The Saviour Of The Human Race

The genetic storm was predicted to hit the Earth in only three months time. The whole world was a beehive of activity. Trains, buses, boats and planes were commandeered in order to get the vaccines out to the remotest of places. It was the Berlin Air lift on a massive world-wide scale! And P Day came ( Pathogenic Day ). For two months, the space bacteria fell on the planet. Those who had been vaccinated suffered no ill effects. Those who had refused the vaccine died in only a matter of days. When the worst was over and the Earth emerged from the pathogenic cloud, Professors Brigmore and Durking were the heroes of the hour. However, everyone from the highest to the lowest wanted to know exactly how they had hit on this miraculous vaccine – for that is what the media termed it. It was arranged that the leaders of the world’s nations would assemble at the Ural Research Base, the nerve centre of the entire operation, where the two professors would reveal all.

On the big day, Brigmore and Durking stood in front of over 300 kings, queens, cardinals, presidents and prime ministers. Hundreds of cameras were trained on the massive platform from which Brigmore and Durking were to give their address. The ceremony began with the Czar of Russia welcoming all the high dignitaries from around the world and thanking them for gracing his country with their presence. After the formalities had been dispensed with, Professor William Brigmore was invited by the Russian Minister of Health to talk to the entire world.

“Your Imperial Majesty, Your Majesties, Excellencies: I am most honoured to address this highly distinguished gathering. Our Earth has passed through one of the worst genetic storms in its history, a type of genetic invasion which, millions of years ago, ended the rule of the dinosaurs and almost ended the rule of the human species a mere two months ago. There is no need for me to give a chronological account of the crisis out of which the Earth has just emerged for you are all aware of its ferocious nature. So I shall pass on to an explanation of the events which led to the discovery of the vaccine which saved mankind from extinction.

It all started with a bout of swearing on my part. Frustrated over the adverse consequences related to the original vaccine, I used that most common of curse words ‘bloody hell’! It then dawned on me that a year previously a young first year student at Manchester University had told me that we are saved by the Blood of Christ. I confess that I arrogantly and unfairly dismissed her comments. I then decided to initiate approaches to the Vatican . Now the rest of this will astonish you all. I arranged to meet Pope Pius XIII in order to request him to give me samples of the Holy Shroud of Turin which are stained with blood – to many believers, myself now included – the Blood of Jesus Christ. His Holiness kindly and graciously allowed me to take some cuttings from the Shroud back to England with me. I gave these to my colleague Professor Durking whom I will now ask to continue the narrative of these most exciting and most extraordinary events.”

Brigmore sat down and the Russian Minister of Health invited Professor Durking to take centre-stage.

“Thank you Professor Brigmore. Like my colleague Professor Brigmore, I also feel highly privileged to speak to such a distinguished audience this day. Well, at first, I must admit, I thought that Professor Brigmore’s idea was wild in the extreme, but, we had to give it a try. When the pieces of cloth from the Shroud were safely ensconced in my laboratory at Oxford University , I immediately liquefied the blood on them and, with my research team, established their DNA configuration. Over the past few years, my colleagues and I have been working on a technique to create artificial DNA based upon real DNA templates. It is precisely this technique that we used to make artificial DNA from the Shroud’s blood stains. If the man on the Shroud is really Jesus Christ and if the blood is truly His, then, we assumed, that such holy blood and holy DNA would surely be the antidote to the appalling effects of the original vaccine serum. We took a gamble. It was a last desperate try, but in real life I have often found that these last desperate tries are often the ones that pay off. I am sure that I am speaking for the world when I say, I am very glad that this one did”.

The following year, Professor William Brigmore went into retirement with not only a Nobel Prize but with a knighthood. Professor John Durking also received these honours and continued his researches into the manufacture of artificial DNA. Professor Brigmore had this to say in his acceptance speech during the Nobel award ceremony:

“No-one now can doubt that many pathogens are extraterrestrial in their origins. The genetic storm through which the Earth passed a year ago will not be the last one – be assured of that. However, we have made astonishing scientific progress since it was established that pathogens hit the Earth from space, yet it is all just a beginning. We need constant vigilance. Research and development must be constantly updated. It is my hope that a new branch of medicine will be opened up – astromedicine. I ask for funds to be made available from both public and private organisations to provide the means by which all levels of the Earth’s atmosphere are constantly surveyed in order to detect any incoming pathogenic material. I do not mean to alarm you, but I really must say that the next swarm of pathogens may be even more virulent that the previous one. We cannot rest on our laurels and presume that the Blood from the Turin Shroud will be the cure-all for every space pathogen that hits the Earth. It may be – but it may not be. My belief is that we were given a respite. I firmly believe that we are now in an interregnum period where we must apply tremendous efforts in the way of identifying cosmic pathogens, working out their DNA structures and devising appropriate vaccines in order to counter them. Although officially I have retired, I have only retired from my job – but I have by no means retired from my work, and even less so have I retired from life. It is my intention to spend my retirement years as busily and as productively as I spent my working years. And, needless really to say, my retirement years - or more exactly and more accurately I should term them my official retirement years - will be devoted to identifying and analysing space viral and bacterial matter. In conclusion I would like to point out that what for far too long was considered to be in the twilight zone of science is now well ensconced in the mainstream of research and analyses. What was once so unorthodox is now scientific orthodoxy. But, as Sir Fred Hoyle said last century, it is only when we break free of orthodox ways of proceeding and into original modes of thinking that any progress can be made in the realm of science. If the scientific establishment had been more open-minded and had at least given the space pathogens theory a fair chance great progress could have been made in eliminating Aids, Sars, Bird Flu and Swine Flu and so many other flues which caused so many deaths over the last hundred or so years. All of these had their origins in space. How sad that that is only now being recognised.