The boy stood on the radiation deck
Whence all but he had fled
The laser that lit the battle’s wreck
Radiated round him the aliens said.
Though glowing bright just there he stood
In ferocious cosmic storm
A creature of uranium inflected blood
It mangled up his form.
The beams rolled on, he would not go
Without his computer’s word
That computer full of virus below
Its commands no longer heard.
He called aloud “Say, computer, say
If yet my programme’s done”
He knew not that the laptop lay
Unconscious of this one.
“Speak computer”, once again he cried
“If I may yet be gone”
And but the blooming error messages replied
And fast the beams rolled on.
Radiation beams and a laser ray
Where is the boy please say?
Somewhere in space with his atoms he sits
And his computer’s algorithmic bits.