Washington, Martha, 69, 76, 92-3, 122, 133, 168
Washington Globe, 326, 332, 515
Washington National Intelligencer, 159, 176, 208, 515, 535
water power, 288, 292, 293-4, 295
Wayne, Gen. Anthony, 97-8
wealth, 25, 588; unequal distribution of, 115, 355-7, 360, 361
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 86, 89
Webster, Daniel, 235, 267-8, 270, 324, 332, 335, 339, 345, 358, 373-4, 427, 430, 437, 466, 525-6, 587; and Compromise of 1850, 472-5; debate with Calhoun, 337; debate with Hayne, 327-30, 337; presidential ambitions of, 331, 334, 339, 341; as Secretary of State, 423, 425, 426, 447-8, 458, 459, 474, 525, 531
Webster, Noah, 527
Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842), 448
Weed, Thurlow, 334, 437, 560, 565, 595
Weld, Theodore Dwight, 366, 412-13, 500
Welles, Gideon, 604, 617-18, 626
Wellington, Duke of, 233-4
Welter, Rush, 502
Wentworth, John, 514
Wesley, John, 495
West, the, 3-5, 53, 141, 173-4, 207, 232, 240, 246, 445, 450, 457, 492, 494-7, 507-8, 514-15, 589, 599; agriculture in, 141, 277, 286, 309, 451; Burr’s conspiracy in, 196-7; Civil War in, 616, 617, 621, 622; class distinctions in, 356, 451; economic problems in, 241-2, 451; land speculation in, 93-5; Lewis and Clark expedition, 178-83; nationalists in 347, 348-9; politics in, 173, 266, 381, 451, 566; and War of 1812, 206-9; see also frontier, the; Northwest Territory; Southwest, the
Westchester County, NY., 370, 528
West Indies, French, 102, 103-4, 121, 125, 173-4, 198, 200, 446
West Virginia, 616
whaling industry, 540-2
Whig party, 336, 344-5, 373, 380, 435-7, 457, 459, 462, 466-7, 505, 509-10, 515, 538; and classlessness, doctrine of, 434-5; in Congress, 423-6, 427, 461, 526; decline of, 426-8, 433, 525, 599; economic nationalism of, 423, 427, 433-7; in election of 1836, 341-2; in election of 1840, 419-22; in election of 1848, 468-70; in election of 1856, 559-62; factions in, 341, 423-8, 437, 468-71, 545, 548-9, 553-4; formed against Jackson, 341, 427, 437; lack of political philosophy in, 349, 381; leadership in, 341, 422, 427-8, 433, 437, 554; liberty, view of, 347, 350, 525; and patronage, 422, 427, 437; populist strategy of, 420, 422; slavery issue in, 465, 467, 468-71, 473, 556-8, 580, 585-6; and states’ rights, 423, 424-6, 427
Whiskey Rebellion, 97-9, 137, 162
White, Horace, 546
White, Hugh Lawson, 341-2
Whitehill, Robert, 48-9
Whitman, Walt, 360, 517, 588, 614; Leaves of Grass, 588
Whitney, Eli, 306; armaments
manufacture, 216, 287-8, 289, 290-1; cotton gin, 274-5, 387, 308, 311, 429, 567.
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 223, 501, 522
Wilkes, Capt. Charles, 618
Willard, Emma, 400
Willard, Solomon, 430
William and Mary College, 32, 257, 422
Williams, Rose, 388-90
Williams, William Appleman, 236
Wilmot, David, 464-5
Wilson, James, 35, 37-9, 42, 48-9
Wiltse, Charles, 571
Winthrop, Robert C, 471, 545-6
Wisconsin, 315, 452, 526, 528, 531, 576
Wisner, George, 512
Wolcott, Oliver, 121, 146, 287
Woman in the Nineteenth Century, 483
women, 142, 146, 149, 150, 483, 507-8, 517, 534; education of, 76, 111, 115, 400, 401, 476, 569; on farms, 394-5; inequality of, 58-9, 81, 110, 143, 257, 263, 264, 356, 360, 362, 365, 383, 394-403, 410-11, 434, 467, 519, 535, 572, 597; in labor force, 75, 89, 114, 281, 288, 293, 294-5, 351, 358, 395-400, 401, 406, 414, 434, 489, 535; leaders, 398-403, 412-13, 415; marriage and families of, 394-5, 400-3, 411-13, 568-9; political action by, 399-400; radical movements for, 360, 361; rising consciousness of, 396-403; and suffrage, 148, 400, 401-2
Wood, Jethro, 286
Woolman, John, 527
Worcester, Mass., 73, 401, 432, 549, 550
working class, 82, 114-15, 356, 360, 361-2, 363, 381, 403, 434-5; 436, 503, 510; see also labor
Wright, Benjamin, 303
Wright, Frances, 360, 366-7, 404, 412, 444-5, 517
Wyeth, Nathan Jarvis, 429
Wyler, Pvt. Edwin, 609
Wythe, George, 255
XYZ Correspondence, 123
Yale College, 32, 72, 74, 161, 167, 257, 431, 492, 497, 506, 567
Yancey, William Lowndes, 572, 601-2
Yarbrough, Jean, 63
Yates, Robert, 44
Yazoo land fraud, 259-60
Young, Brigham, 499-500,
Young, Thomas, 117
Young America, 536-9
Yusuf, Pasha, 196
Zenger, Peter, 24
Zinn, Howard, 5