Kalmbach, Herbert, 501

Kant, Immanuel, 276, 600

Katzenbach, Nicholas, 370

Kazin, Alfred, 131, 139, 141, 409, 615-16

Kearns, Doris, 319, 401, 403, 413

Kefauver, Estes, 248, 286, 287, 319

Kehler, Randy, 425-6

Keller, Kent, 107

Kemp, Jack, 641

Kempton, Murray, 99

Kennan, George, 288, 290, 293, 294, 538

“long telegram” of, and X article, 227-8, 229, 234, 290

Kennedy, Edward, 412, 499, 623

1980 presidential candidacy, 530, 531, 559

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 332, 340-1, 677-8

Kennedy, John F., 306, 309-13, 377, 378, 382, 414, 521, 656-7, 677-8

ancestry and background of, 309-10, 323

assassination of, 373-4, 382, 460

and civil rights issue, 323-4, 326, 359-60, 362, 365-6, 367-72, 374-5, 376

as Congressman, 311-12, 323, 339

King and, 326, 360

personality of, 310-11, 323

as President, 326-44, 359-60, 362, 365-6, 367-75, 461, 466, 504, 549, 561, 581, 584, 632, 651; Bay of Pigs fiasco, 331-2, 334-5, 336-7, 343, 524; and civil rights legislation, 360, 369, 370-1; in Cuban Missile Crisis, 334-5, 337, 495-6; domestic program, 360, 369, 370-1, 390, 554, 566-7; evaluation of, 342-4, 374-5, 677, 681; foreign policy, 328-9, 331-7, 339-44, 390-1, 491; “hawk” vs. “dove” advisers, 334-5, 343; inaugural address, 326-8, 335, 342, 566; steel price rollback, 651; and Vietnam, 342-4, 390-1, 402; women’s issues and, 433, 434, 437, 438

presidential candidacy of, 323-6, 331, 413, 468, 512, 555

as Senator, 313, 323, 339

Kennedy, Joseph Patrick, 59, 89, 160, 309-10, 311, 312, 324

Kennedy, Joseph Patrick, Jr., 310, 311

Kennedy, Patrick, 309

Kennedy, Patrick Joseph, 309-10

Kennedy, Robert F., 251, 461, 530, 593, 678

assassination of, 414, 460

and civil rights issue, 360, 362-3, 365-6, 369-70, 374

in Cuban missile crisis, 334-5

Johnson and, 325, 402, 413

as presidential candidate, 412-13, 414, 426

and programs for the poor, 566, 569

Kennedy, Rose Fitzgerald, 309, 312

Kennedy Administration, 389

Kennedy family, 309

Kent, Rockwell, 134

Kent State University tragedy, 425

Kenyon, Dorothy, 440

Kerouac, Jack, 394

Kerr, Clark, 396-7

Kesey, Ken, 430

Kevles, Daniel J., 549

Key, V. O., Jr., 354, 593

Keynes, John Maynard, 130, 131, 561, 677

Keynesianism, 102, 103, 130, 561-2, 570-1

wartime, 215, 561

Keyserling, Leon, 287

Khrushchev, Nikita, 241, 259-62, 265-6, 288, 335-6, 340, 362

on capitalism, 301-2

in Cuban missile crisis, 333-5

at Vienna summit, 332-3, 335

visit to US, 260-1, 301-2

Kilpatrick, James J., 627

Kilrain, Jack, 307

Kim Il Sung, 240-1

King, Coretta Scott, 326, 350, 359, 360, 367, 372

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 349-52, 356, 357-8, 362-4, 366-9, 375, 381, 382-4, 461-2, 571, 593, 661, 672, 678

assassination of, 413, 414, 460

intellectual acumen of, 350, 461, 571

jailing of, 326, 359, 364, 367-8, 382

Kennedy brothers and, 326, 360, 363

“Letter from Birmingham Jail,” 367-8

1963 Washington Freedom Rally, 371-2

and Peace Movement, 401, 407, 409

King, Martin Luther, Sr., 350, 360

King, Mary, 442

Kingston Frio, 428

Kinsey, Alfred, 436, 533-4

Kirk, Grayson, 413-14

Kirkendall, Richard, 238

Kissinger, Henry, 417-18, 422, 424, 468, 470-7, 479-87, 492-4, 523

and China, 470-5, 625

and Russia, 476-7, 485-7

in Vietnam peace talks, 480-4

Klehr, Harvey, 85

Klein, Joe, 142

Kleindienst, Richard, 501, 505

Knights of Labor, 45

Knopf, Alfred A., 593

Knowland newspapers, 46

Knox, Frank, 83, 163, 169, 175

Knudsen, William, 98, 575

Kobler, John, 284

Koch, Edward, 635

Koestler, Arthur, 277, 295

Kopkind, Andrew, 432

Koppes, Clayton R., 578

Korea, 240-1

see also North Korea; South Korea

Korean War, 241-3, 247, 250, 255, 418, 497, 527

as consequence of mutual US-Soviet misperceptions, 241-2, 254, 260, 262

Kostelanetz, Richard, 616-17

Kosygin, Aleksei, 477

Kramer, Hilton, 622

Kristol, Irving, 628

Kuchel, Thomas H., 376

Ku Klux Klan, 45, 353, 354, 361, 367, 369, 384, 386

Kunstler, William, 520

labor, 27, 33, 45-57, 96-100, 165, 213, 637

and antiwar movement, 408

on the assembly line, 271-2

and automation, 273, 274

and civil rights movement, 371, 377

Fair Deal measures for, 236

cool to left radicalism, 52-3

labor-liberal-left coalition, 118-20, 390, 399, 462, 632

participation in management, 565, 578

Southern California, 50, 603

as special interest group, 107

wartime, 184, 186-9, 453

women, 188, 453, 457

see also farm labor; strikes; unions Ladd, Everett Carll, 657

Ladies’ Home Journal, 447

La Follette, Philip, 68, 111, 114

La Follette, Robert, Sr., 14, 46, 68, 236, 416, 656

La Follette, Robert, Jr., 14, 68, 73, 94, 108, 117, 244

Laird, Melvin, 467

laissez-faire, 42, 560-1

Landon, Alfred M., 83, 84-5, 119, 126, 165

Langdon, Samuel, 532

Laning, Edward, 133

Laos, 342, 343, 418

Larson, Sheila, 599

Lasch, Christopher, 599

Lash, Joseph P., 9

Lasswell, Harold D., 7, 593

Latin America, 265, 328-32

Alliance for Progress, 328, 331, 336

poverty in, 303-4, 329, 330, 336

US interventionism in, 328, 330-2, 524

see also Central America; Monroe Doctrine

Lawrence, David, 107


decline, 660-3, 671-2, 680-1

group-oriented participatory, in

movement politics, 358, 384, 395-6, 443-4, 455-6

see also intellectual leadership; moral leadership

League for Industrial Democracy, 392, 408

League of Nations, 10, 150, 152, 157, 170, 490, 545

League of Universal Brotherhood, 536

League of Women Voters, 433, 438, 659

Leahy, Adm. William, 206, 208

Leavitt, Helen, 573

Lebanon, 255, 525

Lee, Herbert, 380

Leff, Mark, 77

left wing, 51-4, 122-3, 408-9, 625-6, 628-32, 661-2

in elections: 1936, 84-5; 1972, 460-2

FDR and, 41, 42, 45, 70, 74, 117-18, 120

intellectuals, 394, 409, 462, 565, 625, 629-32

labor-liberal-left coalition, 118-20, 390, 399, 462, 632

see also liberalism; New Left; socialism

LeHand, “Missy,” 3

Lehman, Herbert, 21, 111, 287

Lekachman, Robert, 561

LeMay, Curtis E., 415

Lemke, William, 84, 85, 87

Lend-Lease program, 168-9, 496, 555

Lenin, Vladimir I., 51-2, 221, 565, 642

Leninism, Third World, 305, 336, 343, 421

Lennon, John, 432

Leo XIII, Pope, 57

Leonard, “Sugar Ray,” 609

Lerner, Max, 265, 269, 279, 282, 408, 533-4, 627

lesbianism, 450-1

Lessing, Doris, 454

Leuchtenburg, William E., 213

Levine, Meldon E., 532

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 624

Lewis, John (SNCC organizer), 361, 371

Lewis, John L. (labor leader), 33, 46, 55-6, 82, 107, 165, 187-8, 191, 661

and sit-down strikes of 1930s, 97-100

Lewis, Oscar, 569

Lewis, Sinclair, 137, 297

liberalism, liberals, 347, 371, 390, 408, 454, 625-6, 629-32, 652

accomplishments of, 629-30

coalitions across party lines, 70, 109

definition of freedom by, 666, 672

Democrats, 13, 15, 64, 73-4, 87, 109, 118-19, 319, 320, 322, 324, 326, 359, 389-90, 414, 466, 625, 629-30, 661-2; FDR, 5, 10, 13, 45, 73, 77-8, 111, 118-20; JFK, 374; in 1972 election, 460-2

divisions of 1980s among, 630-1

economic (Keynesian), 562

exhaustion of agenda of, 626, 630-2

intellectual weaknesses of, 120-4, 461-2, 531, 630, 679-80

labor-liberal-left coalition, 118-20, 390, 399, 462, 632

of Niebuhr, 293-4

Republicans, 70, 87, 109, 119, 466, 636

views on crime, 516, 519

liberation movements, 305, 342-4, 527

libertarianism, 88, 534, 627-9, 667, 671

liberty, individual, 88, 120-4, 131, 231, 266-7, 275, 296, 393, 635, 665-7

and equality, 125, 267, 637, 679-80; as competing values, 631, 679

feminist definitions of, 454

positive vs. negative, 121, 124, 666-7

right-wing definition of, 42, 123, 667, 672

Western tradition and sources of, 539-40

see also freedom; individualism

Liberty ships, 183-4

Libya, 574

Lichtenstein, Roy, 621

Liddy, G. Gordon, 500-1, 513

Life magazine, 276, 284, 427, 441, 579, 614

Lilienthal, David, 593

Lincoln, Abraham, 33, 87, 88, 196, 212, 213, 218, 251, 337, 348, 657, 666

shadow of, in civil rights struggle, 358, 371, 374, 376

Lindbergh, Charles A., 160, 165, 169

Lin Piao, 405, 475

Lippmann, Walter, 12, 19, 55, 123, 131, 190, 205, 283, 288-90, 291, 294, 593

and FDR, 20-1, 41

internationalism of, 165

and Johnson, 407, 412

on Nixon, 417

and Truman Doctrine, 234, 289

writings, 289-90

Lipsky, Richard, 610

Literary Digest, 55

literature, 141-6, 296-301, 615-20, 624

see also writers, writing

Little Rock, Ark., 322, 352

Litvinov, Maxim, 159, 178

Liuzzo, Viola, 384

Living Newspaper, FTP, 137

Livingston, Mary, 193-4

Lloyd George, David, 90

Lockheed bailout, 578

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 236, 246, 248

defeat by Kennedy, 312-13

Loeb, William, Jr., 377

Logsdon, John M., 585, 586

Lombard, Carole, 166


Council of Foreign Ministers meetings, 226

Economic Conference (1933), 35-6, 153

Polish exile government, 206-7, 224

Lonely Crowd, The (Riesman), 279-80

Long, Breckinridge, 90

Long, Huey, 15-16, 20, 59-63, 70, 73, 78, 80, 84, 319

Long, Russell, 319

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 251

Look magazine, 284, 454, 614

Lorde, Audre, 451, 453

Lorre, Peter, 194

Los Angeles, 602-3, 608

race riots: 1943, 189; 1965 (Watts), 397-8

Los Angeles Times, 398, 602, 608, 612

Lou, Trent, 657

Louis, Joe, 609

Lowell, Robert, 409

Lowndes County Freedom Organization, 386

loyalty program, 230-1, 239

Lubin, Isador, 287

Lublin government, 206-7

Luce, Clare Boothe, 243

Luce, Henry, 165, 276-7, 284, 593

Luce magazines, 243, 276, 284, 563

Lukas, J. Anthony, 500, 506

Luker, Kristin, 448

lunch counter sit-ins, 356-7, 366

Luther, Martin, 600

Lynd, Staughton, 407

Lyttle, Bradford, 391-2

McAdoo, William G., 11-12

McAlister, Elizabeth, 537

MacArthur, Douglas, 16, 203

in Korea, 241-2, 243

in World War II, 176, 198, 201, 205, 206, 225

McCarthy, Eugene, 412, 414, 530

McCarthy, Joseph R., 230, 244-6, 249-50, 251-3, 258, 296, 313

McCarthyism, 246, 296, 301, 313, 324, 391, 393, 395, 549

McCloy, John, 412

Maccoby, Michael, 550, 671

McCord, James, 500-1

McCormack, John, 389

McCormick, Robert R., 31, 154, 165

MacDonald, Allan J., 583

Macdonald, Cynthia, 618

McDonald, David J., 287

MacDonald, Ramsay, 36

Macdonald, Stuart, 543

MacDougall, Curtis, 283

MacDougall, Malcolm, 613

McElvaine, Robert, 660

McGill, Ralph, 353

McGovern, George, 415, 458, 461, 479, 481-2, 511, 530, 557

McGrory, Mary, 373

machine tool industry, 268

McKinley, William, 374

MacKinnon, Catherine, 535

McKissick, Floyd, 387

MacLeish, Archibald, 193, 289

McMahon, Audrey, 135

McNamara, Robert, 333, 343, 403, 408, 409, 410, 411, 425-6, 573, 577

McNary-Haugen bill (1927), 16, 64

McPherson, Aimee Semple, 603

McReynolds, James C, 72, 89, 92

McWilliams, Carey, 602

Madison, James, 633, 634, 646, 648

magazines, 284, 612, 614-15

black culture and politics, 399

feminist, 447

Magruder, Jeb Stuart, 500-1, 503, 510, 512-13

Mailer, Norman, 297, 300, 409, 617-18, 620

majority rule, 42, 88

Malamud, Bernard, 620

Malcolm X, 385-6, 388, 398, 399, 462

Malraux, André, 277

Manchester, William, 413

Manchester Union leader, 377

Manchuria, 170, 208, 225, 226, 240, 470

Manion, Clarence, 627

Mann, Thomas, 605

Mannheim, Karl, 275

Mansfield, Mike, 291, 389

Mantle, Burns, 136

Mao Tse-tung, 240, 241, 260, 337, 405, 454, 469, 470, 472, 473-4

Marcuse, Herbert, 275-6, 281, 599

Markham, Edwin, 304

Marlowe, Christopher, 132

Marsh, Reginald, 133, 138

Marshall, George C., 233, 240, 249-50, 593

Army Chief of Staff, 174, 178, 180, 206

Marshall, John, 88, 646, 651-2

Marshall Plan, 233, 235, 239, 265, 283, 295, 347, 496, 555

Marx, Groucho, 310

Marx, Karl, 269, 274, 275, 281, 350, 461, 564-5, 567

Marxism, 221, 277, 296, 454, 564-5, 616, 631

New Left, 409, 421

Niebuhr and, 292-3

Third World, 305, 336, 341, 343, 419

view of capitalism not valid for US, 48

Maslow, Abraham, 436, 455

Mass Culture, 622, 624

massive retaliation, policy of, 254, 286

materialism, 274, 275, 350, 431

New Left rejection of, 393

Mattachine Society, 450

Matthews, J. B., 252

Mauldin, Bill, 195

Maurois, André, 298

Maverick, Maury, 110-11

Maxwell, James Clerk, 542, 547

Mayer, Louis B., 605

May-Johnson bill, 548, 549

Mazlish, Bruce, 466

Medea, Andrea, 449

media, 281-5, 611-15, 646

coverage of feminists by, 441, 446

in election campaigns, 312, 324, 613

manipulation of, 246

Nixon and, 472-3, 495, 510-11

presidential use of, 495

as talent drain, 615

see also magazines; newspapers; press; radio; television

Medicare, 389

medicine, 541, 543

Mediterranean, World War II in, 196-8

Meese, Edwin, III, 654

Melville, Herman, 299, 673-4

Mencken, Henry L., 12, 17, 60, 99, 145

Mendel, Gregor, 269

Mendès-France, Pierre, 405

Menjou, Adolphe, 231

Mercer, Lucy, 9, 212

Mercury, Project, 579-81, 582

Meredith, James, 365, 370, 386-7, 398, 400

Merelman, Richard M., 597, 599

Merriam, Frank, 69

Merton, Robert K., 275

Mesta, Perle, 251

Methodist churches, 355, 594

Mexican-Americans, 306

Mexican American Women’s Association, 452

Mexico, 329-30

Meyer, Frank S., 627

middle class, 57, 278-9, 286

black, 314, 316

women, 436, 453, 459

Middle East, 265, 486-8, 526-7

Carter policy and Camp David, 525-6

Eisenhower policy, 255, 257

Six-Day War (1967), 486

Soviet policy, 265, 284-7, 488, 526-7

Yom Kippur War (1973), 487

Midway, battle of, 179-80, 182

migrant farm workers, 40, 49, 81, 141, 269, 315

migration, of poor peoples, 305-6

US blacks, 315, 385

military-industrial complex warning, 262

Mill, John Stuart, 600

Miller, Arthur, 297, 300-1, 624

Miller, David, 408

Miller, Jim, 421

Millet, Jean François, 304

Millett, Kate, 444-5, 450, 456

Mills, C. Wright, 394

Minimalism, 621, 623

minimum wage, 107, 559, 570, 639

state laws, 95

for women, 82

mining industry, 187-8, 264

Minneapolis, 1934

strike, 47-8

minority rights, 88

Miranda doctrine, 654

Miss America Pageant, 445-6

“missile gap,” 333-4

missiles, ballistic, 264, 334, 478, 529, 537

ICBMs, 259, 335, 478, 579

Mississippi, civil rights struggle in, 365

black voter registration, 378-80, 382

Freedom Democratic Party (1964), 380-2

“Freedom Summer,” 380, 384, 395

Mitchell, John, 479, 500-1, 513

Mitsuo, Fuchida, 174

Modernism, 623

“Mohawk Valley formula,” 100

Moley, Raymond, 13, 14, 17, 28, 35-6, 64, 74, 83, 110, 154

Molotov, Vyacheslav, 159, 206, 208, 211, 226, 260, 405

Mondale, Walter, 641

Mondrian, Piet, 621

monetarism, 562, 564

monetary policy, 35, 36, 72, 555

Monroe Doctrine, 150, 154, 172, 332

Montgomery bus boycott, 348-52

Montgomery Improvement Association, 350-1

Monthly Review, 564

Montoya, Joseph, 503-4

Moody, Anne, 372

moon landings, Apollo program, 581-2, 584-5

moral leadership, 293-4, 512, 522, 672

of FDR, 323-4, 648; exception, 218-19

JFK’s development of, 360, 374-5

Moral Majority, 627-8

Moreno, Luisa, 603

Morgan, Robin, 446

Morgan family and capitalism, 39-40, 60, 155

Morgenthau, Hans, 287, 288, 291-2, 294, 402, 499, 547-8, 551

Morgenthau, Henry, 28, 36, 45, 72, 101-2, 104, 112, 114, 133, 191, 214, 216, 219

internment of Japanese, 190

Morgenthau, Robert, 499

Morris, Aldon, 356

Morris, Robert, 623

Morris, William, 274

Morrison, Jim, 431

Morrow, Dwight, 329

Morse, Wayne, 291, 319, 403

Morion Thiokol, 550, 583

Moscow summit meetings:

Summit I (1972), 476-9, 485, 488

Summit III (1974), 488

Moses, Bob (SNCC), 379-80, 384, 407

Moses, Robert, 552

Mossadegh, Muhammad, 255

Motion Picture Association, 608

Movement for a Democratic Society, 432

Moyers, Bill, 410

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 373, 467, 567, 569

Ms. magazine, 439, 447, 615

Muhammad, Elijah, 385-6, 388, 398, 401

Mulder, Ronald, 77

Muller, Hermann Joseph, 269

Mumford, Lewis, 274, 574

Municipal Bankruptcy Act, 72

Murphy, Frank, 59, 99, 111, 112, 114

Murray, “Alfalfa Bill,” 11

Murray, Philip, 99-100, 107, 187

Murrow, Edward R., 285, 594

Music Corporation of America (MCA), 607

Muskie, Edmund, 461, 499

Mussolini, Benito, 7, 63, 79, 105, 137, 149-50, 157-8, 162, 198, 223

Muste, A. J., 391

MX missile, 529, 537

My Lai massacre, 420

Myrdal, Gunnar, 359, 360

Nader, Ralph, 575, 641

Nagasaki, 225, 408

Naked and the Dead, The (Mailer), 297, 617

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 579-80, 583-6

Nash, Diane, 363, 380

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 257

Nation, The, 114, 124, 409

National Abortion Rights League, 448

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 189, 321, 349-50, 357, 365, 371, 387-8, 399

National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), 102, 272-3

National Black Feminist Organization, 451

National Citizens Political Action Committee, 234

National Coalition of American Nuns, 458

National Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government, 105

National Conference for a New Politics, 443

National Conference of Puerto Rican Women, 452

National Conference on Black Power, 399

National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam, 408

National Council of Churches, 594

National Council of Negro Women, 371

national debt, 72, 89, 191, 633

National Emergency Council, 115

National Farmers’ Holiday Association, 65

National Football League, 611

National Foundation for the Arts and the Humanities, 389, 639

National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

and Administration (NRA), 27, 32-4, 37, 39-42, 62, 75, 77, 122, 213-14

Section 7(a) union provisions, 33, 46, 48, 55, 75, 96

Supreme Court invalidation of, 72, 73, 74, 89, 215

wages-and-hours provisions of, 32

nationalism, Third World, 255, 304-5

nationalization, 127, 560, 564-5

National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act (1935), 75, 90, 95-5, 107

National Labor Relations Board, 112

national liberation movements, 305, 342-7, 527

Vietnam, 342, 403, 419

National Mobilization Committee (Mobe), 417

New Mobe, 423

National Organization for Women (NOW), 437-41, 443, 448, 449, 450, 454-5, 457

National Progressive League for Roosevelt, 73

National Republic (journal), 132

National Resources Planning Board, 130-1, 191, 214

National Review (journal), 627, 628

National Science Foundation, 553

national security, 154, 158, 333, 666

National Union for Social Justice, 59, 79

National War Labor Board (NWLB), 186-7, 188

National Welfare Rights Organization, 570

National Women’s Conference (1977), 452

National Women’s Party, 376, 438

National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC), 439, 457-8

National Youth Administration (NYA), 104, 214, 318, 390

Nation of Islam, 385-6, 398

Native Son (Wright), 144-5

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 246, 265, 289, 488

Nazism, see fascism; Germany, Nazi

NBC (National Broadcasting Company), 60, 63, 285

Near, Holly, 451

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 338, 339-41

Neighborhood Youth Corps, 566

Nelson, Donald, 185

Neo-Expressionism, 623

Netherlands, 162, 295

Neuman, W. Russell, 611

neutrality legislation, 1930s, 154, 156

New Deal, 21, 23-7, 30-5, 37, 58, 62, 70, 107-8, 121, 238, 320, 347, 570, 629, 631, 656

banking reforms, 26, 40, 41, 75, 213

business opposition to, 41-5, 64, 71-3, 102-3; and “class war,” 41-54

blacks and, 39, 81, 358-9

Congress and, see Congress, US conservation programs, 25, 26, 40, 76, 213, 214

cultural programs, 132-41

dismantled by Reagan policies, 639

as election issue: 1936, 80-6, 91; 1938, 108-11

evaluation of, 128-31, 213-15, 648

Fair Deal as extension of, 236

farm legislation, 25, 34, 40-1, 49, 64-6, 72, 76, 81, 82, 107, 122, 213

“First,” 23-7, 30, 32, 62, 214

“fourth,” 215

industrial and labor measures, 27, 32-4, 37, 39-40, 41-2, 72, 76, 89, 95-6, 106-7, 122, 213

intellectual incongruities, 120-5, 129

job procurement, 25, 27, 34, 76, 81

misperceived as socialism, 43, 45, 102, 123, 128

mortgage and housing subsidies, 25, 26, 72, 214

problems of, 39-41, 63-6, 68, 112-13, 114-16, 125

public utilities legislation, 26, 34, 40, 76, 213-14

public works, 34, 37, 81, 214

railroad legislation, 26-7, 72, 73

relief programs, 25, 34, 37, 40, 76, 81, 134, 213-14, 568

right-wing conservative reaction to, 41-3, 45, 71-3, 105, 132

“Second,” 70, 75-8, 214

securities legislation, 25-6, 40, 122

Social Security, 75, 77, 78, 191

success prevented by American system of government, 115, 120, 125-6, 129

Supreme Court invalidations of, 72-3, 74, 82, 89-90, 91, 652

“third,” 214

youth programs, 76, 104, 214

Newfield, Jack, 414, 429

New Freedom, 122, 127

New Frontier, 374, 461, 629

Newhouse, Samuel I., 282

New Left, 393-4, 408-9, 421-2, 426, 431-2, 441-3, 455, 456, 460

Newman, Barnett, 621

New Nationalism, 127

New Republic, The (journal), 12, 140

New Right, 448, 626

Newspaper Guild, 137

newspapers, 281-3, 611-12

conformity of 1950s, 282-3

consolidation of, 282, 612

partisan political influences, 282, 614

production of, 281-2

Newsweek magazine, 110, 446, 612

Newton, Huey P., 399

Newton, Sir Isaac, 544-5

New York American, 31

New York Art Strike (1970), 622-3

New York City, 552, 578, 617-20, 634

arts and artists, 620-4, 664-5

book publishing, 615-17, 620

Federal Theatre Project, 136-8

New Yorker, The, 512

New York Herald Tribune, 93, 96, 202, 614

“New York intellectuals,” 616-17

New York magazine, 614

New York Review of Books, 409

New York Times, The, 9, 49, 237, 262, 331, 478, 497, 546, 584, 612, 614, 617, 622, 643

Book Review, 616

and Pentagon Papers, 425-6

Nicaragua, 328, 330, 633, 644

Niebuhr, Reinhold, 124-5, 205-277, 288, 292-4, 350, 401, 522, 536, 593

Nimitz, Adm. Chester, 180, 198, 201, 205, 206, 211

Nixon, E. D., 349-50

Nixon, Patricia, 473, 476, 485

Nixon, Richard M., 492-3, 624, 644, 681

anticommunism of, 230, 244, 418, 468, 480; Hiss case, 232, 468

background of, 604

character contradictions in, 465-6, 494, 508; the “new” Nixon, 417, 469, 637

Checkers speech of, 250, 252, 511

income-tax fraud allegation, 504

penchant for secrecy, 467, 471, 476, 492

post-resignation life of, 513-14

as President, 416-20, 422-6, 462, 466-88, 560-1, 625, 630, 651; China policy, 468-9, 470-5, 488; decision leaps, 559-60, 561; a disappointment to conservatives, 557, 625; domestic programs, 466-7, 479, 567; economic policy, 554-7, 561, 571; “enemies list,” 499, 504; foreign policy, 467-88, 491, 492-4, 496, 524; and the media, 472-3, 495, 510-11; and minority rights issues, 466; resignation, 488, 508-9, 558; Russian policy, 476-9, 485-8, 493; second inaugural, 484; siege mentality, 499, 503; Supreme Court appointments, 506, 652-3; and Vietnam War, 417-20, 422-6, 475-6, 478-84, 493-4

presidential candidacies: 1960, 262, 326, 331, 360, 468, 555, 637; 1968, 415-16, 555, 637; 1972. 460-1, 479, 511, 557

as Vice President, 255, 257, 313; urges A-bomb at Dien Bien Phu, 255, 342, 465; urges invasion of Cuba, 331

vice-presidential candidacy, 250, 252

and Watergate, 500-14, 593; impeachment, 503, 506-7, 511; pardon, 498, 513-14, 522, 558 (see also Watergate affair)

Nobel Prizes, 541, 572, 643

Noble, David F., 264, 551

Noble, Robert, 604

Nol, Lon, 424

nonviolence, 396, 421, 536

in civil rights movement, 352, 357, 363, 364, 366-8, 383, 400; abandoned, 386, 388, 398, 400

see also civil disobedience

Normandy, 1944

invasion of, 200-1

Norris, George W., 14, 26, 61, 73, 91, 190-1


black migration to, 315, 385

civil rights battle in, 384, 385-6, 388, 397-401

race riots, 397-8, 400

North Africa, World War II in, 180, 196-7

Allied invasion of 1943, 178, 181

North Korea, 240-2

see also Korean War

North Vietnam, 402-6, 410-11, 418-19, 422-5, 472, 475, 479-84, 488, 489, 493-4, 642

China and, 405, 472, 476, 529

Norway, Nazi invasion of, 161

NSC-68 memorandum, 222

nuclear submarines, 264, 268, 391, 478

nuclear war danger, 256, 486-7

Prevention Agreement, 1973, 485-6

nuclear weapons, 222, 239-40, 256-7, 264, 391, 477-8

China in possession of, 485

Reagan on, 643

Test Ban Treaty (1963), 390, 392

US superiority, 259, 264, 265, 333-4

US-USSR parity, 527

see also arms control; arms race; atom bomb; hydrogen bomb

Nye, Gerald P., 33, 155

occupational safety and health, 466

Ochs, Phil, 428

O’Connell, William, Cardinal, 58

O’Connor, John, 111, 118

O’Daniel, “Pappy,” 319

Odets, Clifford, 146

Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), 566

Office of Facts and Figures, 193

Office of Price Administration, 556, 562

Office of War Information (OWI), 193-4

off our backs (newspaper), 447

Oglesby, Carl, 421

oil, 255, 319, 329, 330-1, 574-5, 644

prices, 558, 574, 641

Okies, 49, 141-3

Okinawa, 206, 211, 224, 675

Okun, Arthur, 561

Oldenburg, Claes, 621

Oliphant, Herman, 102

Olivier, Laurence, 285

Olson, Culbert L., 604

Olson, Floyd, 48, 68

Omaha Action, 391

O’Mahoney, Joseph, 94

Omnibus Housing Act (1965), 389

O’Neill, Eugene, 624

O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” 559, 640

O’Neill, William L., 431

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries), 558, 574

“Open Skies” proposal, 257

Oppenheim, Dennis, 623

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 269, 270, 288-9, 290, 549

Organization of Afro-American Unity, 386

Ormandy, Eugene, 484

Orwell, George, 418

Oshinsky, David, 251

Our Bodies, Ourselves (handbook), 447

Oz, Amos, 618, 619, 620

Ozick, Cynthia, 619

Pacem in Terris (encyclical), 536

Pacific Ocean:

US bases in, 264-5

war danger in, 168, 170-1, 172-4

war in, 174-80, 196, 198, 201-2, 206, 207, 224-5; island hopping, 201, 206, 211

pacifists, 536

1930s, 154, 156

postwar, 234-5, 391-2, 408, 545-6

Paine, Thomas, 296, 634

Pakistan, 265, 340, 471

Palestine Liberation Organization, 592

Palestinians, 525

Paley, Grace, 618

Panama, 330

Panama Canal Treaty, 524-5, 526-7


American writers celebrated in, 297-8

summit plan aborted (1960), 261-2

Vietnam peace talks, 481-4

Parks, Rosa, 348-9, 351-2, 375

Parsons, Talcott, 67

Parsons, Louella, 606-7

Partisan Review (journal), 409

party system, 116-18, 125-6, 491, 646-7, 655-7

four-party actuality within, 119, 126, 236; and civil rights legislation, 321-2, 376-8

overlapping of interests and groups, 119, 126, 320, 376

party shifts and reconstitution, 656-7

reform proposals, 648-9, 650

see also third parties

Pasadena school desegregation case, 653

“Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teachings and the U.S. Economy,” 537-8, 668-9

Patterson, James, 109

Patterson, John, 362

Patterson, Robert “Tut,” 354

Patton, Gen. George, 216

Paul VI, Pope, 484

Pauling, Linus, 392, 543

Pavese, Cesare, 298

Peace Corps, 390

peaceful coexistence, 260

peace movement, 391-2, 401, 418, 443, 460, 536, 659

self-immolations, 408

sexism protested in, 442, 443

see also anti-nuclear movement; anti-Vietnam War movement Peale, Norman Vincent, 326

Pearl Harbor, 174-6, 177, 179, 192, 304, 338

Peck, Jim, 361

Peck, George N., 154

Pegler, Westbrook, 123

Peirce, Charles, 125, 658

Peirce, Neal, 318, 558

Pells, Richard, 278

PEN International Congress (1986), 617-20

Penn Central Railroad, 555

Pentagon Papers, 425-6

Pepper, Claude, 106

Percy, Walker, 615

Perkins, Frances, 23, 28, 29, 31, 34, 83, 101, 102, 112, 114, 130, 434, 593

and strikes, 47, 99

Perón, Juan and Evita, 328

Pershing, Gen. John Joseph, 543

Persian Gulf, 644

Peru, 329, 330

Pélain, Henri Philippe, 163

Peter, Paul and Mary (rock group), 428

Phantom Public, The (Lippmann), 289

Philippines, 265

World War II: US loss of, 176-7, 178; US recapture of, 202, 206

Phillips, Clarence, 520

Phillips, Kevin, 637

Phillips, William, 154

physics, 268, 541, 544-7, 549, 553

Pickering, William, 578

Piehl, Mel, 536

Pioneer planetary probes, 582

Pittman, Key, 36, 158

Planned Parenthood-World Population, 448

planning, comprehensive national and regional, 130-1, 214-15

social, Dewey on, 121

TVA as example of, 131, 316-17

see also economic planning

plea bargaining, 517-18, 519

Plessy v. Ferguson, 314, 322

“Plumbers” operation, 499, 504

PM (newspaper), 283

Podell, Janet, 610

Podgorny, Nikolai, 477

Poland, 149, 151, 217, 404

Nazi and Soviet invasion of, 159, 160

postwar, 206, 223, 224, 257-8, 476; Solidarity, 644; Soviet domination, 210-11, 221, 226, 229; Yalta discussions on, 206-7, 208, 211

Polenberg, Richard, 193

Pollock, Jackson, 621

Poor, Henry Varnum, 133

population increase, global, 304, 329

populism, 63, 655

conservative, 626, 627-8, 629

of Father Coughlin, 58-9

of Huey Long, 59-63

pornography, 449, 534-5, 635, 654

Port Huron Statement, 393, 394, 397, 462

Postmodernism, 624

Potsdam Conference (1945), 224-5, 226

Potter, Paul, 407

poverty, 122, 539-40, 565-71, 629, 668-9

of blacks, 570-1; in South, 313-16; in urban North, 385

and crime, 516, 518, 568-9, 571

cultural view (subculture), 568-9, 571

definition of, 567-8

Depression, 19, 31, 39-41, 58, 648; New Deal programs, 25, 27, 34-5, 40-1, 76, 81; 1937-39

recession, 103-4

intellectual failure in understanding, 567-71, 668-9

1930s literature of, 141-5

of 1980s, 633, 641

reduced in wartime, 184-5, 188-9

in South, 354, 567; among blacks, 313-16; among whites, 316-18

structural/environmental view, 569, 570

Third World, 303-5, 669; India, 303, 305, 339; Latin America, 303-4, 329, 330, 336

War on (LBJ), 516, 566-7, 568

Powdermaker, Hortense, 603, 606

Powell, Lewis F., Jr., 506, 653


as exercised in foreign policy, 291-2, 496

vs. moral leadership, 512, 522

Niebuhrian realism, 125, 292-3, 522

presidential use and abuse of, 495-6, 503, 510-12

Powers, Francis Gary, 261

Powers, John A., 580-1

pragmatism, 125, 278, 292, 548, 559, 661, 671

as self-serving doctrine, 658

Pravda, 229, 491, 523

Presbyterian Church, 594

presidency, 647-8, 651, 655

executive privilege, 505-6

“imperial,” 510, 511, 646

veto, 646, 647

“presidential” parties, Democratic and

Republican, 119, 126

and civil rights legislation, 321

press, 281, 283, 611

prior restraint, 426

see also media; newspapers


controls, 560; Nixon freeze, 556;

postwar, 230; World War II, 556

inflation: 1970s, 531, 554-5, 1980s, 638; postwar, 230; World War II, 187

New Deal manipulation of, 35, 36

Priestley, J. B., 603

primary system, 117, 647, 662

Princeton University, 290, 545

printing innovations, 281-2

prior restraint, 426

prisons, 519-20

Pritchett, Laurie, 364

“pro-choice” groups, 448

production, 271

agricultural, 268

industrial, 266; during Depression, 30-1; postwar, 264; wartime, 182-4, 186, 199

Profiles in Courage (Kennedy), 343, 677

Progressive Labor party, 421

Progressive party (T. Roosevelt’s), 46, 118-19, 236, 416, 656

Wisconsin, 1934, 68, 108, 117

Progressive party (Wallace’s), 235-7, 238

progressivism, 7, 13, 14, 16, 41, 68, 122, 236, 646-7

Prohibition, 5, 10, 16, 25

property rights, 43, 88, 90, 97, 667

Protestantism, 57, 279, 594-5

in Boston, anti-Irish, 307, 308

China missionaries, 470

peace movement, 536

Protestant magazine, 282

Proxmire, William, 577

public facilities and transport,

desegregation of, 315, 321, 348-52, 356-8, 361, 364, 370, 378

Public Interest, The (journal), 627, 628

Public Opinion (Lippmann), 289

public-opinion polling, 153, 291, 511

Public Philosophy, The (Lippmann), 289-90, 294

Public Utility Holding Company Act, 76, 214

public works, 130, 566

art programs, New Deal, 134, 135

Depression era, 34, 37, 81, 214

Public Works Administration (PWA), 34, 81

Pyle, Ernie, 194-5

Quakers, 391, 396, 536

Quebec meeting of FDR and Churchill (1943), 198, 206

Quemoy and Matsu islands, 255, 468

quota systems, 653