
I am grateful to Jaime Levine, Anne Brewer, and Jennifer Letwack, my editors, for their insight and enthusiasm.

I am indebted to my agent, Mary Evans, for her vision, wise counsel, and encouragement.

My friend Laura Waggoner Moore read an early draft and provided invaluable advice on pet trusts.

My sister, Salley McInerney, spent a week with me on Edisto as I envisioned this story and introduced me to Gretchen Smith, who graciously led us on a tour of Prospect Hill Plantation.

Thanks also to the Edisto Island Historic Preservation Society, for their good work; and to Cantey Wright and the late Nick Lindsay, whose books on Edisto reflect their deep affection for the place and the people.

My husband, Jerry Winakur, took time away from his own writing to help me with mine. His love keeps me going.