AA 10
ABA 6, 7, 49
ABA’s model rules 175
ABA Survey on Lawyer Discipline 181
Access to Justice program 48
accidental death clause 111
accidental killings 67
accident reconstructionist 106
accomplice 66
ACLU 48, 146
active-duty military 69
adaptive behavior 102
administrator 122, 130
admissions committees 182
adoption 2, 3, 121, 133, 134
adult court 94
adult offenders 70
adversarial system 163, 175
adversaries 154
advice and consent 6
advisory guidelines 82
affidavits 139
Afghanistan 114
African American bar association 158
aggravated assault 19
aggravated kidnaping 66
aggravating factors 100
Agnew, Spiro 183
agricultural law 158
agriculture and water law 151
aircraft hijacking 100
Alabama 102, 131
alarmed doors 172
Alaska 67, 133
Aleman, Harry 113
Aleman v. Judges of the Circuit Court 113
Alzheimer’s disease 125, 148
ambush 100
amendments 127
American Association for Justice 158
American Bar Association (ABA) 6, 48, 153, 155, 158
American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct 160, 179
American Civil Liberties Union 48
American embassy 3
American Indian law 151
American Original: The Life and Constitution of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia 166
American Probation and Parole Association 85
American Psychiatric Association 147, 150
American Trial Lawyers Association 158
amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) 174
analogizing 152
Anatomy of a Murder 77, 162
Anglo-Latin 120
anti-government conspiracy theorists 70
appeal 160
appeals 112
appeals judges 166
appearance of impropriety 173
appellate court 5, 34
appellate court dockets 143
appellate courts 167
Appellate Division 5, 8
appellate opinions 186
appellate review 98
applications and permits 141
arbitration 160, 163
arguments 11
Arizona 102, 103, 121
Arkansas 135, 183
armed security 172
arraignment 16, 53
arraignment by video conference 16
arrest 30
arrest warrant 12, 41
Arsenic and Old Lace 109
arson 18, 59, 66
Asian Pacific bar associations 158
assassination 99
assault 60, 80
assault on a sports official 60
assertion 21
associate justices 166
Atkins v. Virginia 101
Atlanta 172
attorney-client privilege 179
attorneys general 102, 186
Aubert, Rosemary 166
Austen, Jane 123, 135
authentication process 23
bail 16, 18
bail bond 18
bail bondsman 17, 19
Bailey, F. Lee 183
bail hearings 167
bailiffs 11, 27, 169, 171, 172
Baker, Susan P. 172
Balloon Boy 16
Baltimore 72
bank fraud 2
bank robbery 99
bankruptcy 2, 151, 158
bar admission requirements 155
bar association 153, 157, 179
bar commission 183
bar counsel 181
bar exam 151, 153, 182
Barker v. Wingo 20
Bar of Montana 154
barrister 155
bar, the 155
Batson v. Kentucky 119
Baze v. Rees 103
Becoming Justice Blackmun: Harry Blackmun’s Supreme Court Journey 7, 166
Beltway Sniper 21, 72
bench trial 19, 20, 169
beneficiaries 122, 125, 128, 130, 131
bequests 130, 131
Berghuis v. Thompkins 51
Berkowitz, David 96
Bible 116
bifurcated trial 98
Billings, Montana 10
Bill of Rights 20
biological evidence 23
birth parents 133, 134
Bishop, Amy 149
Biskupic, Joan 166
Blackmun, Harry 7
Black’s Law Dictionary 59, 116
black widows 110
Blagojevich, Rod 30
Blake, Robert 104
Bleak House 118, 135
Board of Adjustment 142
Bobbitt, Lorena 77
Boise, Idaho 146
bond seller’s fee 19
“boot camp” type program 71
Breach of Promise 10
Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court, The 6
Brethren, The 166
Breyer, Stephen 167
bribery 113
Britain 55, 66
British National Archives 123
Brooklyn 5, 18
Bundy, Theodore Robert 1
burden of proof 11, 32
Bureau of Justice Statistics 186
burglary 59, 66
Burr, Raymond 49
Bush administration 6
business licenses 142
business organizations and transactions 151
Cain, James M. 112
California 4, 7, 8, 32, 63, 64, 68, 98, 116, 121, 128, 134, 153, 166, 181
California bar 183
California v. Morales 103
Canada 54, 66, 98
capital cases 8
capital defendant 11
capital punishment 103
Capote, Truman 104
carjacking 99
Carriere, Jeanne 140
casebooks 152
case-in-chief 10, 11
case law 185
case of first impression 152
Cast Away 140
cease and desist orders 142
censure 181
Center for Justice and Democracy 164
Center on Media, Crime and Justice 187
ceremonial marriage 132
cert 6
certificates of good standing 154
certificates of survey 141
chain of custody form 23
chambers 5
Chamber, The 104
Chandler, Raymond 112
Chapman, Duane “Dog, the Bounty Hunter” 55
character and fitness screening 154
chemical dependency counselors 9
Chicago 113, 172
Chief Judge 5
chief juror 11
Chief Justice 5
child abuse 28, 100, 133
child abuse victim 73
child custody 114
child endangerment 19
child molesters 17, 92
child protective services 73
child welfare laws 133, 186
China 54, 98
Circuit Court 5, 8
circumstances of the offense 71
circumstantial evidence 25, 26
City Council 142
city court 8
civil cases 2, 8, 19, 20, 23, 29, 32, 73, 168, 177
civil claims 117, 180
civil contempt 169
civil court 96
civil defense bar 158
civil law 2, 3
civil litigation 105, 111, 141
civil negligence 115
civil procedure 29, 151
civil proceedings 114
civil rights 90
Civil Rights Movement 112
civil rights offenses resulting in death 99
civil rights violations 112
civil suit 12, 28
civil trials 10, 22, 56
Civil War 113
claim of incest 135
class action suit 119
clergy 73
clerk and recorder 141
clerk of court 6, 12, 19, 23, 141
clerk’s office 170
client control 161
clients 154, 160, 176
Clinical Treatment and Human Behavior 150
Clinton, Bill 183
Clooney, George 156
closed circuit TV cameras 172
closed files 141
codicils 127
cognitive abilities 71
cohabitation 131
Colorado 131
combat-related issues 10
Commission on Capital Punishment 103
common-law divorce 132
common-law marriage 50, 121, 131
common law system 2
community 79
community pre-release centers 83
community property states 121, 122, 126, 129
community service 16, 80, 86, 87
community supervision 85
compensatory damages 12
competency evaluation 74
competent to stand trial 74
Complaint CAP OK 13
concealed carry application 68
concealed carry permit 68
concealed firearm 69
conclusions of law 169
Con-Con 58
concurrent jurisdiction 71
concurrent sentencing 79, 87
confession 52, 159
confidential informant (CI) 46, 47, 56
confinement 79
confirmation hearings 6
conflict of interest 175, 176, 177, 178
Congress 7, 91, 99, 172
Connecticut 58
Connolly, Michael 49
consecutive sentences 87
consent 65
conspiracy 2
Constitution 5, 6, 16, 19, 20, 37, 42, 47, 50, 97, 112, 113, 158, 167
Constitutional Convention 58
constitutional law 151
constitutional rights 79
constitutional violations 113, 115
consular privileges 145
consummation 131
contempt of court 45, 115, 117, 169
contingency fee agreements 160, 163
continue (postpone) 168
continuing legal education classes 176, 182
contract disputes 2
contracts 151
controlled substances homicide 62, 64
conviction 114, 160
Cook County, Illinois 49
copyright 151
Cornell University Legal Information Institute 133, 186
corrections officers 94
corruption 3
counsel 120, 161
counseling 15
countersue 108
county attorneys 14
county court 5, 8
county prosecutors 14
county sheriff 67
county treasurer 141
court administrative charge 19
court administrator 171
court costs 81
court decisions 185, 186
courthouse crime 173
courthouse security 165, 172
courthouse settings 171
courthouse tour 173
Court of Appeals 5, 6, 7, 8
court officer 99
court orders 13, 134, 137, 178
court records 94
court reporter 11, 29, 106, 107, 170–172
courtroom behavior 169
courtrooms 59, 170
court rules 14, 16
courts 154, 161
Courts of General Jurisdiction 8
Courts of Limited Jurisdiction 8
court staff 155, 161
court systems 2, 116
creative sanctions 89
creative sentencing 88
creep factor 143
crime lab 23
Crime Report, The 187
crimes against persons (homicide) 185
crimes against property (burglary) 185
criminal action 1
criminal activity 138
criminal behavior 75
criminal cases 11, 29, 32, 168, 172
criminal charge 180
criminal code 185
criminal code section 13
criminal contempt 169
criminal convictions 7
criminal court 71
criminal defendant 167, 169, 176
criminal defense 49, 158, 159, 163
criminal history 17, 87, 95, 137
criminal issues 186
criminal justice 158
Criminal Justice Journalists 187
criminal law 37, 59
criminal law procedures 151, 169
criminal lawyers 18, 68
criminal litigation 141
criminal negligence 62, 115
criminal proceedings 73
criminal process 74
criminal prosecution 48
criminal record 94
criminal sentencing 79, 90
criminal trial calendar 22
criminal trials 56
cross-appeal 34
cruel and unusual punishment 89, 102
Culkin, Macaulay 86
curfew violations 94
custodial interrogation 50
custody 2, 51, 52, 73
custody dispute 116
custody proceeding 28
cyanide pellets 102
cybercrime 3
DA 14
daily dockets 141
damages 32
damage witnesses 106
Dance for the Dead 140
database search 186
Davis, Krista 163
Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States 104
Dean, John 183
death 60
death certificate 138
death in absentia 139
death penalty 54, 67, 79, 97, 98, 100, 101, 103, 117
Death Penalty Information Center 98
Death Penalty Information Center annual Fact Sheet 103
death row 98, 103, 104
death sentence 11, 100
declaration of death 140
declarations of presumed death 140
default judgment 108
defendants 12, 16, 19, 26, 74, 79, 81, 82, 84, 95, 106, 108, 111, 112, 163, 173, 174
defender 119
Defenders, The 49
defense attorney 84
defense counsel 9, 74, 95, 117, 179
defense expert 102
defense lawyers 13, 22, 27, 159
defense of persons 63
defense of property 63
Defense Research Institute 158
Defense Trial Lawyers associations 158
deferral period 86
deferred sentences 79
Delaware 5
delays 21, 168
deliberate cruelty 82
deliberate homicide 60, 61, 66
deliberate pursuit 65
delinquent taxes 141, 143
delinquent youth 70
Demon’s Parchment, The 187
Denver 5
Department of Corrections 85
Department of Justice 6, 79
Department of Motor Vehicles 141
Department of State 55
deponent list 106
deposition fees 160
depositions 28, 105–107, 157, 161
deputy prosecutor 40
detention 114
detention officers 94, 169
deterrence 79, 87, 101
deterrent effect 67
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, The 147
Dickens, Charles 118, 135
Dick the Butcher 164
diplomatic immunity 137, 144, 145
direct evidence 25
disbarment 154, 175, 181, 182
disbarred lawyer 182
disciplinary agencies 181
disciplinary counsel 181
disciplinary history 154
disclosure obligations 144
disclosure requests 134
disclosure requirements 144
discovery 105, 107
discovery requests 105, 106
disengagement 178
Disney, Walt 123
disorderly conduct 59
disposition 71
dispute resolution 158
dissociative amnesia 148, 150
dissociative identity disorder 148
dissolutions of marriage 2
distribution of dangerous drugs 59
district court 5, 6, 8
district judges 166
District of Columbia 90, 131
District of Columbia v. Heller 69
diversity jurisdiction 3
divorce 28, 73
DNA 23, 35, 94, 96
DNA evidence 135
doctors 73
doctrine of primacy 118
domestic assault 15, 17
Domestic Diva mystery series 163
domestic relations cases 2, 3, 8
domination 100
double indemnity 111
Double Indemnity 112
double jeopardy 112, 113
DPIC 98, 103
drive-by shooting 99
drug courts 9
drug possession or sales 2
drug trafficking crime 99
DSM-IV-TR 149, 150
DSM-V 150
due process 158
DUI 10, 19, 87
Duncan, Joseph 4, 100
Dusky v. U.S. 74
dying declarations 25
early settlement 108
easements 141
Eastern District of New York 5
Egypt 98
Eighth Amendment 16, 18, 67, 97, 99, 101
Eisenhower, Dwight 7
electrocution 102
Eleventh Circuit 173
Emma 135
employee benefit package 109
engagement letter 160
England 28, 59
English common law 66
English courts 2
Enron 2
environmental crimes 88
environmental law 151, 152
equity partners 156
escape 59
escapee 99
escheat 122
espionage 99
estate 122, 130
estate lawyer 131
estate planning 156
ethical dilemmas 176, 180
ethical lapses 182
ethical standards 175
ethical violations 176
ethics 151
Ethics Committee 175
ethics counsel 157
ethics exam 154
Europe 98, 123
Evanovich, Janet 17
Every Secret Thing 72
evidence 22, 39, 40, 43, 151
evidentiary rulings 12, 24, 33, 167, 168
exclusion 27
exclusionary rule 41
excusable homicide 62
execution 102, 103
Executioner’s Song, The 98
executor 122, 130
exemplary damages 12
exhibit preparation 49
experts 49
expert testimony 106
extradition 37, 53, 55, 56
extradition procedures 52
extradition proceedings 114
extradition treaty 54
extreme duress 100
false allegations of abuse 59
false bank notes 2
false defense 159
false evidence 35
false information 14, 15
false report 16, 73
family law 156
family support 93
FBI 52, 64, 67, 113, 140
FBI investigation 57
federal banking laws 2
federal buildings 69
Federal Circuit 5
federal civil cases 11
federal codes 185
federal constitutional issues 6
federal correctional officer 99
federal court 112
federal courthouse 5
federal courthouses 171
federal courts 2
federal crime 4
federal crimes 99
federal customs agent 172
federal government facility 99
federal gun laws 69
federal judge 99
federal judges 6
Federal Justice Statistics Resource Center 186
federal marshal 169
federal prisoner 99
federal prosecutions 47
federal registry 91
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 108
federal sentencing reform 79
federal statute 4
federal statutes 185
federal system 16
federal tax 151
federal witness protection program 85
Federal Witness Protection Program 113
fee agreement 160
fee disputes 181
felonies 3, 60
felonious escape 66
felons on parole 90
felony 59, 62, 80
felony cases 10, 23
felony criminal endangerment 19
felony murder 66, 67
felony murder conviction 67
fiduciary relationship 160
Fielding, Henry 135
Fifth Amendment 12, 50, 112, 113
final instructions 167
final judgment 112
finding of incompetence 75
findings of fact 169
FindLaw 186
FindLaw databases 186
fine 80
fines 86, 90
Fines 81
fingerprints 94
firearms offenses 2
firing squad 102
Firm, The 25, 157
First Circuit 6
first degree manslaughter 62
first degree murder 64
First degree murder 62
first degree relatives 122
Flathead Reservation 3
Florida 1, 30, 48, 67, 88, 90, 98, 116, 183
forcible felonies 66
forcible sex crimes 64
Ford Pinto 164
foreign official 99
foreseeable risk of death 67
foreseeable risk of murder 67
forgiveness programs 153
Forsythe, John 104
Fortas, Abe 48
for Undertow 150
Fossett, Steve 138
Fourteenth Amendment 47
Fourth Amendment 37, 39, 43, 44, 56
France 54, 123
Freemen, Montana 2
Freemen, the 116
“From Time Out to Hard Time: Young Children in the Adult Criminal Justice System” 72
fugitive 137
Furman v. Georgia 97
gaming violations 3
Garcia, Jerry 123
Gardner, Erle Stanley 49
gas chamber asphyxiation 102
Gawande, Atul 103
Gazzara, Ben 77
genocide 100
George, Elizabeth 150
Georgia 15, 97, 139, 140
Georgia (the country) 145
Georgia v. Randolph 42
Germany 55
Gideon, Clarence 47
Gideon 158
Gideon’s Trumpet 48
Gideon v. Wainwright 47
Gilmore, Gary 98
GIS maps 141
Goetz, Bernhard 1
Golay, Helen 109
Goldman, Ron 32
Goodfellas 96
Grafton, Sue 150
Graham v. Florida 72
grand jurors 29
grand jury 13
grand jury investigation 12
Grant, Cary 109
Great Writ, The 113
Greenhouse, Linda 166
Greenlaw, Linda 7
Green River Killer 101
Griffith, Andy 49
Grisham, John 10, 25, 104, 157, 166, 173
Guantanamo Bay detainees 115
guardianship 2, 3
guilty but mentally ill 76
guilty plea 95
gun control 70
gun laws 59, 67
gun ownership 91
gun-related crimes 68
Habeas Corpus Act 113
habeas corpus 113, 114
habeas corpus petition 34
Habitat for Humanity 88
hacking 59
Hale, Matt 154
Hamdi v. Rumsfield 114
handguns 67, 69
handwritten will 127
hanging 102
Hanks, Tom 140
harassment 108
Harvard 152
Harvard Law Review, The 152
Hasidic community 46
hate crimes 81, 82
Hawaii 58
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 135
hazardous waste sites 143
Health Department 142
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 137
hearsay 25
hearsay evidence, exclusion 24
heat of passion 64
Heat of the Moon, The 149
Helmsley, Leona 128
Henry VI 164
Highest Court of Appeal 8
Hillerman, Tony 3
Hill, Henry 96
Hinckley 77
Hinckley, John 75, 77
HIPAA 137, 138
Hispanic bar association 158
historical fiction 28
History of Tom Jones: A Foundling, The 135
homicide 4, 60, 63, 66, 97
homicide by abuse 62, 64
homicide, negligent 19
homicide statutes 64
hoosegow 59, 60
Hopkins, Bill 166, 170
hostage-taking 99
hostile domestic situations 73
house arrest 86 186 187 186 186 186 187
human rights 152
hunters 70
Idaho 4, 76, 121, 133, 134, 146
If I’d Killed Him When I Met Him 156
illegal possession 68
illegitimacy 121
Illinois 8, 30, 49, 58, 67, 103, 113, 133, 135, 154
Illinois v. Rodriguez 42
immigration offenses 3
immunity 145, 146
impulse control 102
In Cold Blood 104
incompetent person 75
indecent exposure 59
Indiana 47
Indian country 3
indictment 12, 30, 114
indigent defense 48
indigent legal services 161
individual privacy 138
informants 27, 37, 40
Information 13
information-sharing system 53
informed consent 180
inheritance 121, 122, 135
inheritance rights 133
initial appearances 8, 167
initial plea 16
Innocence Project 23
in propria persona 115
insanity defense 59, 76, 77
insider trading 2
“insurable interest” 109
insurance 151, 158, 176
Insurance Commissioner 142
insurance limits 160
Intermediate Courts of Appeal 8
International Child Abduction web page 56
international extradition 54
international law 151
international trade cases 5
internships 157
interrogation 51, 52
interrogatories 105
interstate communication systems 3
Interstate Compact 85
intestacy 123, 126, 140
intestacy laws, statutes 122
intestate 121
intrusion alarms 172
investigations 137, 159
investigators 49
investigatory powers 155
involuntary manslaughter 63
IOLTA (interest on lawyers’ trust accounts) 160
Iowa 131
IRAC structure 152
Iran 98, 145
Irving, John 135
Jackson, Michael 123
Jackson v. Indiana 75
jail 59, 79, 85
jailhouse privileges 114
jail time 86
Jefferson, Thomas 186
jewelers 68
job search services 157
John Jay College of Criminal Justice 187
joint account 121
joint tenants with right of survivorship 121, 129
Joplin, Janis 123
JP, the 5
Judge Judy 116
judge-or-jury decision 20
judges 5, 9, 11, 12, 16, 29, 32, 52, 53, 61, 70, 74, 79–82, 86, 88, 94, 96, 102, 106, 107, 111, 113, 116, 118, 120, 123, 124, 130, 132, 141, 155, 162, 165, 16–169, 17–174, 177, 181
judges’ chambers 170, 171
judge-shopping 40
judges of general jurisdiction 166
judge trial 20
judicial bias 165, 173
judicial candidates 158
judicial nominations commission 9
judicial system 95, 29, 162, 161, 35
“judicial temperament” 165, 174
judicial waiver laws 71
judiciary 7
junior lawyer (“second chair”) 27
jurisdiction 2, 13, 21
juror 99, 118, 169
juror misconduct 30
jurors 22, 29, 76, 119, 155, 173
jury 32, 70, 77, 97, 102, 108, 113, 167, 168, 170, 172
jury appeal 107
jury conference room 11, 170, 171
jury foreman 11
jury selection 10, 20, 119
jury trial 168
justice 160
justice court 8
Justice Department 48
justice of the peace 5
justices 5
justifiable homicide 62
juvenile cases 19, 88
juvenile conviction 94
juvenile court 70, 71
juvenile defendants 19, 101
juvenile diversion programs 93
juvenile executions 101
juvenile holding facility 71
juvenile justice 59
juvenile justice system 72
juvenile matters 3
juvenile offenders 70, 72, 92, 95
juvenile records 79, 93
juzcado 59
Kaczynski, Ted 74, 101, 99, 76
Kansas 63, 76, 131, 133, 182
Kaufman, Carolyn 150
Kennedy v. Louisiana 99
Kentucky 103
“key man” insurance 109
kidnaping 2, 4, 59, 66, 99
kidnaping victim 100
King, Rodney 112
Know Your Rights pamphlets 186
Kuralt, Charles 127
Kuwaiti government 146
labor and employment 151
lack of prejudice 21
Lakewood, Washington 17
land use and environmental law 156
Last Lawyer: The Fight to Save Death Row Inmates, The 104
lateral hires 156
Latin 120
law and gender 152
law by topic 185
law clerks 6, 157, 168, 169, 171
law enforcement 35, 92, 115, 142
law enforcement investigation 12, 13
law enforcement officers 16, 37, 40, 42, 57, 62, 69, 94, 99, 100, 137, 138, 143
Law Enforcement Officers Safety
Act of 2004 69
law enforcement official 99
law firms 151, 155, 177
law libraries 116, 171, 186
Law & Order 147
law review 152
law school libraries 186
law schools 153, 158
laws of inheritance 133
lawsuit 160
lawyer-client relationship 176
lawyer-client sexual relationships 175
lawyer discipline 180, 181
lawyers 73, 79, 151, 155, 156, 158, 1610–162, 164, 165, 170, 171, 175–178, 181
Lawyers Assistance Programs 157
lawyer-witnesses 179
Lay, Ken 2
learning disabilities 71
legal assistants 156
legal education 151, 176, 182
legal employment 157
legal marriage 132
legal process 163
legal rulings 167
legal secretaries 156
legal services cooperative 156
legal services organizations 48
legal sufficiency 114
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender bar association 158
Lescroart, John 49
lethal injection 102
Lethal Weapon II 147
letter of admonishment 181
Lewinsky, Monica 183
Lewis, Anthony 48
liability 12, 32
liability insurance 163
liability witnesses 106
licensed investigators 143
licensing agencies 94
licensing issues 2
Liddy, Gordon 183
liens 141
life imprisonment 72, 99
life in prison 60
life insurance 105, 109
life sentence 98
Lincoln, President 113
Linder, Doug 77
Liotta, Ray 96
Lippman, Laura 72
litigants 165
litigation 178
litigation expenses 108
loan repayment 153
Logan, William 113
long guns 67, 69
Los Angeles 112
Los Angeles County 70
Los Angeles County Public Defender 48
Louisiana 2, 121, 133
Lovely Bones, The 144 185
MacMurray, Fred 112
Magna Carta 113
Mailer, Norman 98
mail screening rooms 172
Maine 90, 133
Majesty of the Law: Reflections of a Supreme Court Justice, The 167
Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge’s View 167
malice aforethought 64
malicious prosecution 35
malpractice 108, 181
malpractice claims 154, 160
Malvo, Lee 72
management committee 156
managing partner 156
manslaughter 18, 59, 62, 63, 64
Maron, Margaret 8, 166
Marshall, E. G. 49
Maryland 8, 58, 183
Maryland v. Shatzer 50
Massachusetts 183
material witness 27, 137
maximum sentences 80
McCrumb, Sharon 156
McDavid, Kenneth 109
McDonald v. City of Chicago 70
mediation 160, 163
medical experts 106
medical liens 160
medical malpractice 105, 156, 163
“med mal” case 108
Megan’s Law 91, 143
mens rea 77
mental competence 59
mental health 10
mental health counselors 9
mental illness 74–76, 100, 76
mentally disabled 101
mentally retarded 101
mergers and acquisitions 156
Merriam-Webster 59
Mexico 54, 146
Michael Clayton 156
Michigan 51, 72
Michigan Supreme Court 77
military 94
military courts 3
military police 69
Minnesota 5, 48, 53, 54, 139
minor assault 18
minor rules violation 182
Miracle on 34th Street 75
Miranda decision 51, 52, 186
Miranda, Ernesto 50
Miranda 48, 50, 158
Miranda v. Arizona 50
Miranda warnings 37
misconduct 7, 14
misdemeanor criminal cases 8
misdemeanors 3, 15, 59, 60, 65, 86
misidentification 92
“Missing Insured and the Life Insurance Death Claim, The” 140
missing person 137
Mississippi 135, 166
Missoula, Montana 171
Missouri 68, 101, 166, 170
mistrial 29, 30, 112
mitigated deliberate homicide 60, 61, 64
mitigating factors 100
Model Rules 180
molestation 4
money damages 2, 14, 96, 35
Montana 3, 4, 8, 10, 14, 15, 19, 27, 30, 48, 56, 58, 60, 64, 68, 76, 80, 110, 131, 154
Montana Code Annotated 60
Montana Supreme Court 56
Montana v. Aceto 170
Montana v. Koepplin 61
Montana v. Lamere 60
Montana v. Miller 61
Montana v. Winger 61
monthly publications 157
moot court competitions 153
Mortimer, John 166
most wanted list 142
motion 107
Motion to Disclose Identity of a Confidential Informant 47
Moussaoui, Zacarias 101
Muhammad, John 72
Muller, Marcia 156
multiple jurisdictions 3
multiple offenses 86
multiple personality disorder 148
municipal court 8
murder 62, 67, 99
Murdered Judges of the Twentieth Century and Other Mysterious Deaths 172
murder for hire 61
murder trial 26
mutual consent registries 134
Napoleon Bonaparte 123
National Association of Drug Court Professionals 9
National Association of State Sentencing Commissions 82
National Center for Juvenile Justice 72, 186
National Center for State Courts (NCSC) 8, 9, 29, 48, 164, 172, 186, 187
National Center for State Courts Judicial Salary Resource Center 166
National Crime Information Center (NCIC) 53
national parks 69
Native American bar association 158
Native American tribes 91
natural disasters 69
NCIC 140
need for self-defense 68
negligence 115, 118
negligent homicide 60, 61, 66
negotiations 157
Nevada 121, 134, 139
New England 6
New England Journal of Medicine 103
New Hampshire 132
New Jersey 19, 31, 82, 91, 95, 134, 138
New Jersey v. T.L.0. 43
Newman, Paul 108
New Mexico 15, 121
New York 5, 8, 46, 48, 68, 96, 138, 146, 147
New York bar 183
New York City’s Commission for the U.N. Consular Corps and Protocol 147
New York Times 7
New York v. Quarles 50
Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court, The 6
Nine Tailors, The 135
Ninth Circuit 5, 88, 102
Nixon, Richard 7, 123, 183
no contact order 27
noncompliant offenders 92
non-equity partners 156
nonprofits 151
non-sex crimes against children 91
non-violent felonies 80, 86
Noriega, Manuel 55
North Carolina 104
North Carolina courts 8
NRA website 70
Obama administration 7
objections 24, 168
obstruction of justice charges 183
occupational licensing 143
O’Connor 167
“of counsel” status 157
offender 64–66, 71, 83, 86
offenders at risk to re-offend 92
office-sharing 157
Ohio 103, 132
Oklahoma 68
“on all fours” 152
on-line sources 116
opening brief 167
opening statements 10
oral argument 6, 168
oral contract 105, 110
order of dismissal 111
Oregon 8, 48
O’Shaughnessy, Perri 10, 157
outstanding warrants 142
PACER system 141
Pakistan 98
paralegals 156, 179
pardon dispositions 143
parole 79, 84
parole dispositions 143
parole officers 84
parole violators at large 143
Parshall, Sandra 149
partisan politicking 7
partner assault 60
partner-track associate 156
past behavior 71
patent claims 5
patent law 151
paternity 2
Paxson, Edgar 171
payment of court costs 86
Penal Code 63
penalty clause 124
Penn, Sean 68, 104
Pennsylvania 132, 133, 138
pension rights 3
People of New York 1
“peremptory” challenges 119
permanent associate 156
permission to withdraw 178
permits to carry a concealed weapon (CCW or CCP) 67
Perry, Thomas 140
personal injury 3, 129
personal injury cases 156
personal injury claims 2, 160, 163, 164
personal recognizance 17
personal representative 122, 130
petitioner 114
pet trust statute 128
photos 94
physical evidence 22, 23
Pinochet, Augusto 55
PL-280 3
plaintiffs 11, 12, 26, 32, 106, 107, 111, 160, 163
Planning and Zoning 141
Planning Board 142
plat rooms 141
plea agreements 79, 81, 95
plea bargain 95
Polanski, Roman 55
police 73, 94
police chief 67
politics 70
pollution violations 2
pornographic material 91
possession of small amounts of drugs or drug paraphernalia 59
postal fraud 3
postponement 21
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 10, 148
post-trial motions 12
PR 122, 123, 128, 130, 131, 132, 163
practice groups 156
practice of law 154, 157
practice specialties 157
predators 92
predatory rapists 92
predicate crimes 66
prehearing memos 167
Prejean, Helen 104
premeditation 62
Preminger, Otto 77
pre-release centers 84
pre-release evaluation 91
pre-sentence investigation (PSI) 83
presidential impeachments 6
presiding juror 11
presumption of death 139
presumption of innocence 30, 76, 119
pretrial hearing 167
pretrial motions 168
pretrial phase 74
pretrial proceedings 28
pre-trial publicity 30
pretrial release 16
previous convictions 100
“prima facie” case 54
prima facie 138, 173
Princess Diana 123
prior criminal activity 100
prison 79, 85
prisoner database 142
prison term 60
prison warden 102
privacy in communication statute 57
private investigators 68
privileged communication 28
privileged information 178
probable cause 37, 39, 43, 53
probable cause hearing 16
probate 2, 3, 128, 131
probate and family law 151
probate court 123
probate file 123
probation 15, 16, 79, 80, 84, 85, 87, 94
probationary period 154
probationers 90
probation office 83
probation officers 79, 83, 88
pro bono publico 115
pro bono 157
procedural hearings 6
procedural rulings 12
product liability 163
product liability case 106
product liability suit 119
professionalism 161
professional licensing 143
professional management 156
professional organizations 151, 158
professional responsibility 151, 175
professor of ethics 175
professors of legal ethics 176
pro hac vice 155
promoting judicial economy 118
pro per 115
property 151
property crimes 180
property damage 2, 3
property distribution 121
property ownership 141
Property Tax Department 141
property transfer 141
property values 143
proportionality review 98
prosecution 21, 158, 159
prosecutor 3, 9, 13, 15, 22, 34, 35, 40, 41, 49, 52, 53, 65, 71, 73, 84, 86, 93, 95, 111, 112, 119, 137, 174
prosecutorial discretion 12
prosecutorial misconduct 14
prosecutor’s recommendations 81
pro se defendants 117
pro se 115
pro se litigants 116, 167
pro se plaintiff 115
prostitution 59
protective custody 27
PR (personal representative) 122, 130
pseudocide 140
PSI 84
psychiatric evaluations 75
psychiatrist 74
psychologist 74
public administrator 122
public defenders 37, 49, 116, 159
public defender systems 47, 48
public disclosure 143
public jail roster 142
public policy 151
public safety exception 50
public sanctions 181
punishment 79, 87
punitive damages 12
Queen of Mean 128
Queens 5
Rand Institute for Civil Justice 164
rape 66, 99
rape case 77
rape kit 138
Rasul v. Bush 114
Reagan, President 75
reasonable doubt 31, 32, 119, 159
reasonable grounds 44, 45
reasoning 102
rebuttal witnesses 11
recalled memories 149
receptionists 156
“recess” (pause) 168
recidivism 89, 92
reciprocity agreements 68, 153
recorded conversation 56
recovered memory 147
Reed, Robert 49
regional courts 5
registered judgments 141
registered offenders 92
registered sex offenders 144
registry laws 66
rehabilitation 79, 87, 89, 90
reinstatement 182
reinstatement process 90
release on bail 83
release programs 85
remorse 81
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press guide 57
representing multiple defendants charged with the same crime 175
repressed memory 147, 149
reprimand 181
requests for admission 105
requests for production 105
rescinded plea 21
research and writing 151
research assistant 185
researchers 94
research memos 178
research project 153
res ipsa 118
res ipsa loquitur 117
res judicata 118
restitution 16, 80, 81, 86, 90, 94
restraining orders 15, 17, 141
restrictions on firearms 69
retaliatory murder 99
retention ballot 9
retrial 174
retribution 79, 87, 101
reversible error 1, 33
review committees 155
review panels 108
Revised Code of Washington 62
revocations 127
Rhode Island 131, 133
Ridgeway, Gary 101
rifles 67
Riggins v. Nevada 75
right of privacy 41
right to due process 74, 113, 173
right to inherit 122
right to refile 111
risk assessment 92
risk of flight 17
robbery 59, 66
Roberts, John 166
Robinson, Edward G. 112
Roeder, Scott 63, 64
Roe v. Wade 7
Romania 146
Romeo and Juliet laws 65
Roper v. Simmons 72, 101
rules committees 30
rules controlling deposits of clients’ funds 176
rules of ethics 175, 179
rules of evidence 27, 169
Rules of Evidence 24
rules of professional conduct 14
Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC) 159, 160, 175, 178
rules violations 181
Runaway Bride 15
Runaway Juror, The 10
Russia 146
Rutterschmidt, Olga 109
Safford Unified School District v. Redding 44
same-sex marriage 132
“SAMI” (substance abuse and
mental illness) education 182
Sandoval, Helen 162
Sandra Day O’Connor: How the First Woman on the Supreme Court Became Its Most Influential Justice 166
San Francisco 5, 89
Sanitation Board 142
Sarandon, Susan 104
Saudi Arabia 98
Sayers, Dorothy L. 135
Scarlet Letter, The 135
school authorities 94
Scorsese, Martin 96
Scott, George C. 77, 162
Scottoline, Lisa 157
sealed record 95
search and arrest 37
search and seizure 37
search warrant 39, 40, 41
search warrant application 47
Seattle 19, 45, 46, 64, 68, 88
Sebold, Alice 144
Second Amendment 69
Second Amendment rights 70
“second chair” 27
second degree murder 62
secretaries 6, 171
Secretary of State 142
Securities 142
security codes 172
Segretti, Donald 183
self-help centers 186
self-incrimination 27
self-representation 116
Senate 6
Senate Judiciary committee 7
sentence review 72
sentence review boards 34
sentencing 71, 85, 94, 102, 114, 154
sentencing commission 80, 186
sentencing disparities 98
sentencing judge 97
sentencing options 16
sentencing order 82
Sentencing Project 90
sentencing ranges 185
“settle instructions” 167, 169
Seventh Amendment 19
sex cases 182
sex crime 92
sex offender registries 91, 142
sex offenders 66, 91, 143
sex offenses 91, 94
sexual assault 100, 185
sexual harassment 106
sexual intercourse without consent 59, 64, 66
Shakespeare 123, 135, 164
shotguns 67
Simon & Schuster 96
Simpson, O. J. 32
Sixth Amendment 19, 20, 47
Skilling, Jeffrey K. 1, 2
small claims court 8, 116
small-firm practice 157
smuggling aliens 99
social service agencies 94
social workers 9
Socratic method 152
solemn marriage 132
solicitation 59
Son-of-Sam laws 79, 96
Souter, David 6
South Carolina 131, 135
specialized databases 143
Speedy Trial Act of 1974 21
spoliation of evidence 106
spousal assault 28
spousal elective share 124
spousal privilege 27, 28, 50
spousal share 121, 126
stalking 17
standby counsel 117
Stanwyck, Barbara 112
state attorney general 55
state bar associations 186
state bar counsel 176
state bar journal 181
state bar lawyer 175
state bars 14, 116, 157, 175, 181
state board of bar examiners 153
state-by-state court structure chart 9
state codes of legal ethics 160
state constitutions 19, 20, 37
state correctional facility 80
state correctional officer 99
state court forms 185
state court pay 166
state courts 8, 79, 112, 113
state court system 3, 186
state court websites 9
state crime victims’ fund 96
State Department 56, 146
state department of corrections 103, 142
state intestacy laws 124
state lines 4
State of Washington v. Athan 45
state prosecutions 47
state sentencing reform 79
state statutes 4, 116, 185
State Supreme Courts 30, 170
State v. Goetz 56
state workers’ compensation courts 2
status offenses 66, 94
Statute of Frauds 110
statutes 6, 19, 27
statutes of limitations 149, 178
statutory exclusion laws 71
statutory marriage 132
statutory rape 64, 66
statutory time limits 114
St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 77
Stewart, Jimmy 77, 162
Stewart, Martha 2, 83
Stewart, Potter 158
stipulation for dismissal 111
strategic analyses 178
sua sponte 74
subdivision plats 141
subpoenas 12, 45, 137
summary judgment 169
summary order 106
summations 11
summons 12
Superior Court 8, 70
supervised living center 18
support 2
Supreme Court 5, 6, 8, 20, 42–44, 47, 50, 56, 69, 72, 74, 75, 82, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 103, 114, 135, 158, 173
Supreme Court bar 183
Supreme Court justices 99, 166
surviving spouse 122, 126
survivor kit 138
survivorship clause 128, 129
suspect 137
suspended sentences 79
suspended term 86
suspension 86, 181
Switzerland 55
sworn testimony 106
tape recording 37
taxation 158
Temple, John 104
Tenth Circuit 5
terrorism 3, 66, 69, 99
terrorist murder 100
Terry stop 39
Terry v. Ohio 39
testamentary gifts 176
testare 121
testator 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130
testatrix 124
testimony 99, 135
Texas 8, 14, 98, 121, 131, 133, 135
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals 174
Texas District Court 172
theft 185
therapists 73
three-drug sequence 103
Tiller, George 63
time off for good behavior 80
time served 83
Time to Kill, A 173
Toobin, Jeffrey 6
Toronto 166
tort filings (personal injury claims) 164
torts (civil law) 151
torture 100
traffic claims 8
traffic court 8
traffic offenses 59, 86
traffic violations 18
train-wrecking 100
Traitor to Memory, A 150
transcript 168
transcription software 168
transfer laws 71
traumatic brain injury 10
Traver, Robert 77
treason 99
treatment 86, 93
treatment programs 71, 84, 86
trespass 59
trial 157, 160, 161
trial by jury 19
trial court 5, 23, 24
trial court judge 170
trial exhibits 160
trial judge 84, 167
trial lawyers 163
trial practice 151, 158
Trimble v. Gordon 135
truancy 94
trust account 160
Tulane University 140
Turow, Scott 103, 35
Twelve Angry Men 32
Twentieth Hijacker 101, 117
U Is for Undertow 150
Ultimate Punishment: A Lawyer’s Reflections on Dealing with the Death Penalty 103, 35
Unabomber 74, 99, 117
unclaimed property search services 143
underage sex 64
undisclosed adoption 135
undue influence 124, 125
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings 142
Uniform Probate Code 124, 127
United Arab Emirates 146
United Kingdom 31
United Nations Commission on Human Rights 98
United States 1, 4, 28, 55, 72, 85, 98, 146
United States Sentencing Commission 82
University of Alabama-Hunstville 149
University of Texas 72
unlawful intent 62
unlawful killing 63
up-or-out system 156
U.S attorneys 49, 55
U.S. Code 186
U.S. Courts 187
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Child Welfare Information Gateway 133
U.S. Department of Justice 71, 72
use of the mail resulting in death 99
U.S. Marshals Service 172
U.S. Parole Commission 85
U.S. v. Moussaoui 117
U.S. v. White 56
Utah 67, 68, 76, 98, 102, 131
Vados, Paul 109
vehicular homicide 59, 87
vehicular homicide while under the influence 60, 61
vehicular manslaughter 63
verdict 11, 12, 33
Verdict, The 108
Vermont 67, 90, 116, 181
victim 15, 64, 65, 79, 84, 86, 100, 137, 169
victims’ advocates 15
victims’ expenses 81
video conference 16
Vienna Conventions 145
Vietnam 98
Vietnamese 46
violations of federal discrimination laws 3
violations of statutes 2
violent crime 3
violent felonies 79
violent offender registries 93, 142
Virginia 72, 77, 138, 146
Voelker, John 77
voir dire 10, 118, 119
voluntary consent 64
voluntary manslaughter 63
voluntary statements 51
voting rights 90
waiver 21, 22
waiver of immunity 146
Waldman, Ayelet 49
war crimes 3
warrant application 40
warrantless seizure 39
warrants 37, 38, 53, 57, 137
Warren, Earl 7, 52
Washington, D.C. 14, 17, 44, 48, 62–64, 68, 77, 121, 122, 145–147, 157
Washington State 4, 8, 61, 80, 90, 92, 102
Washington State Court of Appeals 22, 116, 165
Washington Supreme Court 45
Watergate 97, 183
weapon of mass destruction 100
weight of evidence 16
Westerson, Jeri 187
West Virginia 31
West Virginia Supreme Court 173
West Wing, The 147
“When Law and Ethics Collide: Why Physicians Participate in Executions” 103
“white rights” activists 70
Wilder, Billy 112
Williams, Hank 135
wills 124, 125, 127, 129, 130, 133, 140, 176
winning Lottery numbers 143
Winter’s Bone 19
wire fraud 2, 3
Wisconsin 15, 53, 67, 121
Wiseguy: Life in a Mafia Family 96
witness bias 159
witnesses 26, 37, 70, 73, 120, 161, 169, 170
witness exclusion rule 26
witness signature clause 126
witness stand 14
witness testimony 22
women’s bar associations 158
Woodrell, Daniel 19
Woodward and Armstrong 6
workers’ compensation courts 2
work release 86
World According to Garp, The 135
World Church of the Creator 154
writers’ groups 171, 173
Writer’s Guide to Psychology: How to Write Accurately About Psychological Disorders 150
writing briefs 153
writs of certiorari 6
written briefs 6, 168
written charge 13
written consent 138
written fee agreements 178
wrongful death 129
wrongful or malicious prosecution 35 185
Wyoming 5, 8, 133
“your honor” 5
youth court 19, 70, 72
youth detention 72
youth in need of intervention 70