“Would you rather go golfing or on a wine tour?” Ophelia asked Jackie.
It was early in the morning. The resort hotel should still have been quiet. It was not. Too many of the old men from the company’s on the annual summer retreat were in ridiculous outfits and carrying golf bags.
“I’ve never golfed in my life,” Jackie honestly replied.
“Wine tour it is.”
Ophelia knew what she was doing. She had been going on this annual retreat for too many years. Jackie had only been hired a few months earlier and been assigned Ophelia as her mentor. Ophelia considered it a stroke of good luck. Jackie was practically straight out of college, young, attractive, and maybe a bit naive. Ophelia didn’t feel exactly old next to her, but she saw what she used to be.
“I’m not a big drinker…”
“You can stay here in your hotel room, but I promise you that there is nothing going on here until the evening. Hell, the pool doesn’t get decent light until the afternoon.
Jackie found herself in the back of the courtesy vehicle the resort supplied to them. The driver was an older gentleman who seemed he should have already retired. Maybe this was his new job that got him out of the house and away from his wife.
“I would have driven,” said Jackie.
Ophelia just shook her head as she peered out the window at the passing pine trees. June was barely summer in upstate New York. It was still beautiful up here. They were out of the trees in short order and heading down a long, winding driveway in no time.
“We’ll be blitzed by the time we’re done at the winery. The hotel will pick us up. This is safer.”
Jackie knew she wasn’t going to embarrass herself. Not at a work event. Not at 9am. She wasn’t in college anymore. She was an adult.
By noon Jackie’s head was spinning. Everything that Ophelia said was hilarious. She knew she was drunk but didn’t care. Ophelia was very good at talking her into drinking.
Plus the wine was very good.
Their driver on the way back to the hotel wasn’t the gray-haired retiree. He was a handsome and young, very young, college student working a summer job. Jackie found herself staring at his forearms as he drove the big vehicle.
“I love his forearms,” she whispered in Ophelia’s ear.
She wasn’t as quiet as she thought. She saw the driver’s grin in the rear view mirror.
“Big forearms means a big cock,” Ophelia replied just as loudly.
How they managed to get to their rooms Jackie couldn’t figure out.
“Get your swimsuit and meet me down at the hot tub,” Ophelia instructed her before they opened their doors.
“Not the pool?” Jackie’s head was spinning less. Or at least she felt it was less.
Ophelia made a face. “Still too cold out for a proper swim. Hot tub. They’ll even bring out lunch to us.”
Jackie was worried about the suit she had with her. It was a two-piece, but very modest. It was more an athletic racing suit than a proper bikini. She had spent her college years running track, but poorly. She still tried to run every day and knew she had the body for the suit, but was it appropriate for the occasion?
She added a modest robe over the suit. Just as she was heading out the door, her phone buzzed.
Ophelia: Where are you
Ophelia: Im waiting
Ophelia: At the tub
Jackie hurried down. It wasn’t until she was approaching the spa area that her head started to clear. What was she doing?
She convinced herself she was having fun.
The outdoor spa area of the resort was almost a complex in and of itself. There was a large swimming pool, a sun deck, a small kiddie pool, and behind a screen of plants and a fence was the hot tub. No one was on the sun deck or in the pool. She presumed everyone was out golfing or whatever. It was only noon and the company that employed Jackie and Ophelia had taken over the entire hotel.
She wobbled behind the privacy fence to discover Ophelia was already in the hot tub.
The older woman was lounging with her head back, but the moment Jackie walked around the corner, Ophelia opened her eyes and looked directly at her mentee. Jackie felt like Ophelia was giving her the once over but there was no sign of approval or disapproval from her.
“Hop in. I’ve already ordered lunch. It should arrive shortly.”
The water was bubbling from the water jets. The air was only slightly chill. Jackie kicked off her sandals and dipped a toe in the water. As promised, it was hot. She shucked her hotel-supplied robe and eased herself into the water.
Ophelia watched the entire time.
“It’s hot,” Jackie said unnecessarily.
“It’s supposed to be.”
They sat in silence for a moment. Jackie was nervous for some reason; Ophelia didn’t seem to have a care in the world.
Only after leaning her head back on the padded edge of the tub, did Ophelia speak again. “This is supposed to be a working vacation. I’m supposed to mentor you and make sure you understand how everything is supposed to work at the company.”
“Right. I knew that,” Jackie burbled.
“That’s all bullshit. The executives come out here to golf and fuck escorts.”
Jackie just blinked.
Ophelia raised her head. “Does that shock you?”
“Uh…no. Lots of older white men golf.”
Ophelia gave her a lop-sided smile. “I meant the escorts part.”
“It probably should, but I’m too drunk to care.” She blinked. “What about the…uh…the female execs?”
“They golf and fuck escorts as well.”
Jackie didn’t know what to say to that.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” Ophelia asked, changing the subject. “I know you aren’t married or engaged. Or at least you aren’t wearing a ring and you didn’t put anything about a significant other down on your company profile.”
Jackie briefly wondered how much access to private information Ophelia had, but then answered. “No. No boyfriend at the moment. I was seeing a guy…but we broke up a few months ago. It wasn’t really serious anyway.”
“Good. What about a girlfriend?”
Jackie briefly blushed, but she was already red and sweating from the delayed effects of the wine and the heat from the tub. The bubbles and heat felt good against her skin. “Uh…no. I’ve only ever dated men.”
Ophelia opened her eyes and looked at Jackie with a predatory grin. Before she could say anything else, a hotel employee rounded the fence carrying a tray of food. He placed it on the small table next to the tub.
“Is one of you Ophelia?” he asked.
He was gorgeous. White shorts just tight enough to outline his muscular thighs. Hotel employee shirt just tight enough to show off his chest. His forearms were incredible. Jackie had a thing for men’s forearms; his were tanned and just muscular enough to appeal to her. He had a winning smile and shaggy hair. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses.
“I am,” said Ophelia.
“I need you to sign for this,” he said.
“Of course.”
He could have knelt down and offered her the pen and ticket on the clipboard, but he had played this game before with female hotel guests. He stood and waited. Sometimes he had to wait too long and he was forced to kneel down, but not this time.
Ophelia stood up in the tub and was halfway out onto the deck using the set of built-in steps before Jackie realized her companion was naked.
It was a surprise to the hotel waiter as well. His eyes went big and he mutely held out the clipboard for Ophelia. She took her time. First she dried her hands on a conveniently placed towel, gave him a smile, looked over the ticket, carefully signed it, and then handed it back to him.
“My room number is on the bottom,” she said.
He normally just got to leer at women in their bathing suits; sometimes he was lucky enough to see a woman in a bikini. This was a first for him.
“Th-th-thank you,” he stuttered out and then hurried away.
Ophelia looked down at Jackie who was looking up at her. She had a hip cocked to the side and selected a piece of fruit from the tray. “Think I gave him a little thrill?”
Jackie nodded. “More than a little.”
“He’s going to run to the employee locker room and beat off,” she declared. Ophelia seemed to be in no hurry to return to the tub.
Jackie couldn’t avert her eyes and though she didn’t want to look like she was leering, she inspected every inch of Ophalia’s body.
The older woman had full breasts, no sign of tan lines, and wide hips. She had removed all of her pubic hair, leaving her sex fully exposed. Jackie forced herself not to stare at the little gold ring at the top of Ophelia’s slit. While getting out of the tub Jackie had seen a tattoo on her right buttock, but her skin was otherwise flawless.
“Hungry?” Ophelia asked.
Jackie nodded, not willing to thrush her voice right then. Ophelia was pretty, but her body and her attitude suddenly made her beautiful.
“For lunch or for me?”
Jackie flushed bright red and averted her eyes. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be.” She took the tray of fruit and finger sandwiches off the table and placed them on the deck at the edge of the tub. “I enjoy being looked at.”
“I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to wear a suit.”
Ophelia pointed at one of the nearby chairs. Her suit had been placed on the seat. “You weren’t supposed to know. But I like being naked. And you should take yours off now.”
Once more Jackie blinked at her mentor. “You’re kidding, right?”
Ophelia gave her a dead-eyed stare. “No.” She took the two steps back to the tub and slowly started descending into the water. “Are you afraid or ashamed of being naked?”
The question posed as an accusation prickled at Jackie. “Neither.”
She knew she was being goaded and pressured into removing her suit, but she also reasoned that Ophelia was hot tubbing naked and it must be acceptable. Or maybe it was expected.
Standing up, Jackie hooked her fingers under her top and tugged it upward. Since it was wet, it was a little difficult to get it off. She had only average sized breasts and the suit’s top was designed to stay on with elastic and pressure, but it was still a struggle.
Tossing it aside, she met Ophelia’s gaze. The older woman was carefully evaluating her. Jackie realized she didn’t mind the inspection.
Pulling her bottoms down was easier. They weren’t designed to be sexy. They were more like shorts than a bikini bottom and came off without a struggle. She turned them inside out as she removed them, dropping them on the tub’s concrete deck before she sat back down into the water, but she did it slowly enough to show she wasn’t ashamed of her body.
“You are a lovely body,” Ophelia complimented her.
“Thank you.” She lifted her chin and tried to adopt a snide attitude.
“You should remove your pubic hair,” Ophelia continued. “You’re a little out of control down there.” She described an authoritative arc in the air with her finger.
Jackie was done blushing. “I trim, but I haven’t had a boyfriend in a while. No one to keep things neat and tidy for.”
“About that…”
“Are you looking for a boyfriend?”
Jackie didn’t answer right away. The tub’s warm water bubbling over her skin was much nicer now that she was naked. She trailed her finger against one of the jets and wondered what it would feel like having that strong a water current against her pussy, her clit.
“Maybe not right now.”
“A girlfriend?”
Jackie giggled. “No. I don’t think so.”
“Are you looking just for sex then?”
The question wasn’t what Jackie was expecting. The conversation had so quickly turned from work and wine when they were on the tour, but now it was all sex.
“Uh…I’m not sure.”
“You’re young, pretty, and sexy,” Ophelia declared. “Please don’t tell me you’re asexual or have so much anxiety that you can’t enjoy sex.”
“I enjoy it,” she angrily replied. “I’m just taking a break and focusing on my career for the moment.”
“You just graduated college,” Ophelia pointed out. “You don’t have a career yet. And it’s naive of you to assume that sex and your career are exclusive of each other.”
“I have no intention of sleeping my way to the top.”
Ophelia suddenly moved across the tub. The two women were right next to each other. “Good. Because women who try that are labeled whores or escorts.”
“But not the men?”
“They get the label as well. You have to know who to fuck and when and how.”
“Are you going to tell me who and when and how?” Jackie asked. She was nervous, but she didn’t know why.
“I can…if you want.” She tilted her head to the side. “Do you want me to?”
“You’re my mentor…”
“That I am.”
“If I was going to fuck someone to get a quick promotion, who should it be?” Jackie asked.
“One of the VPs,” Ophelia answered. “Doesn’t matter which one. But you’ll be labeled a whore and that will be your last promotion.”
“So what do I do?”
“You choose your partners carefully. I can show you which one.”
“Who should be the first?” Jackie couldn’t believe what she was saying.
That wasn’t the answer Jackie had expected. “You?” she spluttered.
“Yes. I’m not going to set you on the smart path unless I know you’re any good when it comes to sex.” Ophelia paused and tilted her head the other way. “Are you any good when it comes to fucking?”
“Yes.” What other answer could she have said?
“How do I know?”
“There’s no way, I suppose.”
Ophelia shook her head. “No. There’s one way.”
She moved again. Suddenly Jackie realized Ophelia was half squatting over her, knees on either side of her legs on the bench. The warm water was making her dizzy when it was combined with the wine she had drunk that morning. Ophelia’s face was inches from hers. “Did you want to fuck that waiter?” she asked. “I wanted to fuck him.”
“Would you want to fuck him with me?”
Jackie’s heart was racing in her chest. It was pounding so fast and hard it was painful.
“Would you want to fuck me without him?”
Ophelia leaned in and kissed her.
Her lips were soft and insistent. Without thinking about it, Jackie parted her lips to allow Ophelia’s tongue to explore her mouth. Then Ophelia’s hands were on her breasts, lightly pinching and holding her nipples. She wasn’t exactly sitting on Jackie’s lap—the water was giving her too much buoyancy for that—but their bodies were touching.
This was no casual or friendly kiss. Jackie didn’t know what to do with her hands and kept them at her sides even though she wanted to embrace Ophelia and feel her skin under her fingers.
Ophelia broke the kiss. “I want to take you to my room and fuck you.”
Jackie nodded eagerly.