I grew tired of hearing Acai babble about his plans, throwing them in my face. There was no one else to tell his plans to, unless he was ready to share his true identity. He’d fooled Lorcan, for the time being, which stung more than I would have imagined. But then Lorcan had never been able to tell us apart.
I rolled my eyes at my brother who was placing different hair dressings along his brow, for the purpose of determining whether any of them would appeal to Hazel. He kept pressing me for my opinion on which combinations of L’even pearl pieces she would find most attractive. As if I’d know. Though, in all honesty, I hoped he opted for the most gaudy and ridiculous accessories he could find. Perhaps that would send her a clue that something was not quite right with him.
“You won’t get away with this,” I said. “Hazel will find me, and she will reveal to everyone who you truly are.”
I swallowed. My voice sounded hollow to my ears. I wondered whether the words themselves would disappear entirely, the way they did when I spoke into the air above water.
Acai belted out a laugh. “I plan for her to forget all about you the more she gets to know me.”
“You are acting under my name though, aren’t you?” I had him there. “Unless you choose to tell her your real name at some later time. Which, of course, would confirm that you’re a liar.”
He raised and wound his arm back as if preparing to slap me. I smirked. “I see you’ve spent a lot of time among humans, already. Is that where you learned how to be so violent?”
I had no fear of him slapping me under the water where there’s more resistance than there is in the air. He would have trouble with that. Let him try.
After staring me down, he lowered his hand. And then smoothed the sash and collar he’d tried on.
“I’ve learned that humans are fond of fine clothing, and of filling their minds with various sorts of writings. Literature, poetry, news, celebrity gossip. They also collect more material objects than we could ever imagine. Many of which are decorative but useless. Their possessions have no power like that contained in the L’even pearls.”
“Which is why you are so interested in the humans here by the lake?”
“Yes.” He ran his fingers through his hair, tugging at the tangles that had formed. “Did you know that humans have occupations entirely devoted to the maintenance and beautification of hair? I find that fascinating.”
I shook my head. I neither knew nor cared to know about that.
After admiring the rings he’d added to his fingers, he flipped over his hands and frowned at his palms.
“And yes, brother, I suppose you were also correct to say that they share a certain fondness for violence when they seek to have their own way.”
“That is not true for all of them. Hazel is as gentle as a Perlnaut. Violence is not in her nature.”
He grinned. “I am depending on it.”