
When James Raimes of Columbia University Press first approached me about writing a reference book on contemporary African American fiction, I found the task to be in the abstract a fun, yet challenging one. As I delved further into the project’s research and writing, I found that challenge growing but never entirely eclipsing the pleasure. For that, I have to credit James and his immediate successor, Plaegian Alexander, both of whom remained patient and encouraging as I worked out problems in this volume’s assembly and composition. Editors James Warren and Juree Sondker were equally professional and indispensable in all their guidance and counsel. Michael Haskell diligently shepherded the manuscript through the copyediting and proofing processes. I extend my gratitude to the entire staff at the press.

Equally important were the patience and encouragement of my colleagues at the Florida State University, where I received a Developing Scholar Award (2002–2003) to help defray the expenses associated with this project. I am indebted to the English department chair, Hunt Hawkins, for granting a course release to ease the writing process, and to the department’s office staff—especially Carolyn Morgan—for helping me acquire resources and for protecting my time. I am particularly grateful for the ears of my comrades-in-arms, Christopher Shinn and Barry Faulk, who loaned their empathy and constructive criticism during many late-night sessions at the office. Special thanks go to Lisa C. Lakes, whose assistance in reviewing and correcting the manuscript in the later stages was invaluable. Finally, this volume simply would not have been possible if my wife, Carol Dickson-Carr, had not carved out time and space for me to work on it for long stretches by watching over our daughter, Maya Carr. For that reason, I have happily dedicated this book to her.