Paperback published in 1999 by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd.

Copyright © Mark Watts 1996

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Watts, Alan, 1915–1973.
            Buddhism, the religion of no-religion: the edited transcripts/
            by Alan Watts. —1st ed.
                xii, 98 p. ; 23 cm.—(Love of wisdom library)
            ISBN 0-8048-3056-8 1. Buddhism.
            I. Title. II. Series: Watts, Alan, 1915-1973.
      Alan Watts “Love of wisdom” library.
      BQ4055.W356 1996

294.3—dc20 95051266

Photo courtesy of Alan Watts Electronic Educational Programs

ISBN 978-0-8048-3203-8
ISBN 978-1-4629-0167-8 (ebook)

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