APMs—alternative payment models

CEA—cost-effectiveness analysis

COPD—chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

DRG—Diagnosis Related Group

EHR—electronic health record

EMA—European Medicines Agency

GP—general practitioner

LPN—licensed practical nurse

MSA—medical savings account

MEA—managed entry agreement

NICU—neonatal intensive care unit

NP—nurse practitioner

OECD—Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

PCP—primary care physician

QALY—quality-adjusted life year

RN—registered nurse

RVU—relative value unit

SHI—statutory health insurance

VAT—value-added tax

VHI—voluntary health insurance

WHO—World Health Organization


ACA—Affordable Care Act (2010)

ACO—Accountable Care Organization

AMA—American Medical Association

CDC—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CHIP—Children’s Health Insurance Program

CLASS Act—Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act (2010)

CMMI—Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation

CMS—Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

CPT code—Current Procedural Terminology code

DSH—Disproportionate Share Hospital

FDA—Food and Drug Administration

FMAP—Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage

FQHC—Federally Qualified Health Clinic

GME—graduate medical education

HMO—health maintenance organization

IHS—Indian Health Service

IME—indirect medical education

MS-DRG—Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups System

NAM—National Academy of Medicine

PBM—pharmacy benefit management companies


PPO—preferred provider organization

VA—Department of Veterans Affairs


CADTH—Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health

CDR—Common Drug Review

CHA—Canada Health Act (1984)

DIN—Drug Identification Number

HIDS Act—Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Services Act (1957)

HPFB—Health Products and Food Branch

LHIN—Local Health Integration Network

MAPP—maximum average potential price

MCA—Medical Care Act (1966)

NAFTA—North American Free Trade Agreement (1993)

NDS—New Drug Submission

NOC—Notification of Compliance

ODB—Ontario Drug Benefit

OHIP—Ontario Health Insurance Program

OHIP+—Ontario Health Insurance Program Plus

pCPA—pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance

PDIP—Public Drug Insurance Plan

PMPRB—Patented Medicines Prices Review Board

TDP—Trillium Drug Program


ABPI—Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry

ADLs—activities of daily living

APMS—Alternative Provider Medical Services

BMA—British Medical Association

BPT—Best Practice Tariff

CCG—clinical commissioning group

CHAI—Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection

CQC—Care Quality Commission

CQUIN—Commissioning for Quality and Innovation

GMC—General Medical Council

GMS—General Medical Services

HRG—Healthcare Resource Group

ICER—incremental cost effectiveness ratio

ICS—integrated care systems

MFF—market forces factor

MHIS—Mental Health Investment Standard

MHRA—Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency

NHS—National Health Service

NICE—National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

NI—National Insurance

NMC—Nursing and Midwifery Council

NPfIT—National Programme for IT

PBR—Payment by Results

PCN—Primary Care Network

PCT—primary care trust

PMS—Personal Medical Services

PPRS—Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme

QOF—Quality and Outcomes Framework

SHA—strategic health authority

STPs—Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships

TAC—Technology Appraisal Committee

VPAS—Voluntary Scheme for Branded Medicines Pricing and Access


DPOS—District Psychiatric Outpatient Service

HELFO—Norwegian Health Economics Administration (Helseøkonomiforvaltningen)

HTA—health technology assessment

NIS—National Insurance Scheme (Folketrygden)

NoMA—Norwegian Medicines Agency (Statens legemiddelverk)

RHA—Regional Health Authority


ALD—Chronic Disease (Affection de Longue Durée)

APA—Personalized Allowance for Autonomy

CEESP—Economic and Public Health Assessment Committee

CEPS—Economic Committee for Health Products

CMU—Universal Health Coverage Act (1999)

CNAMTS—National Health Insurance Fund for Salaried Workers, or the General Fund

CNSA—National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy

CSG—General Social Contribution

DMP—Personal Medical Record (Dossier Médical Personnel)

ENCC—National Cost Studies with Common Methodology

GHM—Homogeneous Group of the Sick (Groupe Homogène des Malades)

HAS—High Authority on Health

IAB—improvement in additional benefit

PUMA—Universal Disease Protection Act (2016)

SMR—medical service rendered (service médical rendu)

UNCAM—National Union of Health Insurance Funds


DMP—disease management program

GBA—Federal Joint Commission (Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss)

INEK—Institute for Reimbursement in the Hospital (Institute fur das Entgeltsystem im Krankenhaus)

IQWiG—Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen)

KBV—National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung)

NUB—new diagnostic and treatment methods (Neue Untersuchungs-und Behandlungsmethoden)


AWBZ—Exceptional Medical Expenses Act (1967)

BKZ—Health Care Budget

CAK—Central Administration Office

CBS—Statistics Netherlands

CGS—College of Medical Specialists

CIZ—Care Assessment Agency

DBC—Diagnosis Treatment Combination

DFHCS—Diabetes Federation Health Care Standard

GVS—Pharmaceutical Reimbursement System

MSB—specialist-owned partnership

NMG—Netherlands Medical Association

NZA—Dutch Healthcare Authority

SVB—Social Insurance Bank

ZBCs—independent treatment centers

ZIN—National Health Care Institute

ZVW—Health Insurance Act (2006)


AI—Disability Insurance

ANQ—National Association for Quality Improvement in Hospitals and Clinics

AVS—Old Age and Survivors Insurance

FDC—Federal Drug Commission

FDHA—Federal Department of Home Affairs

FOPH—Federal Office of Public Health

GDK/CDS—Conference of the Cantonal Ministers of Public Health

HMG/LPTh—Federal Law on Therapeutic Products (Heilmittelgesetz/Loi sur les produits thérapeutiques) (2000)

KUVG/LAMA—Federal Law on Sickness and Accident Insurance (1911)

KVAG/LSAMal—Federal Law on the Supervision of Mandatory Health Insurance (2014)

KVG/LAMal—Federal Health Insurance Law (1994)

LAA—Federal Law on Accident Insurance (1981)

LAI—Law on Disability Insurance (1959)

TARMED—Tarif Médical


ARTG—Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods

BDF—basic daily fee

CDL—Combination Drug List

CHSP—Commonwealth Home Supports Program

DUSC—Drug Utilization Subcommittee

EMSN—Extended Medicare Safety Net

ESC—Economics Subcommittee

GPG—Greatest Permissible Gap

IHPA—Independent Hospital Pricing Authority

LHC—Lifetime Health Cover

MBS—Medicare Benefits Schedule

MSAC—Medical Services Advisory Committee

NDIA—National Disability Insurance Agency

NDIS—National Disability Insurance Scheme

NEP—National Efficient Price

NWAU—National Weighted Activity Unit

OMSN—Original Medicare Safety Net

PBAC—Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee

PBS—Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

PHIAC—Private Health Insurance Administration Council

PHNs—Primary Health Networks

TGA—Therapeutic Goods Administration

VMO—Visiting Medical Officer


CDE—Center for Drug Evaluation

FPICP—Family Physician Integrated Care Project

LTC 2.0—Long Term Care 2.0

NHIA—National Health Insurance Administration

NHI—National Health Insurance

PBR—Pharmaceutical Benefit Review

TCM—Traditional Chinese Medicine


CMS—Cooperative Medical Scheme

EDL—Essential Drugs List

LIS—Labor Insurance Scheme

MOH—Ministry of Health

MoHRSS—Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

NCMS—New Cooperative Medical Scheme

NHC—National Health Commission

NRDL—National Reimbursement Drug List

SPA—social pooling account

THC—township health center

UEBMI—Urban Employee Basic Medical Insurance

URBMI—Urban Resident Basic Medical Insurance

URRBMI—Urban and Rural Resident Basic Medical Insurance