Foreword by Congresswoman Maxine Waters
Prologue “It was like they didn’t want to know”
1. “A pretty secret kind of thing”
3. “The brotherhood of military minds”
5. “God, Fatherland and Freedom”
6. “They were doing their patriotic duty”
7. “Something happened to Ivan”
8. “A million hits is not enough”
9. “He would have had me by the tail”
10. “Teach a man a craft and he’s liable to practice it”
11. “They were looking in the other direction”
13. “The wrong kind of friends”
14. “It’s bigger than I can handle”
15. “This thing is a tidal wave”
17. “We’re going to blow your fucking head off”
18. “We bust our ass and the government’s involved”
19. “He reports to people reporting to Bush”
20. “It is a sensitive matter”
21. “I could go anywhere in the world and sell dope”
23. “He had the backing of a superpower”
24. “They’re gonna forget I was a drug dealer”
25. “Things are moving all around us”
26. “That matter, if true, would be classified”
27. “A very difficult decision”